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lee harris

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Everything posted by lee harris
  1. I understand from a mate that they both have nothing.
  2. Thanks, i had read that and lost it. Two names I need, Paul CCM and Martin M Lee
  3. I have been offered this nice looking garelli for a good price. The bike is 700kms from me, in italy. Trouble is, the kikstart doesnt work. i may need the gear, or shaft or how knows whatelse. Any sorces on spares out there? Thanks
  4. You need a blind hole bearing puller. It is a steel expanding head with 8 "expanding fingers". The ends have a very small lip which is max 1mm thick which will sit behind the bearing. Screw in the dowel which expands the ends and you hook up on the bearing. Finally screw un the centre screw and out it comes. I dont think it will fall out, even at 160 degrees and nails will be a waste of time. A similar tool is used for clutch plate alignment. I have made one for 300 fantic crankcases which use the same principal. A trip to the local engineering shop I think..... Let us know how you get on Lee
  5. Twin Shock Trials in Holland dates here http://www.classictrial.nl/index.php?optio...4&Itemid=65 Main page here http://www.classictrial.nl/index.php?optio...0&Itemid=81 but it's in Dutch only if you need help translating let Ed Holland know ! (Thanks ed!) and Germany 02. / 03. Mai Zirndorf (D-. u. Euro-Cup) Franz Grassinger, am Moosrangen 43 90614 Ammendorf, Tel. 09127/8077 30 / 31. Mai Gressenich (D-. u. Euro-Cup) Bernd Kreutz, Kurt Schumacherstr. 19 52224 Stolberg, Tel. 02402/7775 13. / 14. Juni Leopoldsh
  6. ....you mean THEY ARE trying to say??????
  7. yes it will turn over but wont start as the flywheel is rotating on the crank. I saw two go like that. one cost a woodruf key for 2 quid and the other ok the crank! hope its just the key L
  8. no, no points on fantic since 1978. The stator is moved to adjust the timing. If you started the bike without tightening the crank nut , in the best case you ahve sheared the woodruf key. in the worst cast you have destroyed the crankshaft. Dont use two arm pullers as the yre sheiyt. get a puller from someone like steve goode. Its a later type he will know which one. Then look for the sheared key. The bit remaining in the crank slot will be stuck as it cold formed prior to shearing. DONT USE A HAMMER. Try heating with a hot air gun and use a SHARP centre punch to move it out the slot. if this doesnt work, i suggest you go to an engineering shop and let them remove it. Hammering the end of crankshafts is not to be done without thinking. If the crank has cracked around the slot...you need a new one. L
  9. If the coil has two connections, one wide and one small, its a motoplat coil. Coil can be repaired maybe by bradford windings or look on ebay. If you change the coil and it still misbehaves, could be stator, see also bradford windings lee
  10. hes real german....... hi micha
  11. Can somebody post here some pictures of a LWB high roof Transit connect with two bikes in it? I am looking at an LT or sprinter but the connect seams an alternative. Will 2 bikes fit? What space is left.....a third partly dismantled??? Thanks lee
  12. If its been sitting that long you need tyres and tubes. probably shocks and chainset. maybe crankseals. If its straight, check headstock, I would pay 400-500 quid. If its less, go for it! L
  13. I would think the jets are too small. Did you jet up on pilot and main when it was changed? L
  14. I have the regs and we (2) got out space. Day 1 is in Cove near bampton, day 2 in Lynton, Barbrook, and day 3 in Simonsbathh----GREAT! Cant wait. Call Bill Hartnell, number bei request per PM @ Bilco,, wanna make it a grand???? Is Xavier coming over. i am bringing one of the german big boys. Wont ride the ladies rout with us....interested to see what he thinks. Whats the 240 doing?? L
  15. I once bought an Armstromg /Hiro Motor and it had 200 fantic forks and yokes. if yours are the same then you need 32005. 3 quid each on ebay .....germany L
  16. I read a test today in a german magazine trialsport.....in german though.... L
  17. Hi Ed, all the fwd kicks professional frames are the same as each other 125,200,240 and a 249 motor will fit also with a big enough hammer. Your frame will take only the minarelli motor in 125 or 156. I will call lee
  18. Hi Ed, fantic used engines made by minarelli up until the 240. These engines were used in chopper, enduro bikes and trials bikes. They all kicked backwards. In 1982, fantic launched its own engines and from then on, except for 50s and 80s, all Fantics kicked forwards All your parts will be posted to me next week lee
  19. cable is too olong some fantic specialists in the uk will sell you a 240 cable and say it fits a 200 but it dont. Or vice versa....
  20. agreed, and that sms slang "Vorboten" ist, das finde ich toll. Absolut Korrekt! Do we want perfect english or perfect grammer? Im zweiten Fall, kann ich versuchen mich hier anzustrengen, kann aber nichts versprechen! Some people here don`t have a degree in english and AXLESUV thinks specialised is written with a "z"! And, Your Majesty, if you are reading this, will my Knighthood for services to The Crown overseas come this year or next? Lee
  21. Yes, perfect. The originals were 33,6cm. The 4mm wont make a difference!
  22. put a smaller jet in it? std main was 98 but more for rode. use a 95 much better
  23. keihins and okos are a problem here. float height is 19,5 mm. Some bikes on this setting will starve fuel when hitting a step at 19 or 18,5 mm (float heigt not step height ,-). google the keihin website to see how to set. mine leaks on the sidestand at 19,5mm but not when riding HTH lee
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