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marky g

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Everything posted by marky g
  1. Lovely job there booma, looks like a KL250 motor??.....whats the frame..come on tell us more. I'd love to do something like this with a yam engine
  2. I suppose if you can afford it why not, isn't this the why that twinshock bikes are going these days?...there are plenty of TLR 250'S 3k now that are just run of the mill bikes nothing special. In my eyes, yes I think the price was ott but thats probably because I find it hard to get
  3. Hi Guys, just in the process of restoring my 86 ty mono, It's been fitted with a rear Talon hub with a tubeless akront rear rim which I'm keeping, the std Yam DID front rim has rotted from the inside out and I would like to get a new rim to match the rear Akront. I notice that Central wheel co in brum do Morad rims but are they the same style as the old Akront rims? if not where can I buy a 32 hole front rim to suit?. Thanks in advance.
  4. Have a look TY 250 years The bike in the auction a very tidy so will probably fetch good price for 250, if your is not as clean I would say you would easily get
  5. Pre 95? i never knew that......is that rule to stop the scorpa 125/175?. How many aircooled monos were still being made after 95? I can't think of any.
  6. To be fair, there is nothing to stop you converting a mono into a twinshock and riding it in club trials, you would just have to enter it in the clubman class where any bike type go's. Not too sure what advantage my old 86 mono converted into a twinshock would have over say a good Fantic 240, the Yam still has drum brakes etc but.....who wants the hassle of some a*** having a go at you at a trial for doing it ??. I love to tinker and I'd take alot of pleasure in doing the project just for the hell of it................ what gets me is, where will the twinshock scene be in a few years?, many many bikes are getting out of reach of you average working bloke...you could argue that it's getting as bad as the 'pre65' scene.
  7. marky g

    Serow Trials

    What about one of the bliss bikes Jon?, I don't know a great deal about them other than they have a chinese Honda copy engine, look rather nice though. Not sure how much they cost but judging by the prices the old T/S are fetching there probably a bargain, did I see in another thread 4 k for a Bultaco!!!! I'd love to get into the T/S scene but the cost is puttimg me right off the idea......may as well just stick with what I know in the TY mono, hey up, what about turning a my mono into a T/S!......now there's an idea
  8. marky g

    Serow Trials

    Had a mk1 lemans in 84, great looking and sounding bike, I was after a Darmah at the time but got put off with all the horror stories about the engine's self destructing, I've got a VRF now and although it's great I'd love another old twin.
  9. marky g

    Serow Trials

    Do keep us posted on how it turns out mate, fair play to you for having a go. Just a thought, how will the twinshock brigade take to it I wonder?.....you'll probably get tarred and feathered if you dare enter it as a twinshock
  10. marky g

    Serow Trials

    Just been trawling through the yam threads and came across this, what ever happened to it Jon?
  11. I bought a new genuine one off Yamaha, not so many years ago (2004), it was not cheap though.....
  12. Its an Armstrong, it was on Colin Leese's stand
  13. Jesus, looks like I spoke too soon on the 200 Honda being the cheaper option! Ebay TLR 200 Another TLR
  14. Hi Jon, trying to find a decent 240 Fantic is getting hard, I've been checking out ebay for months now and they rarly come up. the 200 Fantic's seem to be out there though, are they as good as the 240?
  15. I want to ride some of the twinshock rounds next year, I only ride the clubman route these days but I like it when it's on the tougher side like some of the twinshock rounds can be. I know the 250 is probably the bike I should get but there isn't many for sale and the prices are creeping up and up, the 200 does seem to be the cheaper option.......... is there a simple big bore kit out there / carb kit etc etc. Surely someone has had a play with the engine? The 200 I had was a Jap import fitted with lights, steel tank etc, it did have alloy wheels so it wasn't a reflex.
  16. Hi Guys, I'll soon be in the market for a T/S bike, I'm not sure to go two stroke or four stroke, the obvious one is price, the old TLR's seem to hold good money where as I can get a good two stroke bike for a third of the price but, I must admit I do like the look of the Honda's . I've had a couple of TLR 250's at least 20 years ago and more recently a TLR 200, the smaller bike seemed very underpowered compared to the 250's...to the point where I pretty much sold it on as soon as I'd bought it......I guess I didn't really give it a fair outing but I couldn't get over how flat the bike felt. From what I can remember the 250 was quite sharp but it was early days for me, they certianly wern't novice bikes to ride, there seem to be alot more 200's around than the 250's these days and I was wondering what if anything can be done to make the 200 as 'good' as the 250 in the power stakes or is it better to save the extra dosh and get a 250? Cheers Mark
  17. Recently bought myself another mono, an 86 59N model, like others I've had a ruck of these bikes, there great.....prices are on the up though, I paid
  18. Cheers for the detailed reply Woody / Jon, sounds like there's a bit of work to do to make them tick then, still should be a good project. My mates got a well sorted Bulto 250 with a 175 frame, sounds good and he's rides it well but the bikes does nothing for me, Fantic 240's are nice (I've had one years ago) but they seem to hold good money, TLR 250's are lovely but I just can't afford one, so a Yam it's got to be Just a side note Woody, I'm taking my mono out to 270 (actually 261 I think) apparantly they use a piston out of the 250 T/S!!! don't ask me what all thats about but it's the only route I can go down now as my mono is already 1mm oversize.
  19. Right, after musing over converting my 250 mono into a twinshock I've decided not to bother, I want to ride some of the larger twinshock rounds with my mates next year and the converted mono wouldn't do. My Gas Gas is up for sale and I've decided to look for a TY250 T/S, I've heard lots of negative things about the yam but it's about the only T/S I would like to own within my budget......what are the bikes bad points? what year is best?. Another + point is the prices of the bike seem quite good, a good base example can be had for as little as
  20. To be honest Bo, I've never ridden a 250 Yam t/s, but lots of guys have told me there not up to much............. I have had a TY175 which i thought was under powered.........I will say that the 250 Yams are still quite cheap
  21. I can see it would give me loads of grief where ever I rode it...shame. I like my TY monos, I kinda grew up with them and have had a ruck of them over the years......the only genuine twin shock bikes i like are a TLR 250 and maybe a T/S 250 yam......the TLR's are fetching stupid money which I can't afford and lots of folks have told me the Yam 250 T/S is crap......i don't really like Fantics/Bulto's etc etc. I'll keep me eye out for you bo, I might end up marking a board if the lads are stuck for observers, if not it will be the lasr ride out on my modern bike before I sell it for...whos knows what
  22. I might see him if he's riding the South Shrops event this sunday, I'll ask him On about pre65's check out the price on this little number on flea bay: ebay link
  23. ummm.........the last thing I want is hassle, I wonder how so many of the pre65 brigade get away with it then?...I digress. I think I'll just build it and go ahead and ride in in club events, like I said before, I only ride for the pleasure these days cheers guys
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