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lee harris

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Everything posted by lee harris
  1. @ peter b...def has 2 rings. Chris thinks the piston is a 240. that bore leads me to 249....... @fanticisti a 306 piston I can get for 130 yoyos- A 303/301 is rarer than weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and cost closer to 200 yurozzs. 240 pistons are like rocking horse poo and are unobtainiam!! PS What happened to fracys post on the 300 front brake? 6 beers down in central yurup
  2. look at this one, the french are not much better.... http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...p;rd=1&rd=1
  3. yeah martin I saw that. i have the Cab in bits, crank and piston are shot. also has cross primary drive ...very close ratios but high. i will fit a 200 trial primary and go and play crosser. I have already had offers for twice wot i paid. remember, I look, make a offer for them to end early and some people bite! I bought a set of 17" falcons yesterday for a oner....cant wait to terrorise the locals lee
  4. lee harris

    200 Tlr Carb?

    I have a M8 over here whos just bought a 200 reflex. Turns out the carb is buggER%d and the wrong one. can anyone tell me which is the right 22mm keihin and has anybody got one for sale! Lee
  5. lee harris

    240 Airbox

    keep it AWAY from the exhaust...fitting the hose is easy peasy if you take the lid off first. Push from the exhaust side and guid from the inside of the airbox Bruce Lee
  6. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...A:IT&ih=018 This piston set was up in spaggehtti land. i can have it for 75 quid incl post. Can you see from the pic if its a 305 or 301 piston? The sizes are the same i think. How big are the 305 windows...the should be visible if the were there...what do you think? Lee
  7. Have a look at this, its not a trials bike i know..... http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...A:IT&ih=004 now have a look at this... http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...N:IT&ih=008 The difference is 1100 miles, at least a 50 quid and a used but reparable motor, carb, exhaust etc. VERY HAPPY GERMANY
  8. Steve didnt have the Apicos when I woz there but I got some very good HEBno kopies with brackets for about 25 quid. Lee
  9. It seems to me that octogan are a bunch of money grabing ba$tards! We have had no indoor round for the last two years here in germany as the organising club just couldnt afford the octagon costing!
  10. Fantic made 2 types of 200 Twin Shocks. Both had 156cc. The first, 1980 until 1982ish had a minarelli engine,a kickstart on the right which went backwards and a chain on the left. It was just called a 200 trial or FM 350. There was also a 125 version of this bike, also called a FM 250. 2nd pic shows a Minarelli engined 200. Around 1983, Fantic launched the professional series with 156cc (a 200 professional, FM 237) and 212cc (240 professsional, FM 450) The engine this time was from Fantic and both kicked forwards. The chain was on the right. No parts are interchangeable.1st Pic shows a 240 which looks like a 200 from this side! HTH lee
  11. Hi blocky, I will check if I have a chain tensioner. there is a thin nut on the swingarm axle. It is also clamped with an allen head bolt on both sides inside the frame. The front forks are probably 32mm. Even if 35mm, one aqllen head bolt at the bottom to loosen when the bike is blocked up and wheel is still in place. Once loose, take the wheel out, drain the oil and then remove. slide bottoms off the stancions. HTH
  12. Hi Andy, I just tried to register as a supporter but it didnt work as my name is already taken.......yep for sure......by ME. Should I pm you to sort this? Lee
  13. Where can I get the barnet frictionplates. What springs can then be used? Lee
  14. Hallo all you Bultaco Specialists. Got a M8 over here who is rebuilding his 199 1978 Bultaco. (His description!) He has heard of some clutch mods ..."which evreybody did in the 80s..." which may use some Hoinda (!?) parts. Anybody know something along these lines? Lee
  15. Its a minarelli engined fantic 79 - 83. look on the engine case underneath the sprocket. FM250 means it started out as 125cc. FM 350 means it started out as a 156 (called a 200 minarelli!). The 125 had a 24mm dellorto as std. The 156 a 25mm. The barrels can be interchaged although a 156 barrel on a 125 bottom end needs the piston machining HTH Lee
  16. It runs great and the power valve is set to wide open. Its just that it should have one and hasnot got one if yer see wot i mean! lee
  17. lee harris

    Way Too Cool

    They did the minarelli 200 with a ski and tracks as well. The later water cooled raider hat it also. i know a guy that has one...great fun.
  18. Crank seals are not difficult method 1 3 self tapping crews scrwed into the seal and pliers / olegrips to pull it out of method 2 gring the bent end of one or two spokes so you have hooks! push them in and turn, leave nipples attached and pull thgem out. You cant see if they are leaking But there may be slight oil traces under the flywheel or petrol in the oil on the clutch side. It will smeel badly if it is leaking here also. Did it run ok before? Is the o-ring on the cold start jet damaged? They go very easily when the carb is split. Or has this crept up and got worse? silencer blocking up? Lee
  19. No Glenn the 212 cases are different to the 249!. you can put a 243 top end on a 240 but I think the differnce is not measurable. To put a 240 top end on a 243 bottom end, you need to change the flyheel, electrics and cover. IF your lady every should die and no repair parts are available, try puting a 301/303 in her. My next report on this will come before xmas hopefully lee
  20. I would say its a std 175 ty with a miller tank. and the rear shocks have been laid down majesty style. If it runs, offer gary 275 cash for it. That sound s to be ok I would say! lee
  21. The 200 back kick is a bored out 125. it actually has 156cc. Many parts are interchangable, barrel, head carb exhaust althought the gear ratios are different. You can fit a 200 (156) barrel on a 125 bottom end but you will need the bigger 200 flywheel and cover and the piston will need 0,75mm machined of the bottom. Since the bike is piston ported, it becomes a bit revvier through this mod but still nice. (Has a more modern feeling) The 240 was fantics first own engine. the back kicks came from minarelli. the fwd kich came with 212 cc. later a 125 and 200 (also 156 by coincidence!)= came also. I have quite a few 200s (one with a 125 crank and piston mod as above) and 240s and find the 240s the best for me. to be honest, i wasnt listening very well at trials school, and the extra power I get from the 240 makes up for my lack of planning in some sections. All the 200s (fwd and back kicks) are great as are the 240s. I have a few 300s which are a bit of a handful due to power and weight. All bits for all the fantics are available although 240 pistons have now stopped being made. Alternatives with some slight barrel boring are availabe though. The back kick 200s turn on a penny and grip like sh)t to a blanket. Since mud is very rare in europe, I like the feel of more power from the 240s HTH Lee
  22. A previous thread talked about which bubble bath, now baby oil. I hope that it dosnt get mixed up and people start wire wooling their own bits in the bubble bath,....... thanks for the tip, I will try lee
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