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lee harris

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Everything posted by lee harris
  1. been done look at videos http://www.forster-elektro-trial.de/
  2. If you are interested look here http://www.myvideo.de/ in the search box enter exmoor classic trial if you click on fantic340, you can link also to e dartmoor two day which is similar but septemebr
  3. All full up for this year. It is a great event, "star" and "gentlemans" route. Both not tooooo difficult. What makes the pain is the 3 days...... I dont think I could even think of six (SSDT) Apart from the fact that I cant ride for toffees! It is well organised and the venues are great, all having their own special feel. Day 2 at Barbrook ist reet grand. Last time I played in rivers like that all day my dad whopped my ass! I will be there with 2 other "Krauts" and the Flying Duthman. (He forgets the c so I will too) We will be there with 6 Fantics between the four or us although bike changing is not allowed. I would sooner ride to the end on my spare fanny and be out of the results than look for days after a broken kickstart shaft or other catastrophies which can affect my Fanny. Spud will also ride on his super tricked, steep steering, low standing, new painted 240 and I hope he give my mate Gerd a run for his money in the star route. I believe Phil Wiffen will also ride, but he doesnt really count as he never puts his feet on the floor ;-) See ya Phil! I will shoot some opiccies and video clips , hopefully on all days and will post em See yall there cant wait Wurstmann
  4. .......I think Bas knows his stuff............
  5. lee harris

    Crank Seals

    If you have it apart , it is a false ecconomy not to replace the bearings as well. I would do them even if nearlnew lee
  6. The spacer between the bearings is smaller than the hub diameter and will move to one side. It will be tight because it is held between the two bearing inner races. First this need easing to one side to give you a lip on the bearing inner race. Once you do get it out, grind a v on the spacer ID to help in the future
  7. BIG hammer, long old (knackered) screwdriver and a heat gun. Hit it like crazy fron the other side and it may break up without heat. Warm the hub for a good 15 mins and it will fall out lee
  8. A 10 year o here just got his hands on a gasgas50. I was VERY iompressed with the bike. It pulled my lardy body over everthing I tried it on. Also worth considering, the motor is very very good lee
  9. My goodness, with all that damage I get the feeling you were riding a world round! good news though have fun Lee
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PUCH-MAGNUM-PLUS-MAL...%3A1|240%3A1318 small levers? http://www.stevegoodemotorcycles.co.uk/twshspares.html steve has 125 pullers. mail him with your size estimate and ask him lee
  11. hmm? the 240 hat 47mm OD on the race and 20mm I think on the shaft. (not sure on that though) The bearing number of the 240 is 32005. probably is the same on the 330. Dont know the flywheel size for puller but probably the same as the 125, i will look for one
  12. google classictrial.co.uk Chris can weld repare it lee
  13. here, but send me a pm with your address again cos it wont be back for exmoor lee http://www.uk-motoplat.com/home.html
  14. pro also i had a 2000 321 which i liked but the rad was too small and it liked overheating. Riding a pro was like moving from an escort to a porsche
  15. Yeah I think dougie needed a higher gear and fuji wasnt leaning back enough....... great pictures, no faulting them! thanks lee
  16. not a big job, just need a long stout screwdriver to knock it out with. You will ruin the screwdriver so use an old one. I have heard stories of the bearing breaking up when doing this so use a hot air gun on the hub to heat a little beforehand L
  17. you need a big socket behind it in the vice to push the bearing into, otherwise you will be pushing into the vice jaws. A hot air gun helps as alu expands more than a steel bearing HTH Lee
  18. Thats right Ed, an when its off, take a big hammer, not joking, and flatten the weld flanges on the pipe, top and bottom. Also good is to take the head off and grind away the fins a little to give clearance. Did the parcel arrive yet? L
  19. will you two gentleman be at exmoor? Lee
  20. I spoke to chris today. sure he could sell okos for the minarelli but his TESTING shows there is no real improvement. Forget advertisngh and ebay box shippers...if the dyno says no improvement then why do it. i think he is testing a 24mm oko to see if bottom end is improved but would not commit. the guy does just want to sell a carby, he wants it to work propoerly.
  21. red to green means nothing. The other two are good. HT tests need specially equipmet and my experience says it goes or doesnt. It may break down when hot but will restart when cold....this is typical of cold solder joints or a short and it could be in the staor or the coil. I think the problem lies elsewhere I will have a few spare coils with me at exmoor which I can let you try if you dont improve by then L
  22. lee harris

    Head Angle

    Altering the head angle, ie steeper, will make it wash out even more. I run 37cm shocks on my 240 and then section forks which are 1,5 cm shorter and this makes the steering a bit tighter. Steeper head angle even more. assuming the front tyre is new and still soft and the airpressure low, thenmaybe you need to hang that backside a little further out and too the rear?? L
  23. ....spoke will be at least 3mm shorter, you will run out of thread before the wheel is tight. measure the rim id! L
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