and bilco has one also to go with his 200. so that one less to go
I think the price will climb, regardless of the finance crisis. And since I couldn
I have seven
Dr Agrati made 24.000 between 1981 (Modelyear 1982) and 1985 , when the 300s ramped up.
A lot I think.
That number included a funny version called the seven days with footrest about 5 inches further forward. It doesnt include the 125 prifessional which people claim he sold loads of in italy. i can never find these.
only 23993, minus spuds, minus glenns = 23991 to go....
Look here
this one
I dont think there are any new ones left. If you get a good straight frame, it is relativly easy to build a "new" one althought it will be expensive. E.g. Rear Rim 70 quid (tubeless) stainless spokes, 60 quid a set, Tyres 150 pair, rebuilt 212 motor (either 240 ,241 or 243) about 600 quid, sand blasted parts 100 quid, powder coated frame about 100, silencer (WES) 55 quid, plus a good base bike (700 quid?
It is quite easy to get to about 2500 pounds. Dave rebuilt one and had it on here. It looked like new. Maybe look through the old posts and make him an offer????
Hi JS,
I do about the same, dartmoor 2 day, exmoor 3 day and another if I get the time.
I can recommend the three day on exmoor on easter. The there are some video clips on www.myvideo.de under exmoor classic trial. i will try next year as will javier the spanard and Bilco the fantic crasher. he is a brit in devon and can take a joke.
PM me if you want info
lee in the fatherland
Yep, chris did the twiddling and even though I argued black is blue on jet sizes,....he got it right
sounds like fun steve
did you trash anybodies bike whilst there?
Hope you werent overcome by the number of replies......
here is my tuppence worth; I just picked up 3 (!) 200s from spaghetti land so I will be doing at least one of em up for myself.
I will change the awful footrest to modern ones, moving 10mm lower and 10mm back. I have made a fairly stable jig for altering the headstock angles on my 240s and will do the same on the 200. If you want this mod, and it can easily bu/(er a frame if you have no jig, then go to classic trial in southampton and get a price. I didnt want to believe it but the effect on steering is really amazing.
If you want a lighter clutch, then lengthen the clutch actuation arm by one 428 chain link. A 520 will be longer but I find it too long and dont like the feel.
I rode a 200 at the sun inn trial with a 26mm oko and loved it. Get one of flybay for about 60 quid or pay around a 100 for a modded version with intake adapter from that Southampton Man.
The 200 forts are ok, try WES progressive fork springs maybe. Or upgrade to 240, 300, 301,303 forks. (getting better in that order). And Falcons are the best rear shocks, or NJBs if on a tighter budget.
Try a 125 Trial frlywheel if you like lots of revs, maybe naff in mud though...we dont have mud over here!
Us a reamer to drill the front brake plate to 15,3mm and centralise when assembling the front end or try changing to a 300 seat, which just fits. One guy over here has lengthened his swing arm and sears by it...i shortened my 240 swing arm to come close to the 200 wheelbase...
I believe that Scorpas sold to the uk had a "heavy" flywheel when compared to bokes from the continent! I know that some were importing bikes to the uk and the importer was warning of low grip! maybe call Birkett and ask?
The site may be down but the club is still there. Mike nash and Bill
Dave renham is still there and he is well known for his relaibility and honesty. Go to ebay.co.uk and look for fantic. Dave Renhams business is offering 212 piston kits for 99,50. Try him that way. maybe his email is down?
parts take 10-14 days for mr in germany fron the uk
Hi Steve, all reed valve motors rattle. Some when new, some very shortly after. Its the window that upsets the piston balance. Dont worry about it. The seals can be replaced with the motor in the frames. The flywheel side will be wet if it is worn. If it is not then it is not...worn that is. The gearbox side will only need replacing if the motor empties the gearbox of oil. Very smokey....
I think probably the carby is causing the rough running. Either buy an overhaul kit or borrow a good carby to test. If the slide anodising is visually worn, then the carby is awol. Buy an OKO or mikuni or new dellorto. You choose. (Okos from classictrial will fit staight on and i rekon the best solution,)
If you do wanna replace the seals, take off the clutch, flywheels and gubbins. Grind the hooked end of two spokes to make a gaff and push them into the seal at 180 degrees from each other. Use the nipples and two mole grips and pull the seals out. Make sure the replacements are for petrol or they wont last
I would bet a fiver that the carby is the cause, unless the engine is just worn out......
getting back to totalshells original thread, and as one of them, I like anything on a fantic.....
except steve........hahaha
here he is looking worried.
hes realise the splines on his 200 gearlever are creamcracked and him not having 9 spares with him, cost him the sunday....and 500 quid.
steve, only joking about not liking you....except when you trash my bike......
its ok, you can bring the 500 to exmoor.....
day one please as I will have some heap to pay for when i get there
ok, i had 2 spare rear wheels, a front, 2 x 305 tanks and a 300 framekit also......
and i brought mr oko himself from southampton to set tthings up nicely
Bilco has it all wrong. I only had 9 carbys in yorkshire and 3 were on the bikes.
Have a look and count em....
But yep they were mostly bu%&ered. Finally setteled on the oko like glenn and spud.
Its all in the mind. I drove 2400km for that little play in the yorkshire mud....
hat 6 ht coils and 2 stators with me as well......
if had had a 200 gearlever, bilco wouldnt have lost the 500 quid...
looks like the three dayat easter on exmoor.
I need to pick up the 500 quid Bilco lost in yorkshire
I do have one re-occurring problem with all my fantics, bilco has it also. We keep pausing to put our feet down.........
One day I will do the bike some justice....one day ;-)
420 = small = 50 or 80
428 = bigger for 125s or some 200s (also std on 156 fantic and ty250 twin shock)
520 Just right, thats what you need
530 = biggest = hayabusa
if you want to know more google motorcycle chain size and pitch
my bike has a 300 exhaust fitted which you dont need. Repack the wes with silenent sport exhaust packing. If the front is really banged up, buy a 241/301 exhust which are available in the usa on fleebay. the front pipe can be used but must be made longer. looky
I think I might be one on "them"..........
I prefer Falcons to rockshocks.........
The clutch will slip when cold even when its new... and then some when warm in 5th and 6th. Dont worry about it. The later fantics from the 300 onwards had a bigger clutch but they still slip when cold or slightly worn. You might want to try springs from a 125XM cabalerro. 16kg/mm instead of 8kg/mm. Know idea who might have some over there. Check the swing arm bearings. 20mm/30mm replacements phos bronze bushes are easily availble on fleabay if the surface is worn and needle rollers cant be used. Or buy a kit from the southampton boy with grease nipple and all. While talking about my little mate in soton, get an OKO from him. Glenn will sing the praise as I duz (?) also.
If you cant find a 200 top yoke, you can cut and move the mounts forward on the std one. I prefer this also. A 300 brakes is also better than std but getting hard to find. I bought the last one on fleabay USA from here. If not borwe the std brake plate center out to 15,2mm and centralise the brake und pressure when tightening the front end.
Wider footpegs? Spud got rev3s to fit with very little modification. I just put new brackets on , which are 5mm back and lower.
If you strip over winter, try steeper head angle, or a 300 motor. Or section forks.....thats overdoing it but the latter 30o forks onwards are better than std and the 303 forks onwards better still.
Play with the final drive to get what you want and if a 300 seat comes along it will give you more , erm, legroom.
Tank from Soton man? Fatbars, tubeless rim,
reed valve motor, bigger airbox, 300 flywheel and ignition? Drug addicts ususlly start small and work their way up to the hard stuff
have fun
Hi Glenn,
hi the rest
it does say 220cc in the psec but start with 190cc and work up. I am a lardy 82kgs and dont use more than 190cc
hi Steve, thats Hans greiner, rode the german champs in modern up til last year and now is editor and publisher of our trials and mx news over jhere...the mag is called trialsport.
The trial is in Zirndorf, about 3 hours east from me. It will take place next may bankholiday. still 800km from calais though
and Javier, be careful, take a heavy deposit, lock his van away ...anything.
The last time I lent Bilco my 340, he threw it up an exmoor field.......
see ya both at easter ,-)
Hi steve, i was talking about steve winding me up....huh?
Bilco is also a steve and a fantic nut. He told me that greeve (Javier) hat sold him the 305...
all clear??? no not really
never mind
I think we are all fantic nuts reading this. Steve (bilco) occasionally borrows my fantic and thows them up fields and greeves is steve mate coming to the exmoor trial next year...
thats better
Hi javier,
steve told me you want to ride exmoor. i havent asked the escape comittee here yet (my family) but I will try also. If it work out, you can ride a reed valve 340 from me maybe...but you have to promise to win of course