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lee harris

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Everything posted by lee harris
  1. Maybe we can ask greeves. Pete will a 303 rear hub fit a 307? Mail me a pm with email adress and i
  2. lee harris

    Fantic Fm 237

    there is a 125 on evilbay at the moment. Is it that one? Up north somwhere. for 200 quid ist the forks/frame/wheels are servicable cant go wrong. with a 156 barrel (straight swap) very ridable. or use a 240 motor....I wud put a 301 engine in it...need a big hammer though. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...p;rd=1&rd=1
  3. lee harris

    Fantic Fm 237

    its very close to a 240 but with the small motor. tailpipe is different, frame has no bar welded on to protect the flywheel, cos its not so wide and the swingarm pivot is 16mm not 20mm. Fork, wheels, seat, airbox etc must be the same. carb is probably 24mm also. None of the engine or ignition parts are interchangable. If its cheap maybe good for spares for cycles parts. Is the frame cracked at the headstock? are the forks ok? what should it cost? lee
  4. Hi steve, PM a mail adress to me and !ll waz some pictures over. If I have what you want I
  5. let us know where it is copied too....Lee
  6. I wud luv a copy.......... are ou open to everybody? Lee
  7. He doesnt have a beta rev50 does he...we could swap! Or a mono 50 fantic with gears? And the offer for the ride was day 1 at exmoor....no worries and no damage. If yer wanted to rid ethe rivers then i wopuld get worried.
  8. i have 2 300s, nice engine...crap bike. For me its too wide at the top shock mounts and also too heavy. thierry michaud did win a wm though so he could ride em!!! I also have 2 x 340s...I like them the best thats a 240 frame with 300 frt brake, forks, engine, maybe the airbox and exhaust. It handles like a 240 and not like an oil tanker. Although my have 301 and 303 engines fitted. HTH Lee
  9. Bas maybe right...he always has been so far....my puller i measures at 32mm but i guestimated the pitch. Sorry
  10. what do you mean by that lost its use...wont lift and separate or slips? If it slips, try using atf, look also for cable freeplay. If it slips badle, take the left cover off, block the clutch drum using a folded rag and remove 5 screws and spings to replace. If it wont lift since its been standing. put it in 6th gear with the engine off, pull the lever in and jerk the bike backwards a couple times until it separates. When it does, you are on your way! lee
  11. Hi all...well... I sold all but 2 of my 200s cos i am not good enough...you need to keep those little motors on the boil to make the next step or learn to ride in the nadgery bits properly so you come out of the muddy curve with the 200 boiling already. I found the 240s much easier to ride because of this although bob gent just won the jersey on a 156cc. Just proves what i say...he can ride. One thing though , im putting together a 240 to sell over easter in the uk and although its a good one, i dont think i
  12. hi again gaver, the legs are 38mm seals are 7mm high. start at 190cc oil and add up to max 220. I use 10w and weigh 80kg.the wirring noise is the powervalve mechs...i like it! If you are ride the worlds, you need a new piston twice a season and a replate every 2 years. If it runs leave it. My 303s rattle like f(&k but they still pull like a train. New piston and rings about 130 quid, new plating about a tenner more, auch! lee
  13. i have successfully rewelded rims worse than that. i have also had wheels collapse (not nice) with no cracks. I would get a new on if you are into anything harder than riding round your backyard lee
  14. lee harris


    the 300, 301 and 303 will all fit = same!! 249cc 241 is 212cc 201 is 156cc both wont fit lee
  15. I took the plunge...ferry is booked. Not sure if the 340 will make it or last....mmm? I will take the 240 as a spare. Who is riding? Bob Gent again? Will he win it...I
  16. lee harris


    32005 5 here for a tenner, 6 pounds post http://cgi.ebay.de/5x-Kegelrollenlager-320...1QQcmdZViewItem try ebay in the uk also
  17. The o-ring on the cold start jet could be buggered. Take the carb lid of and its the long thing sticking out in the rear corner. Also both my sections I jetted down and as the man said clean the exhaust. Did you get a rear box inthe end, you can drill out the rivets and repack the silencer. If it runs ok i think the crank seal would be ok. Check for fuel in the oil and watch the level before stripping. Also, only very lightly oil the oil filter..squeezable wet could be too much Lee
  18. the schwarz version might be cheaper......you choose
  19. http://www.schwarz-zweiradhandel.de/pages/.../cota/index.htm do you mean like this? I will get you a price if so! lee
  20. Hi steve, cant help on the carb info as both my sections came from italy and have mikuni carbs fitted. Is a popular mod for fwd kick 249 fantics, any type. some say it is a good conversion for the 300 also. i cant say...
  21. The guy rides it regularly on four stroke twin shock trials here in northen germany. It it very competitive. XL 185 motor, bored I fink to 206cc, tlr 200 primary drive and a cl125 final. 4th and 5 th are the same. The guy did it really well. Hope my 340 will look half as good. Lee
  22. i like that too...never been there , never will be able to but your wording is that of a (trials) people poet. Not much info on the monos though.... lee
  23. http://www.classic-trial.de/hontic.htm have a look at a german 200 tlr200. click about a bit there are more pictures lee
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