Its a TR240, last of the beta twin shocks. Grips like sh/t to a blanket. Sad looking yes but very restorable and then quite competitive. I had a 125 but I am too lardy so sold it. A TR200 is also available. I tghink only 30 odd TR240s were sold. Steve Goode is fanatical about them and has spares and info if your m8 buys it. A TR34 engine is about the same but 260cc. and will fit in the franme with a big hammer.......
well the two head gaskets will be the cause of low power.
Spud, pm me a fon number would you. I can help on stator, pegs and brake mod
@glenn not following on the 300 brake???
what did greeves tell you on the std brake...he taught me all I know na d i never heard of making the hole bigger...what hole?
I think its unlikely that the ignition will stop it revving out. More likely too bogger main jet or gue in the exhaust. OK sometimes that round dansi coil will stop my 125 Cabellerro revving out, but thats 10.000 plus.
I think the tap will always leak on reserve......if the o-ring is naff
A carb inlet rubber (steve goode) is not expensive so try it. i think you are looking at a classic case of worn out carby.
Do the caustic soda bit on the exhaust first, dont burn it out or the packing in the chamber will be destroyed. Have you repacked the wes? Costs are low and may be oil soaked. i think 50:1 is too rich...maybe if Adam is used toi riding RMs thens its better like that.
If everything else is ok, try and borrow a carb to try it. PM me your address and phone number as I may be able to help short term
The o-ring on the choke jet will mess things up, so replace first. There are two other o-rings on the carb. One on the end of the pilot airscrew (screw, spring,washer,o-ring) and one on the end of the idle screw. (same; screw, spring,washer, o-ring) If all are ok and it runs on, it sounds very much like the slide is worn. Does the slide top have an o-ring fitted? it should do!
I have lots of carbs with worn slides, it does make sense to buy new. A new delortto will be about 70-80 quid and an OKO with airfilter adapter is about 100 quid. If you read Glenns report on here, he luvs em. (Axulsuv). Buying spares for your carb is the most expensive way....
I run 10/41 gearing on my 340 as I like low first and use 2nd and 3rd quite often for graded climbs. A std bike will pull 11 or 12 no probs. The 12 tooth is too high for serious trials sections.
I have never heard of complaints of low power from a 240 so exhaust buildup could be the problem. I assume airfilter is clean and in place?
Just out off interest, I run 66;1 fulll synthetik with 100 octane fuel. I dont ride mine like a motocrosser though....only steve does that!
Hi Spud,
std jets are 45 and 98 main (you sure the 44 was main not pilot?) A std 240 will run better on 44 and 95 if you are not running long road sections. If so then go to 98 as std. The expansion chamber has fibre glass packing which will be all gued up after so many years so go down slightly on jets. Cleaning it with caustic soda might help you...it didnt me. You can try playing with the ignition but it doesnt seam to make a lot of difference. Power delivery with motoplat is softer than dansi. The french guy, fantic club president chris darras says to add a head gasket to soften with dansi. i left mine alone.
Some interesting spares...kickstart spring which means engine split and oil seals for the crank = dito
@bilco. Sun Inn is on for me. You can tell me about the spain trial there. I have a fiver on each days points and another 10er on the total results......should pay towards either your or my beer....
Hi Spud, the silencer is a walker exhaust system or WEs. I like em. I dont know adam ant but he cant crash it...like bilco ;-)
@steve, if you dont like me winding you up, please say so.....i
By the way, its the first FM450 fantic made. Between 1982 and 1984 they made 24000. There are still about 8000 left running, most of which are in my cellar Ok, about a third are in my cellar, Monkie has a third and greeves ahs the rest!
It has 212 cc if its a uk bike and 209cc if its a yurup model. Strangly enough, the logbooks are different but the bore size uis the same!!!! Conrods are still available, pistons also but not original asso . Biultaco UK sells some replacements, cant say what they are like. Carb and airbox rubbers, like tank tap are available from steve goode. slim tanks are nice from classic trial but not cheap. see here also
By the way, they had a small clutch basket, later bikes were bigger. Expect even new clutches to slip when cold, some also when hot. Fantic 125 raider and 125XM cabalerro springs will fit and are stronger but clutch is heavier. May want to lenghten the actation arm behiond the motor.
One last thing, if you ever ride the exmoor or dartmoor trials, dont let bilco ride it!!!! Hi Steve.
It was a gift for 550. Would fetch 800 on evil bay. If the headstock is not cracked then maybe a little more. A perfect seat will fetch 100 on ebay. 70 for perfect side panels etc etc. If you want to ride it try with and without the risers. I would recommend a 200 top yoke, again with or without the risers. Get some falcon shocks (already fitted?)or fit the marzocchis. If betor shocks are fitted see how they perform. By a delortto carb seal kit. The choke (cold start) jet has an o ring which will be leaking and will cause it to run badly (as if on choke) If the slide is worn, then buy an OKO from classic trial. If it has been standing without running, expect to change the flywheel crank oil seal soon if its not already leaking. Take flywheel off and have a look. If you can see a very small amount of oil weeping at the crank, replace it, easily done without spliting engine. if new carb and flywheel seal dont stop bad running, have a look at piston and bore. If good the clutch oil seal may be leaking. Thants an engine out and split casing job. Make sure the kickstart is always secure on the shaft,. These shafts like to break alot so no stanping. Just prime it until you reach compression and the swing smoothly through. New pegs are recommended but 300s will fit and are a bit wider. Or buy KTM steel cross pegs and cut of the bracketery just leaving the platform. Them weld this round the the 240 peg. If well rebuilt, the swing arm will be ok and well greased. if not the needle rollers will have suffered. Classic trial offer a replacement with grease nipple and phosfor bronze bushes. If two cables go to the coil under the tank its a motoplat ignition which can now be rewould. If three wires then its dansi. Look at the green wire. Its the trigger. Quite likely the insuration is rotten. Dont know why but the red and black last and the green doesent. If you are riding on rocks think about changing the plastic sumpguard for an alu one. If you are used to riding a 290 sherco, think about adding a head brace to stop the head gussets cracking when landing heavily! 240 rfrt brake can be replaced with 300 unit. The 300 drum is different also but they work also with a std 240 wheel. Get really trick and respoke rear rim to gasgas and use tubeless tyres. Dont ride without sidepanels as airxoxes are very rare. Make copies in alu to protect originals. if you need more seat clearan
bas in Holland has done all that except the dyno work. He had to reverse engine the software first to find the limits so he could test them;-) I
300 is better. One on evil bay usa now. Glenn, dont bid, i
There is no such thing as a stupid question right? So where is the trial in spain. I could drive to barcelona from Here ok (in 2009!) but not madrid
I was riding a ty 175 in 1980 when a mate bought a beamish. Loved its looks, much more powerful than the yam and I wanted one but had no cash. There were a few of those red bikes also then, er 125 fantics...didnt think much about it at the time. When I packed up in 1983 everybody was on 200 fantics and the 240 was a boon. Matey had to virtualloy give his beamish away to buy a 240.......
25 years on and now with lots of fantics in the cellar, I swapped a 200 fantic for a 325 beamish at the dartmoor two day...always wanted one and never did have one so why not? It was the biggest mistake I have every made. Ask Greeves was ribbing me on here and I know why. Heavy, sluggish, naff turning...nice welds on the frame though. With the on off power of my fantics I could not get used to the beamish in turns at all...a bit like an oil tanker. Close the thottle and count til 10 for it to slow down. A flywheel as big as a 4 bedroomed house!
I swapped it in the end...for another 240..(which then puked the crank but thats another story)
Summary. Great looks and quality, nostagia all the way. if you want to RIDE trials, by a fantic 200 or 240
Hi Greeves, for 700 yoyos I would buy it. If you dont, let me know please where it is!
A lot of spares are still available and as it was the last of the aircooled monos, they are very competitive in their class. Only thing not available is the rubber inlets for the carb but this can be replaced with a alu plate with a round tube welded on. Then use a gasgas rubber to the carb as the raga rep.
Some mudguards are still availabe but will dry up enventually as they breal easiy. You ncan ride it in the sunn inn also! The Fantic france website has some infos, pm me your email address and I will send what I have. All forward kick fantics have 500ml oil. I used ATF and change reularly with good results. The clutch will slip in 5th and 6th even when new. Some people use Caballero Springs or washers under the std springs!
No "Problems" as such. The shaft on the section yokes is a little short, dont try and raise the top you too much. Headbearings used are not std 32005 but 30204. I use a scorpa mudguard carrierer and made a cable to suit. std front wheel was used with 6003 wheel bearings. Watch out though as these bearings are 1mm narrower than std. (17mm) A 1mm thich shim has to be put under the brake side wheel bearing so the achor plate still presses on it.
The std section spindle will need turning on the speedo side (spacer) so it will fit. The 300 front brake plate will need drilling for the bigger diameter axle.
here are pictures of a friends 300 with Marzocchis like mine.
not sure i follow, theres about 20 years difference, and hydraulic clutch, discs etc etc. If you wnat to have fun against moden bikes, ride as is. maybe a 243 or 303 engine. Even a 305. Add a 300 drum at the front or even a disc. Put section forks on it if you want, I did........but its still a twin shock.
Fantic or rev3 270....the rev will always win. I know cos I got both.......
Well now I have read all the posts here
Why is it BAS that everything you do or touch looks perfect..........
I think woo0dy has it.Look where its vracked at the headstock....where they delivered like that
there are some bits on ebay right now and steve goode is breaking one. I will post a wiring diagram here tonight, posted once already
not sure if the actually available to buy yet. I know that Chr. from South. is working on some fine tuning and will market them nect. I will wait for his respected input
I just wrote to bill demanding a recount...i didnt fall off. did he give youz a 5 for craching my bike!!!!
C U in yorkshire????