I have a SY250 2005 and every couple of months it will just go dead and will not start again until I change the spark plug.
I am using an 80 to 1 mix two stroke mix, I have started to use the NGK Iridium plugs and they last a little longer but not much. Yesterday morning I started first Kick as usual was riding about an hour and a half practicing hill climbs so I was doing a lot with clutch and throttle but nothing more then should be expected from the bike, anyway half way up a particularly tough hill the bike stopped, so I had to turn it and free wheel back down.
Just to answer the obvious before we start.
Yes there was plenty of petrol in it.
No it did not overheat or flood infact I tried it a few hours later and still nothing.
I know the bike will start first kick after changing the plug.
I have tried a few different two stroke oils with no difference
I am currently changing plugs every 12 or 16 hours of of riding. This is the only problem with the bike, does anyone have any similar problem or a solution for it?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated