compresser and ratchet gun
flywheel holding tool and socket
still not hard
you dont need screwdrivers, wooden wedges or hammers. if you think you do, yer doin wrong!
also lee
Hi Carl, the reading of the trigger (green/black) is good. The LT coil (red/black) seams a little high. It may work though. Check all the cables and insulation. The green does operish and seems to fall of morwe than the other colours.
If you have no spark, then I suggest you first try a new ht coil as they are quite cheap and are available also in the US. The round Dansi coils are no longer available. You will need a Ducati.
This is what you need.
Dont buy this as the seller has the price and the date mixed up. They are available new from steve goode in the uk for about 25 pounds. Say hello to him for me
It will need wiring up like this
If after changing the coil it still doesnt spark, then it may need a new LT coil. It can be rewound by these people
get a wes from steve goode?
Yeah like those...where do they come from and how much....
here si my favorit...cos I had to make it myself. Its a Fantic 300 RHS main bearing remover. Design is my own and it works brillantly. Shame I only had to use it 2 times as the later bearings were not two pieces
post the dimensions up here I haver loads and don t know which bike they are from
fantics are 32005,
maybe the same?
yeah but guys this is an experienced seller, get the feedback
he is selling using the "you gotta have this" process. Most people in western europe have everything they need, house kids, more than one mobike...now this guy is tellin them 8inderectly of couse, he was at the ebay university) you gotta have this, its so rare, so valuable, I dont wont the sunlight damaging it....
but not at that price
what about this
I know, I know, the regs arent out til after xmas....
3 guys from germany (myself included) and a dutch guy rode in 2009...great as always.
There are now 7 of us up for 2010
we have book a rather nice (and expensive ) farmhouse for that easter week so will be brings wifeys and kids etc
nice pad...sauna, indoor pool, etc etc.
Spud rode with us in 2009 but hes disappeared of the face of the earth soooooo
I have a double room and a single left if anybody wants to share the cost....
pm me for info and they links
running more oil lowers the octane. i would use optimax and 70 to 1
Thanks for the feedback. If yer see him tell him to mail me please!
I have been trying to contact Cliff B via this Forum and E-mail. I want to organise some accomodation for the 2010 exmoor three day trial.
No reply. Not even on facebook. Anybody know where he is...doing time maybe???
and aries is a VERY nice 125....
dont know about the oil but a seller caller ugo has repair kits availabe now on ebay italy.
make sure its the right set, he has others
good luck
Glenn was close but not perfect. Chains on the left mean 125 or 156 for the twinshocks. (Monos are different) The left hand chain motors came from minarelli. From 1982 the 240 and 300 came with the chain on the right. They also came in 125 and 156....great little bikes. Later motors are also 125,156, 212 (as the 240) and 249 as the 300. later engines can be shoehorned in a TS franme quite easily
I am not sure what to recommend. I have had loads...ty 175, ty250, rl250, beamish 325, swm 320 and all the fantic ever made. The parts are available for most of these bikes if you know where to look as also for montesas and bultos. i jsu prefer the fantics as they are "zippier". My ty and suzukis didnt lake absolute power but the ty was nearly boring and the rls were ****e at going around corners....
A 240 is great but the 200 minarelli can win at international level with the right ride. A 200 fwd kick is luvverly maybe to start on. The 300 is a bit of a handful and feels heavy although onlky 1 or 2 kgs more than a 240
look here
have a look around also under history modeles trial
Hi Matt, you should find a C also on the piston top. If the piston says asso, then the holes are correct as this was std. There were some lower cost pistons made, not from asso but the holes were more or less the same. The piston rings were all one size but different for asso and other pistons. if they are pattern rings, check the end freeplay when assembled
If you replace the piston, a D might fit. Measure the bore about 5mm below the top ring mark twice, 90 degrees from each other. The old piston will be oval but the new one is not. You need a clearance of about 0,05mm. If it is less than 0,035mm, do not go for the D, stay with a C. If it is more than 0,07mm, an E may fit. The bike WILL rattel very soon after assembly. Even with a new bore and piston, these bikes did rattle. The pistons with the holes are better for this than those with two windows.
The base gasket is about 1mm thick. The timing is not adjustable, just line them up - stator to casing. Jetting sounds about right
A flat slide carby will work wonders on the bike, are both flywheel weights still there. If none are ther try finding some or making some. Very useful in mud!
if the tailpipe is b
there arnt any...maybe from a rev3 but you stlll need a hacksaw and cant run a spring
the 320 and 321 motor have a flywheel as big as a small semi detatched house,
yer gotta get that movin first ,-)