line the mark up on the stator with the case. Moving it 1-2mm either way will make no difference at all!
Hi Cliff, register on photobucket or similat and load the piccies there. Then copy the bottom hot link and there you go
Hi Cliff, register on photobucket or similat and load the piccies there. Then copy the bottom hot link and there you go
Ease the removal....heat the hub with a hairdryer or heat gun for 5 mins first...they fall out
I would love to see him just finish.......
I saw david live in action at last years sun inn trial. I got 160 odd, he won together with phil wiffen with nowt
Gud luck David!
I think 420 is std but you can get 428 kits in the uk. PM if you need ab address
oh sorry bearings are either 6302, or 6203 cant remember which. I think the latter
All early fantics up til 240 and even some 300s had 2 seals each side. The 300/301 forks had one and a dust seal although two can be fitted here also. If you can make teflon bushes turn them for 0,08-0,1 mm clearance and bin the second seal. If not, dont worry. The forks will suffer from a little stiction but are still better than most bultos, ossas and tys. Only the tlr forks are better me thinks....
Hi dixie, I have no frames for sale and none with a V5. I have one with a german logbook but I will build that up for somebody. The rest I intend to keep.
All fantic exhausts were stuffed with steel wool. If you burn it out as above, the steel wool will burn completely. Then again there is no other way to get it clean. Or you cut it open, burn out as above and repack.
Look at the 200 on the exmoor videos. it sounds like a mad bee. We cut and cleaned but did not repack. It needed to go up on the jetting over std though.....
Its being stoved noe: Cant wait for the long stroke motor, same cc as the costa
It is not raised at all, std 240 height. The ali sumpguard gives about 2cm more ground clearance at the front, at the rear, its the same as before.
Thanks legs, i have the number
I think he lives somewhere in Wiltshire. Anybody Help? PM me please
try atf and change often. it may slip when cold, If it slips when hot, the plates are worn ou
i dont know about them either but if its like the scott, its time and observation which are added. go to youtube and look for two stroke cowboby for some vintage scott...will give you an idea if thats what is in the tmx!
lots more to come
i think ian baker won on a tlr200 with 2 points or similar. Gerd the german got close to 100 in the same route...i am knocking on 120 on the ladies route.....
doesnt look bad on the pictures i think....
i only have 50, cab and 300
bas has one
dont know about costs
use contact