Thats ducati, the original dansi was a round ali can. Wired slightly different, mail me if you need one wired, but ok
Hi Steve, if you have a dansi coil, connect the red wire to one side of the kill switch and the other to ground. If you have a ducati coil, still connect the red wire to the killswitch....smartar$e harris ,-))))
hi steve, there are timing marks on the stator plate and engine case. just line em up and that will be right
Hi Bo, I made a mistake he is in germany in allgau and not in austria. He lives less than 2km from a club practice area and sherco 2.9, thats the guy who posted his plight, is willing to take the lad along any weekend he can.
I havent got the bank details yet but I will get em!
Where are those bike offers!!!!
Wheres yer money!
Here is a bad translation from the internet of the guys first post.
"""I am what can move not quite sure of my thing with this call whether I.
I simply try it since on this way the Trialforum is really a 100 per cent cool thing ..
Following facts into shortened form:
We were the beta action also at with one to be allowed to beta REV 50 take part in the happy situation this year.
The moped would be actually 10-year been as well as sold to the end of the season to a young Trialsportinfizierten in October.
The father of this 10-year up-and-coming talent dies completely unexpectedly of a heart attack with 40 years.
The woman sits there with two little children in the newly built house, now (10 and 5 years oldly) of course which is etc. not free of debts and immediately.
Everybody can imagine the rest of the drama.
Therefore I wanted to interview you here a Trial moped knows for little money whether not anyone.
(e.g. an old Mecatecno Alevin) is or Trialer at all unite with 50 or 80 cc, where suitable for a 10-year-old boy.
Yes, perhaps somebody has an idea like one can help this boy regarding the Trialerei?
The one perhaps has one frame with wheels rum couches, the different one bunkered an engine in the cellar, what I know, so on the take perhaps still.
I know this to this give what to nobody has but you can not imagine at all like little Stefan at the end is.
I just read a post in our forum here in germany about a 10 year old in austria. He had learnt to ride during 2008 with his dad using a beta which beta germany had lent to his club. At the end of this year, beta wanted to sell the bike and his dad had more or less commited to buy it for him.
Then his dad dies of a heart attack aged 40! I dont know the kid or the family but obviously buying a 3500 euro trials bike is no longer possible for his mum.
A guy on our fourum asked if anyone had bits that could be made up into a bike of sorts and the response has been great. My mate pit donatted a 20 inch trials cycle, another guy boots helmet etc. A dealer will send a new set of gloves.
Then the guy reporting this said event set up a bank account to take donations.
email me on lee.harris<at> freenet.de and I will send an international bank account (IBAN and BIC) code to them. We have 1500 memebers on our german forum so if everybody were to donate 5 euros each which is less than 4 quid, we can maybe get him a mechatechno or summit!
If you guys chip in, who knows, maybe a real trials bike!
Anyboy got a beta rev50 going cheap.
This is not a joke and it is christmas. Think how a 10 year old will feel without his dad.
Go to www.trialsforum.de
look under news
for kleiner trial in not...that means small trials rider in trouble.
get your wallets out
Andy please dont delete this
Lee Harris
I dont have the numbers but start with 280 and see. 300 sounds about right though
yeah it is two. I will have a bid. its only 450 miles away
Somebody posted a 200 or 240 version on here not long ago.
here is a 300
Wish I had some cash left but with gobal warming andn all that will never be able to use it....
I have one somewhere, still looking
I did a trial school here for a weekend with Mick the Man and he had us doing 8s on flat groung with our left hand behind our backs. NO CLUTCH.
Only little throttle but all weight.
As above, in a trial you wont loose any points on big steps cos there wont be any in the starter, novice routes. You will put feet down in turns. at the bottom, in the middle and at the top of this banks!
If it is a 300 or earlier, it wont work. The 301s onwards can be painted. The earlier tanks are permiable, ie the gas evaporates through the plastic. Has to do with plastic grain size in a network. Nevermind, if you seal it from the outside, ie paint, it wont work
If the date fits hamisch, i
nothing special really, maybe add some two stroke oil and dont catch the rintg. Some recommend running more oil in the premix for the first tankful? No idea, I dont. Is it an Asso piston or one from Bultaco Uk? Maybe one from Classictrial? Let us know what they are like.
Wes not to tight, not to loose...sure that helps alot
These were first brought out for the minarelli 200s. they went on through the 240s and I have seen one on a 300 although I dont think Fantioc made it. These snowmobiles were quite popular in the southern alps (Como, is where the factury used to be). Dr Agrati reckons he sold over 500 of these from 1980 until 1986.
Not easy to ride. A mate of mine has one in M
size is not important luv, at least in amsterdam...erm. The diameter is not really a problem but the piston will be oval. Check max diameter and compare at top and bottom to min diameter. If it is more than 0,05 mm, it will need replacing. Also when new, the clearance on a round piston to the nikasil bore is 0,035mm. If yours is more than 0,07mm it will rattle like buGg
cos I have no brake plates for a drum left!
305 Cylinder. Reed valve, 28mm OKO, Hydraulic Clutch, 40mm Section forks and Disc, Steeper Headangle and......
it wont start....no spark.
Lots of time until exmoor though
@Bilco. Double or quits on the 500 quid?????
PS lets not start the spirit of things discuission again. Matey boy won the girls route last year on a 245 motored 240 with disc...and I am not gonna win owt, even on this.
PS the 200 stickers are to put me level with steve on capacity
i dont think white boots and poof have any connection. I would say a bit girlie
how does that make you feel ;-)
billy pye in great ayton might be able to help
If it has 6 studs fixing the head then it is a 1986/1987 301 with 249cc. If only 4 stads then either a 241 with212cc or a 201 with 156cc. The capacity is stamped on the top of the engine behind the folded in kickstart.
looks nice and original well done. Try and ride some D-Cup rounds next year with erwin the Mad dutchmann from amerstam.
As far as numbers go, there are stil 23987 out there, or cant I count
Have a look.....
These three pictures are of a 200 flywheel cover which was , er, remanufactured in italy somewhere. new one on the top/left
it seems that their are no 240 or 300 flywheel covers left....
...Yorkshire rocks etc means there hets less and less to weld.
Same as the sidepanels really, the tool is expensive and there for the parts also. PM me if you need either so I can estimate if its gonna be worthwhile
but steve thats all ok if you live incontinence, er, close to italy
when watergallons wears through his slipper block, we can buiold him a 340 out of this