Looks very clean in the pics.
Std carby is 25mm NOT 26mm
Cracks are very common at the headstock
Cut the footrest stubs off. Buy some new u brackets and say ghost or s3 footrests. Weld a 20mm wide strip of 3mm steel all along the botton of the footrest hangers. Do the say at the rear to form a plate at the back and bottom. Take the same metal profile and weld a U from the top of the hanger, bent round and underneach to form an open box running to the bottom. Then cut the bottom plate you have added to form a triangle.
It may look like, or better than this
or this
Dont use those pegs available from evil bay cos they are utter rubbish...didnt come from Bobs though (privat joke)
That should be enough for most people although I have a frame modded by classic trial in southampton. In addition to the footrests, the headstock was cut and welded incleasing the angles. The move of weight forward really did help the steering ALOT. And the cracked sideplates were welded at the same time.
Give Chris a call, he can shotblast and stove also for maybe less than you think...
If not try fitting 36cm shocks instead of the std 35,5cm.
An OKO is a big improvment over stock if you get a good one. The jeting is tricky but chris can help. I have 3 OKos. One is excellent, one is ok and the 3rd is naff. maybe quality variences or just setup?
I dont knowe but I now have a keihin 28mm of a Raga and that is brill. Or try a Mikuni for softer power but there i have experience