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marky g

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Everything posted by marky g
  1. I even thought about sqeezing a couple of tennis balls!! while watching Pam Anderson in VIP laters
  2. marky g

    200 V 250

    Just had my first proper trial today on my 01 250 since replacing the main bearings. The previous owner had the timing retarded and had THREE! base gaskets fitted!!. I've now put it back to 'normal' and the bike is a dream to ride, nice and crispy engine note with loads of grip in the snowy/ icy condtions at our local trail today. The thing that amazed me was you didn't need much throttle to get the thing to go.....I've not tried the 290 or the 200, but I can't see why anyone would want any more (or less) than the 250. cheers Mark
  3. Gloves.....Yes my gloves were 'nice & tight' so on the second lap I dropped them off a the car but still had major pump!. I'll have a look at my lever postion and I'll buy one of those forearm trainer thingys.....I'll keep you posted P.S I'm sure somebody once told that Steve Saunders suffered from this problem too!
  4. Normal MTB, use it for going to work on when it's not p****** down :snowman:
  5. Anybody got tips on the dreaded 'forearm pump'?? (lactic acid, so somebody told me) I've just got back into trails from a long lay off, I'm finding the riding ok except that my forearms pump up really bad after about a lap, sometimes it'll go away after a short rest but today i had it for the whole five laps!. I suppose i should ride/practise more often but the family thing puts the stoppers on that one Any tips to stop this?? MG
  6. Can be a tricky job You'll need a good vice to press the new bearings back in, I would have a guess that there is play in your suspension linkage bearings. The last ones I did were on an old Beta TR34, the bearings cost me best part of
  7. TY Yam has to be the best to work on , getting my Sherco's Radiator back in was a tight fit but apart from that the sherco was pretty cool to work on.
  8. Dude, easy.....go by a SHERCO :santa1:
  9. Just watched it That Raga Kicked some a*** good & Proper...what's happend to Colley though?
  10. I'll have to find out as much as I can about the trail, anybody got any good websites beside the SSDT.org one?. Went onto the SSDT 2003 link/hints and tips.....interesting reading...beer drinking! whats that all about then eh Whats the word on getting in? I see there was 407 entries this year! How many of these will be turned away do you reckon?. Cheers guys
  11. The trail I meant :madsanta: Would it be too much for a 39 year old clubman/inter rider?? I would love to have a go in the 2005 event, I love riding streams and rocks but I'm I over the hill. Cheers
  12. marky g

    99 Sherco Forks

    Agree with you on the manual for Sherco's Big John. I've downloaded the whole the lot (over 2meg!) cut it to disc and took it to work to print out (save on my ink ) and I've now got it in a big old Folder in my shed :santa1: Thanks Wayne & Sherco, have a good xmas guys
  13. I know that Honda road bike's in the 70's & 80's used to have a bad name for premture cam wear, the Cams used to run straight onto the alloy of the cly head, if you didn't change your oil every 1000 mile your cams would eat themselves into the head I cannot remember if my old TLR used to run the cams in bushes or bearings or neither!...dude, oil is cheap engines are not!
  14. Hi Mick, I've had 2 TLR 250's over the years and run them both on good old Castrol GTX with an oil change every 20hrs or so. I would imagine that a modern fully Synthetic oil woul be the one to go for now, I cannot see why it makes your clutch slip though!....try a different make of oil. Mark
  15. Here's mine, good un and bad un (sorry for the crap pic) One less thing to worry about now I've got the plastic one
  16. Hi Ishy Mine must have slipped thru The cylinder bore looks fine with no 'blueing' or score marks so I guess I'm lucky, the new one wasn't very expensive so no big deal. I'm guessing that the old 'broken' one would still pick up on the shaft now and again, and spin the water thru a little bit. Big rush to get the mains bearings in and the motor back in the frame for all those trails over the xmas break :santa1: mark
  17. Just stripping down my 01 250 and noticed the water pump impeller had come away from it's shaft. I've got a new one today and Sherco have changed it, the old one was an all cast alloy affair but the new one has a brass center and a plastic body. The old alloy one had seperated it's self from it's thread and would have not been circulating the water around the engine, I've only just bought it so I cannot say if it ever was getting hot....might be something to look at if your Sherco is overheating for no apparant reason. I would guess that the later bikes would have been changed by the factory...but you never know later
  18. Like a million I've got three in my shed from over the years, and I've had to buy another **** to fit my 01 Sherco There like Clutch locking tools....you'll use them once in a blue moon but you cannot get by without them! Probably pick one up for a tenner
  19. Who in the UK stocks engine parts for Sherco's?? Anybody got any tips
  20. Just wondering how much a back wheel would cost for a 2001 Sherco? I got a dam punture in mine on Sunday and I had to retire. Everybody who is anybody seems to have spare back wheels all tyred up and ready to go in the back of the van. All well and good but surely it must cost an arm & a leg Do Gas Gas rear wheels fit or any other makes? laters dudes :santawink:
  21. May I just say a big thank you to Sherco for providing online manuals and maintainance tips etc on there website. I've got to strip my 01 250 down and this will help me out no end I doubt very much if any of the other trails companys offer the same thing online.....Sherco you've done yourself proud Mark PS. Its stuff like this that makes people stick with the same manufacture...great stuff
  22. Dude, agree about the TRF......at least the branch local to me (Shropshire) me and my mate went to the local meeting place (pub) to see what they were all about. No bikes outside or nothing, we got a very cold reception from them once inside (they had all drove there in there company cars). They just didn't want to know...snobbish bunch of Tossers, no wonder people ride illegal places. Hopefully these "fellow riders" were just the minority
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