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lee harris

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Everything posted by lee harris
  1. lee harris

    200/240 Carb

    Hiya Dixie, the std dellorto on a 156 (fantic and minarelli) was 25mm as per 240 I think 28mm is way too big. The 249s had 26mm std. I have heard that a 24mm oko works well on a 156...classic trial...but have not tried it. I also heard that a 26mm oko works well on the 240 but havent tried that either. 26mm mikunis are also sopposed to work well. i only have a std 200 and then 249 engines....a keihin works best on that L I h
  2. Dixie, did you wear the long coat on monday? I may have a picture
  3. Bilco, fanny 200, number 98, doesnt look happy.... neither did Fritz on the MZ laying down. http://s521.photobucket.com/albums/w332/Fa...0Exmoor%202010/
  4. A mate of mine from germany has been accepted with his sister to ride. She has a FIM licence cos she rides EM rounds. Her brother has DMSB B Licence (Deutsche Motor Sport Bund B- Licence). He can ride "Europen Open and National, all disciplins" rounds here in europe on that. Is his Licence OK ?From theb SSDT.org site it says.... "!The only licences valid for the SSDT are an ACU Registration Card, an SACU/MCUI Licence or a full FIM International Licence" What is an SACU/MCUI Licence??? Help needed quickly please
  5. Is that from a bulto with an iron bore? That seems VERY small. I go for 0,035mm when rebuilding a fantic but that uses Nikasil. I though Iron needed more, say 0,055mm?
  6. You can check big and little end without splitting the cases. Little end is easy, just replace it for a 10er if worried. Big end is more difficilt. Take the barrel and piston off. Hold the steel flwheel on the crankshaft and lay the rod on the cases to the front with one hand on the flywheel and the other holding the rod. If you can feel ANY vertical movement, then it will knock. A person can actually feel 0,005mm. It may not yet justify replacing though...
  7. ....I can see both sides...but if you have never ridden at exmoor...well...its sort of a family affair.... I have ridden 5 years now, and each time I could kill myself for driving 1000kms when Begien (Aiwaylle) is on at the same time. And then, well , after the trial...nothing else matters (A song wasnt it????) It is that much fun. The trial is so enjoyable, well, the results seem to be secondary for everyone. The sun inn three day was also great but somehow not quite the same...maybe the three different venues... Ian Baker knows he won and makes no waves... The organisers do a really good job over 3 days and I havnt heard anybody complain yet......... Maybe if you are that excited about the results then the trial may not be for you? Dont intend to offend, you know me, its just my mindset. The way it is. The way of things to come? Am I off my rocker...yes probably!
  8. Yeah I have not seen any...but results are not THAT important for me. Arriving was, where I finished...who cares
  9. this realy was and is a great trial. Spud, you missed out this year! cheers Lee
  10. Steve, its on here, exmoor classic trial videos and piccies Lee
  11. lee harris


    Hi Doug, thanks for that. I am in the process of doing the same. I thought the spokes would be shorter, but thats even nbetter. I am not sure what you mean about "moving" the long spokes. You said" had to shift the long spokes over one hole in the hub due to the rim being drilled opposite as far as the valve stem hole position." Can you explain that a bit, maybe with a picture? Thanks lee
  12. If you burn out this way, you will destroy all the steel wool packing in the silencing part for the chamber. Thats ok but then needs cutting open and repacking. Look at the exmoor video clip at my 200..its loud lee
  13. If you have a 520 (upgrtad) chain, then 9 is the smallest frt available. The tooth size really is irrelivant as the diam,eters count. A 9th 520 on the frt has the disadvantage that the chain cuts through the swing arm.- I wiould use 10T frt 53 back with a 428 pitch chain. You can go bigger on the rear for lower gearing also but I use 2nd alot on such a setup. HTH
  14. Hi Micha, there were only a few yamis. one at the start of the video... See you in Gefrees? Wanna drive together?
  15. http://s521.photobucket.com/albums/w332/Fa.../Exmoor%202010/
  16. Hi TSNUT, yep, got those piccies from Kayleigh. I will send em to our trialsport magazine. Did you shoot them? i hope you dont have problems with me using them. There are more piccies and a video have a look, sep post.
  17. Yep my thanks also from the Seven Germans
  18. BUY it. dont even think about it. Yeah it may need stripping but its straight. SAVE that fanny
  19. We are of course talking about HONDA montesa. The emphasis is the Japanese side of things.......Think of the way that Toyota handled their issues in the states recentl.y...not very well. The arogant position of being number one will cause them to suffer for a long time. Honda also??? Yes the importer position was taken away from them...possibly because they werent sellin enough????? Maybe the receivership is the only natural way to go after such a step? Honda always did want to import bikeso only via THEIR IMPORTER ie Honda UK and not anyone else. They stuck with Sanifords for so long because roadbikes aint trials bikes. Different field all topgether. It was/is the same on mainland europe but was forced through early becvause the sales here is low anyway. The UK market is no2 in the world behind spain. Not easy to roll over. Sandifords were maybe offered the position of dealer or sales outlet and may have turned that down (purely my own assumption) but at the end of the day it is not the importer who caused the issue as the PRICING is set by the Manufacturer. Long before the global finance crisis, HONDA increased the price because the EUROs they were making as PROFIT didnt turn into enough YEN. No relationship to the costs incurred in making the bike in spain. (Also EUROs) That was IMO the step on the slippery slope. The crisis came and they increased prices AGAIN!!!! The long and the short of it is that they have priced themselves out of the market. GG and Sherco came up with low cost bikes to react to the crisis, Xispa was already there although not a major issue. Honda thought that the quality thing would pull them through but it dosnt stick. IMO the Montesas, lets say from 315 inwards were always very high quality if not a little overweight. Always a good bike for SSDT or joe public because things like stators or gearboxes didnt give up whilst looking at em. But with spendable income down by 30% this year (dont I know it) people are having to spend less. Keep what they have or buy summit cheaper. The 4RT may re emerge IF and when the 2 strokes are killed off but maybe the comission boss who decides these things no long works on the side for Honda.......? Honda have to realise that the best engineering in the world wont win prices if pepole cant afford it (RR, Bentley, Honda CBX 6 cylinder???)
  20. Well a mate of mine over here needs one. Who is the man for aprillia spares? Help Please lee
  21. what name on the caliper? take off and measure piston maybe a caliper from another bike will fit #pm me the bolt distances Lee
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