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lee harris

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Everything posted by lee harris
  1. Of course as the seats get harder to find, and sidepanels, or they are just plain expensive cos I have them all...... you can build your own. saw theis on a bike for sale on evil bay recently. One sheet on 2mm alu bent and cut. I fink that great. Add some padding
  2. are you allowed to write "red rim" and T!ts on here. Wheres the sheriff?
  3. I woz suprised myself. Knew it was gonna be hard and a new it woz over 100, but 150! I
  4. I think this is from Sammy Miller http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fantic-200-seat_W0QQ...1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. Hi Dave, Bas is right. I have ridden a whole trial without a circlip cos it broke and I had none. Mine are all loosish but that seems normal. is the enginge stright in the frame, spaces on those shiny wheels ok? Which way round do you have it. Talons come with a thick and a thin spacer. I put mine on thin side first. Dont know if its correct Lee
  6. lee harris

    Carbs !

  7. lee harris

    Carbs !

    Hi Jaan, they may work...try calling chris at classic trial and see what he says Lee
  8. I think shell optimax is 100 octane and is ok for most bikes..gasgas 300, etc etc. I run octane booster in all my TS fantics as I feel they dont knock as much wenn hot. i run 66:1 full synthetic and 1% octane booster. Lee
  9. do it early cos it will be oversubscribed
  10. I like the full moon. No damage apart from the clutch cabkle and kill switch. Its fixed already. Maybe Xavier (I thinks thats the spanish way) would like the sunn inn. Bill Pyes thing. I just got a pm from I assume a brit in france. Maybe he will want to share my trailer to middelsborough ;-)
  11. no it just sounds and performs like one
  12. lee harris

    Carbs !

    wots WFO? What jets did you end up with. What needle, wheres the clip?
  13. PS. If you do ever get to ride it DONT LEND STEVE YOUR BIKE ;-)))
  14. I did enjoy it, got serious cramp in my cheek bones ....from grinning all the time. These clips are just from day 2 . Days 1 and 3 are crackers also. If you want something good Xavier, how about the sun inn tzrial in yorkshire in august. i
  15. saw one at the exmoor trial at easter. sounded nice. looked like a jcb on a formula 1 circuit. The guy probably lost fewer marks than me though....well fantics arnt that competitive in the twinshock class are they........LOL
  16. ASs the title suggests, I am looking to get some rockshocks for a friend. Where is the best place to get them in the uk and how much will I pay. Yes I have falcons also...... lee
  17. lee harris

    Carbs !

    lookee here, it from one of your guys over there http://justkdx.dirtrider.net/printcarbtuning.html
  18. lee harris

    Carbs !

    Glenn, if the mixture is too lean at Wide Open Throttle (WOT), dropping the circlip or raising the needle will not help. You will need a bigger main jet! The different jets all work at different throttle/revs/ and loading. The air screw controls the mixtrue at idle up to 1/8 throttle, The slide shape comes in from 1/8 to 1/2. Also the pilot jet/slide takes over from 1/3 to 2/3 throttle. Wide open throttle is controlled by the main jet. Raising or lowering the needle, or even changing the taper works on those inbetweeny bits but not WOT. That fealing of wow could mean hugh amounts of power, it feels like that just before you melt a piston. (Bin there, done that, bought the t-shirt) Only way to test the main jet is stick it in say 5th or 6th and run flat out up a hill for 50-60 seconds or so. Hit the kill switch and pull the clutch at the same time and the check the plug colour. If you roll and idle to a stop you are checking the idle circuit and not the main jet. Chocolate brown is nice. Anything lighter and I would go up on a main jet. You cant really measure mid range or pilot jets using a plug chop because you never know the revs/throttle setting/load on the engine when you kill it under load in mid range. But you wont melt a piston with half open throttle. You can do this from Chris base settings and then try needle, clips slide etc. Dropping the needle or raising it to make richer is the mid range stuff-thing-bit you do after the main jet is ok. Let us know how you get on. Lee PS, what oil ratio are you using , what gas type. If you run more oil, you make the fuel/gas mixture leaner. I alway run super plus in my fanny and add octane booster. it stops them knockin on the forth laop of a trial when they get hot. remember hot....long time ago in YURUP
  19. take it off, lay in parafin for an hour, scrub with soft brush. Drip dry and then lay it in a can of old motor oil. Drip dry over night. Clean sprockets with degreaser and rag and refit. Us spray lube. 8Alternativly boil when cleaned in chain wax before refitting. Its the only real way of keeping clean and such a chain will last a good season that way, lee
  20. lee harris

    Mikuni Carb

  21. The germans run the D-Cup series here. Its run over 8 weekends, with a trial each on saturday and sunday. (Last sunday is fun only and does not count as the awards are made on the saturday nite) To be included in the final standing you must ride more than half, ie 8 days or 8 trials There are both pre 65 and twin shock with pre 65 split also into unit, pre-unit and two strokes. Each trial has 4 routes. Green is easy, red is clubman, white is for specialist and yellow for expert. There are points awarded from 35 downward. If there are 10 riders in the yellow class, the 35 to 25 points are awarded there. If there are 10 riders in the white class then 24 to 15 points go there and so on. Also everybody gets 1 point if they finish. At the end of the series, 13 trials, the points are added up. There is some more work in setting up as we need gate arrows for green, red, white and yellow but everybody gets a ride to their abaility, people can change classes through the season and its reet fun. Any help for your dliema? Lee
  22. Chris Denny again on 15 and 16 http://www.myvideo.de/watch/3794590/Exmoor...ssic_Trial_2008 Villiers?? http://www.myvideo.de/watch/3794798/Exmoor...ssic_Trial_2008
  23. last section again...twin cylinder triumph nuff said http://www.myvideo.de/watch/3794426/Exmoor...ssic_Trial_2008
  24. lee harris

    Mikuni Carb

    if you have the miki, try std 250 rev3 jetting and go from there. If not try a 28mm flat slide keihin or oko. Start with 105 and 40 jets and see how it goes. I now have one on my 303 motor und it runs greatty. I have 50/135 jets on thats. You will need an adapter for the airbox hose. Try chris at classic trial fro a complete kit checked and jetted with adapter lee
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