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lee harris

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Everything posted by lee harris
  1. Go have a look at www.myvideo.de search for schatthausen trial it was basically a xmas fun trial where we rode twinshocks....shocking!!! had lots of fun though even if the fantics really where hammered! lee
  2. A M8 has a TLR250 and the bore is at its wear limit. A WES Piston is 70,5mm, that means 0,5mm oversize but the liner is very very thin - after boring it will only be 0,80mm thick in the wall!!! . Any suggestions on either where to get a new piston and liner fitted...where are the original pistons, honda havent got anymore or, anybody got experience of the WES piston? I have been told the skirt is too long or it is too heavy. Ideas???
  3. If its a twin shock, there will be a red, green and black wire. (yellow and orange also-lights) green to black is pickup/trigger; 40-70 ohms. red to black is LT coil and is 300-600 oms. Black is earth, less than 1 ohm to ground. If the values are ok, try a new HT coil. If now round dansi coil is available use a ducati. HTH Lee
  4. LooksGood but what and how do you get to Hodaka? What is in the engine, capacty, bore, stroke, gearbox etc etc. I wud like to know what you are looking top ride it in...chassis? Twinshock? Lee
  5. If its a 301 engine, it will have the latest ducati ignition. If yours has a red 2 cable ht coil under the tank, it is a motoplat ignition. Not better or worse just more expensive to replace as they are rare as weapons of mass destruction in Iraq! Some say they are less reliable also. The 303 ignition can bge fitted to a 301 engine straight off as its basically the same.....only the flywheel has adjustable weights. Putting a later ignition on a 300 engine is aklso possible but you must change stator, flywheel, porkchop and cover and barrel from 301 or 303. I would leave the footrest position also, maybe put some wider one on. Also, I would put sinter bronze bearings in it swing arm if the needle rollers and/or shaft are bu/*ered. Carb mod (Mikuni/Oko ) are both worth thinking about (Chris at classic trial above website) as is a WES Silencer. Some hate em , I love em. Also WES progressive springs in the forks I find are great. A 240 tank can be fitted as can a fiberhlass unit also available from Classictrial. If you leave the sidepanels off, make some replacements to protect the airfilter box as they are rare also. Or buy some rough panels for riding..... Most bits are still available although there will be a wait before new pistons are available again as both ASSO and Mahle are waiting for orders of 100 so as to make production worthwile. Bill Pye has spares in Great ayton but he is not know for special offers:-) (Knows alot about the std unit though...if you want a reed valve or something special like and OKO flat slide, speak better to Chris in southampton. I would put a 200 top yoke on it as the bars move forward or get the std ones modded and fit fatbars at the same time. I wouldnt put a disc on it as its not in the spirit of things but we
  6. yeo, cheap start...i wud put points on also
  7. Andy Rothers did my white Hebo in the old fantic colours...have a look at his website...I luv it lee
  8. lee harris

    4rt Software

    I read on here sometime back that various software versions are "available". can anybody send me a copy on cd or tell me were I can get it? lee
  9. Steve, a 301 barrel will fit straight on with no other mods. The porting is slightly different to the 300 so it will be softer. I can get any pistons you want here, about 250 euros each. If the engine seized the crank WILL be bu&&ered. Try it with a 301 barrel if you have one but it will vibrate as the big end bearing will have a flat where it seized. A 300 Barrel will NOT fit on a 301 motor cos the 301 has a ducati ingnition which is bigger. I
  10. a big wooden hammer. you can spray som release oil in the bore and heat it with a heat gun to help. I get mine off that way. You aint gonna save anything by being gentile. It will need plating, new piston and probably a crankshaft. Keep us informed. Lee
  11. lee harris

    Fantic 403

    Always looking to buy. Dont really want to sell anything. I offer to swap spencer a disc brake fort end for his drum setup but he doesent seem that exited! lee
  12. You could have bought WES progressive springs available from many dealers (B Pye, steve goode etc) Cost about 30 quid lee
  13. lee harris

    Fantic 403

    who has all those 300 frames, airboxes and exhausts cos I want them!
  14. lee harris


    yours by any chance????
  15. 200 quid in white or red, 250 in red/blue
  16. yeah martin, i got that with the forks and wheels, but the seeleys used these too. Now i understand seeley and rs have only one down tube. I am waiting for the engine number. Matey wants 800 euros so I will leave it i fink!
  17. http://cgi.ebay.it/ricambi-vari-HONDA-125-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  18. It will never work. all the early plastic tanks from swm, fantic and bultaco were permiable. that means the gasoline evaporated throgh the plastic. You can sand, key, prime or whatever you want to do to the tank surface, but as soon as you paint and seal the surface, you will stop the gasoilne evaporating. but only until the first bubbles appear and then the paint will peel off in sheets. if you really want to do it, you must seal the INSIDE of the take first with a non-permiable sealer. Then you can paint the outside. The sealers for the inside are often used on rusty tanks but I have no names HTH Lee
  19. I think the brackets all interchange , except the 307 which Bas said has the forks the wrong way up. i have 303 and section front guards on my twinshocks no probs but the section guard is much shorter. lee
  20. They were machined as a pair. I have been told also to replace them in pairs and have done so up til now. Lee
  21. You dont say where you are, but good on ya. I rode the dartmoor 2 day last weekend. It got 90 starters and was a laff have a look http://www.myvideo.de/watch/2321703 http://www.myvideo.de/watch/2321729
  22. speak to chris at classictrial.co.uk to dicuss. He has both for a 240....
  23. I have no idea. You will have to look when its split!
  24. It sounds like you may have lost some teeth...i just bought a set of crankcases from steve goode...maybe he has the gearset also? Lee
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