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lee harris

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Everything posted by lee harris
  1. one for sale here right now i think....
  2. 2 options gents. Worth a try is to buy a 250ml syringe from a doctors and fill it with brake fluid of your choice. Attach using a suitable tube to the bleed nipple and open the master clyinder with the brake pedal open, i e. In its resting position. You can bleed brakes and clutches this way in seconds. 2nd option is to look at the reservoir for the MC. I drilled and fitted an old schrader valve from a innertube. I then fill the MC., pump up to say 2 bar and then try std bleeding. Works only for max three stokes. The de-pressurise, refill and start again I guess the the MC seals are AWOL if these two methods dont work
  3. your inbox is full. I wanted to pm you... Lee
  4. Hi Pete, long time no speak.... the 40mm marzocchis do a better job and are about 10mm shorter which steepens the head andgle a bit if the frame is left std. Also they flex less. Finding a top yoke will be impossible to difficult but I have had some CNC d out of billet. Cost about 200 euros each though.... lee
  5. lee harris

    68mm Bore?

    you and me know the 240 as a 212 motor In france and some parts of germany it had 209 cc maybe thats the 68mm???
  6. dont use grease on any rubber parts...just brake fluid
  7. jan rode his first SSDT and his claim to fame was gettin less points than cabastany on thursday enjoy L
  8. Maybe one for Sanifords, or even a general one.... I bought a 315 Montesa2003 at easter and brought it back here to ride. I quickly glanced at the logbook and thought no more about it as the last 6 digits on frame and logbook matched. (I also got all the old mots etc) When trying to register it here I find the frame and logbook VIN numbers are slightly different. The frame says VTDMT03AO3E and then the last six numbers, which match anyway. the logbook says WTOMTO3AO36 and then the numbers which match the problem is they wont issue me a new logbook here and let me reigister it because of the differences Question to 2003 owners: How does the VIN on your bike and logbook start and match? Question to anyone? anybody seen this before and have some solutions? If Sanifords are reading this, can you help? cheers lee
  9. i have parts washer (tank) filled with diesel. soak and wipe and oil. i actually take the chain and clean finally in old gearbox oil. then refit and rag dry. then chain spray.
  10. ...and where exactly in yorkshire did you film that....?
  11. lets hope he never had to mix pre-mix for it....
  12. no comment.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MOTORBIKE-MONTESA-31...=item23070a4533
  13. Call Bill Pye in great ayton Used to be called the sunn inn 3 day but has changed venues.. the sunn inn was realy good lee
  14. ther was a joke once about a blond lady and a ferrari... sh!t in the carburettor the mechanic said.... and the blond broke her heels everytime she climbed on the bonnet to do it...... First, throw your hammer away and then just think about each thing you are doing. Parachutes work best when they are open...so do peolpes minds....
  15. I did 12,39 secs at the pod on my LC without YPVS. It was a run what you brung and I thought I woz great. Fantics are much more my thing now...too old and fat...and i still hurt from two days trialing at the weekend.
  16. We did the Rd350LC together way back in 84...remeber stan stevens and proddie racing...vbruvver had a large income then too... hes now a jixxer junker...just threw his 1000R 2009er up the road at porto mayo in portugal during a track week.... wants a 4 stroke top calm down so he says
  17. I dont..my bruvver in brisol wants it.... he dont do fannys as it were...
  18. lee harris

    Fantic 247

    manuals never existed I think but google the website of bob wright and look through it. He has uploaded some useful pdfs...nowt about the forks though... Lee
  19. so I take it you have them Dixie? Any chance of a scan copy? I forgetted my SAE
  20. I just spoke to him and he seemed genuine. We have agreed a price and he is mailing piccies and engine numbers..... hope this isnt going to hurt bike in the back is his GG
  21. I though you had left the planet....HOPE ALL IS ok good old gerd will be back with his towel fpr sure next year. Good old ortwin is thwe one in the first class awards but still not a danger for ian Baker. I MIGHT TRY AND BRING GOOD OLD ANDY KINDSVOGEL NEXT YEAR TO GIVE IAN SOME FUN:::HE WON BELGIEN TOP ROUTE THIS YEAR SO MIGHT BE UP TO IT:
  22. lee harris

    200/240 Carb

    pwk28...came off a raga
  23. Hohohsteve have you got the results yet. Can you Scan and Mail to me?
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