I saw a set of section forks and yokes go for 200 quid on evil bay. lots
the 305 front end is reet grand also
Steve are you winding me up. That motor is luvverly in a 240 frame........
Hi Greeves, (Xavier isnt it???)
You should get a can of aceton or brake cleaner and lightly spay around the inlet at idle. If the bike revs up at all. you have an air leak. Check also that the reeds close and are not damaged. It sounds to me like a carby also, can you get another 26mm dellorto carby to try? If you have no chance to borrow one, pm me, I can lend you one if you pay the post to spain and back!!!
Check the wear on the slide, the way the bike looks I expect it to be ok. Take the fuel pipe off and let the gas run out of the tank. I should keep running. If not the breather is blocked. Check the fuel tube as above and them strip the carby into each single part. You must be able to look through all jets. If not then they are blocked. Have a look at the slide, it should be a 50 or 60. The main should be aroung 105-108 and the pilot about 42 isch. If they are close, then it wont be the size causing the problem.
If the problem still exists, and after trying another carby you will have to either sell the bike (to me???, pity spain is so far ;-) or start swapping bits.
Take the flywheel off and look if you see an oil leak at the crank seal. I dont expect so but looking costs nothing
Change the plug and cap.
Maybe take the exhaust off? i have had some run bikes with no chock o-ring. there was so much unburnt fuel in the exhaust that it was closed of!!!
I dont expect it to be an ignition problem; they usually dont work or they do. Some may stop when really hot, but that doesnt seam to fit here.
I assume this problem has started and wasnt there when you bought the bike? If it was always there check that the slide cover on the carby has an o ring, check the cable rubber cover for air leak, check the choke o-ring in the fuel bowl.
If the problem continues after all that, it may be a clutch side o-seal...verty unlikely but the bike will smoke alot or maybe it is an ignition problem. HT coils are cheapest to replace...again, i could lend you a coil and statotr if you pay the postage.
If all else fails, take the head off and look for broken ring or worn born which it doesnt sould like though
100 quid seems ok
if your italien is like mine try this site
Plus Gas, WD40, heatr and a very very big wooden mallet have ofetn helped me. The piston bore and rod need rebuilding so heat it up and beat sh&t out of it
DONT RIDE ILLEGALLY. NEVER. NEVER EVER. JOIN A CLUB , PAY THE SUB AND RIDE A TRIAL: If you ride and and dont get cought, the landowner wikll still be Pi$%ed. The next time he tells his landowner mate about it, he may refuse permission on his land for a legit trial also.
It is irresponsible and illegal.
the one i have here is actually a 125 professional. it came from holland so it has never seen a rock or a hill. i have fitted a 201 engine and am in the process of putting it together
@shazsdad Does yours have a FM250 exhaust front pipe or a FM450 from the 240. i have both but dont know which to use.
Hi Woody,
I have 3 x 340s now. Two with 303 motors, one with a section bottom (hydraulik clutch) and a 305 top end. i also have a 240 with a 243 motor. All great but understzand what you mean about tzhe clutch. i dont mind that though...
You will need a 300 (size)airbox and a 300 (size) pipe and silencer. PM me with email address for piccies of what I got made if you need help. A 300 silencer on the 240 pipe may be ok as the restrictive back pipe will need increasing in size. You will need an adapter ring to fit the 212 front pipe in the 249 barrel. (I have a drawing for this also but...) I would suggest you buy a 301 front pipe and use the front part only. Either use it with the 240 expansion box or build the middle bit in 300 dimension.
A 300 front drum is nice but like hens teeth, falcons are the best for my liking.
You will need to chop the bottom rail on the frame to clear the flywheel and I would add a head steady as the 300s have. i wouldnt cut the bottom rails out completely as some do...personal choice.
A lot of people are modding the frame at the head, I just use 37cm shocks which steepens things a bit. The 303 forks are miles better than the 240 bits. Flog the extra bits on evil bay and you will cover the cost of all the new goodies needed.
Flat slide OKOS work great if the dellorto is buggered. After they are set up right that is.
maybe post some pictures as you progress...
do you have a Pukka TLR 200 or a reflex?
a sound idea, if i might add
303 has six head bolts/stud. 212 and 156 motors had only 4.
I think it may be a FM403 still for a 249. FM450 for a 212. dont know the 156 or 125 numbers
Right. If you really do want top speed off raod then forget the Hayabsa and buy an RM or YZ.
The 500 SXE KTMs are quite quick also
PS. Your homnda has about 15PS. If you gear it up a lot, thgap between the low triasl gears and the high road fears will be too much. The motor would not be able to pull it in top!
Right. If you really do want top speed off raod then forget the Hayabsa and buy an RM or YZ.
The 500 SXE KTMs are quite quick also
PS. Your homnda has about 15PS. If you gear it up a lot, thgap between the low triasl gears and the high road fears will be too much. The motor would not be able to pull it in top!
Hi vaugh, I spoke to the mont dealer here. he has a kickstart that mnight fit...he buys it from sammy miller!
have you tried him?
He has only a 248 chain tensioner which is a mirror image of what you want so better make one.
Also no tank bungs
Then you have two options, either drill the swingarm...the pivot is 10mm I think so drill through 14mm and weld a tube in both sides or make a bracket for the frame or.....
there is a 300 swing arm on evil bay in the states. It is listed as a 240 but it isnt....... transport and vat is expensive though.
did I say 2 options? ok 2.5 is to buy a 301 swing arm , loads about, and start from there. A M8 rides a 300 here in the fatherland rides with a 301 so I know it works. PM me if you need help finding one.
wasnt that 4 options.....
This is a 301 and what you need.
make your own or pm me
This is a picciee of a modded 240. The important bit shows the two lugs at the back on the left for the type of tensioner you have.
This is the back of a 300 1985, no lugs
This is the same bike with swing arm fitted.
see where the tensioner fits
The tensioner is a new 84 mod. The bike is 85. I will see if i have a 301 swing arm to picture and post...I may even have a tensioner
The chaintensioner was fitted to the frame like a 240 on 1984 models. On 1985 models it was fitted to the swing arm, which yours seems to be. If it has no rear loop it is more likely a 1985. In any cas, the block pushes the chain up from underneath. Post some pictures and I can tell you which tenioner fits your swing arm...or try all three.
I can nghet most bits, used of coure, except flywheels
I cant enlarge the picture though
we spoke in Bilsdale I think last weekend. I will get a price for both here in Germany
Jep picked up the enfield. It rattled so I got it 250 pounds cheaper. I paid 1250 for a 61 500 in a 54 crusader frame. dont look like tonys....yet