After collecting and moving on several 200 top yokes, i am now left with 5 bottom yokes. The hole in the middle is too big as the shaft is bogger in dia at the botoom so i will get some sleves made. Also I need to weld the hole on one side that was used for the brake cable. Once done, i will fit APICO single bolt fat bar mounts and away we go.
right Spud?
there yer go
1000 yoyos is 95
look here
goto epoche (historic) and ent er trial in the right search boc
all fwd kick fantics need 500ml. Use Elf synthetic gear oil or even atf. Clutch will slip in 5th and 6th when cold. maybe also when hot.
depending on the condition from 400 to 600 quid i reckon.
nobody answering???????????
all hubs are same at the rear except bearing spacing. 200 are flush opposite sprocket, 300 and 240 recessed ca. 20mm . The 300 brake plate wont be usable. pm me
steve, pm me your nuzmber again
Moto Villa (everest trials bike)
this will fit it even if the motor wont. Its a 201 not a 241 as the ad says
frenchi has a 320 majesty which he cant get sorted for love nor money. hamisch, are you reading this?
heat...lots of it on the clyinder nad then a BIG wooden mallet. The crank will be buggered anyways so off you go...
Best sell them on ebay as tube type are getting rare or try to swap them for a tubeless tupe on here
You are right there. I took the sizes ioff the post. By the time you buy a set of pilot and main jets, then needles and then make an adapter you can buy on already jetted and just bolt it on. It will be cheaper and better cos if you get the jets close, the opilot circuit still wont be right and you will get no fun out of it. Speak to Chris at classictrial and let him do it propoerly. it IS worth the small amount extra.
soton man will do the lot with modded pilot circuit and the correct airbox adapter. You wont do it cheaper and it wont run right without the pilot circuit mod!
it hasnt reached the reserve yet meaning the owner and his mates will push the price up to 5 quid below the reserve hoping it will be a last minute sell. looks nice though
Two stage digital ignitions are certinly not in the spirit of things, the question is do we need another rule? I think not for the following reason. If the guy has the money, see woodys remark, let him spend it. If he wants to tinker, I do, let him do it. The truth is a two stage ignition wont make a difference on his bike 8the ports and timing are pre 65 after all, low compression. OR, he can have the standard 5 PS on the hot setting and wind it down to 2,5 PS on the soft setting. If the guy cant adjust his gas hand to mud etc, let him go that way.
Soton man did some serious testing on a 300 fantic engine (serious means not just riding in a field...is that better, worse...sharper...softer.... no he put the bike on a Dyno which does not lie if tests are done back to back). The results were that a fairly highly tuned fantic motor would only gain anything (either on soft gain, or hot gain) if the program was correct. I think I know who the manufacturer of the ignition is and the set up just isnt well enough dyno tested to make and real difference. it might spark but no real firworks. I rode the 2009 betas and couldnt tell a real difference even on that!
Spend some serious time on ports, timing, scavaging and such and then 50 hours on a dyno and then he might get somewhere. I like tinkering for sure but my bikes are always dirty. i would spend more time cleaning them instead
Hi Cliff, I am clearing out cos I will loose the cellar space. All I have now is a lockup! Still have one or two fantics though....
200 top yoke is staright fit but I have none spare. You can mod a 240 top yoke quite easily and then fit fatbars...
swapping my rebuilt 200 fantic TS for a 325 beamish suzuki with 370 AJS piston....crack bike, handelled like the titantic...swapped it for a 240 though.....;-)
probably is, cheak to see how much oil you used. they can be replaced without splitting the motor. Get two old spokes nad grind the hub ends to make hooks. Hook them in and out comes the seals.
be careful on this one...I once posted a comment tt highland lassie looked reet grand in a mono...turned out to by ragas bum. I took a look of flack like its only gay when you a receiving etc etc
whatever does you good the germans wud say buit they are very open minded....
I think I have offered lots of advice here also, maybe too much..... and I have enuff mobikes to start a shop, but I still ride the ladies route at exmoor and trips over the bars happen occasionally also. Do I suck? well,,,.. er...yes I suppose I do.
I look at like this. 10 sections, 4 laps, three days Thats 40x5 x 3=600 points max at the sun inn trial last summer (fine event). I wasnt last but had 150 ish.....
I did clear all the sections once...I fived alot once as well.
but it woz fun fun fun as the beach boys said (showing my age now)
have fun
I wouldnt recommend just plastic bushes. the needle rollers are number 2018. If the shaft is knackered speak to chris at classic trial for a new one. If its inbetweeny get 2 of these to go with the 2 placcy bushes
If you cant find any in blighty, pm me and I will get you some here and you can paypal me or summit. Dont know about chain tension all mine are std. Bars moved forwards is good.
sprockets are personal choice but I have 11/41 10/39 and 12/43 on my bikes. Get new chain, pref. not cheap one...240 flywheel covers are rarer than weapons on mass destruction in iraq
Yeah 83 or 84. Bikes delivered toe uk in82 were 83 model anyway. Bikes delivered in 85 wre 84...I dont know there is a difference.
falcons ares better than rockshocks in my opinion
I use 36,5cm if the head angle has not been steepened.