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  1. You could try Anglia vynal art , around Norwich I think? Will make up stickers if you can provide graphics.
  2. Yes that is definitely Don Smith top left corner, behind him I believe is Dave Hobbs another eastern centre rider who used to ride for met police team ? and of course behind him is Malc Rathmell.
  3. Recently the ACU have had problems with illegal riding in Thetford Forest risking enduro events, if police catch illegal riders they will impound and crush their machines. Perhaps the same action should be taken if illegal riders are found on Pre 65 or SSDT courses without the permission of the organisers.
  4. Bit late on this thread but:- Milk Stone remover, available from agricultural merchants ( or a friendly local dairy farmer ) . I believe it is Phospheric acid? which will convert rust to an innert substance, does not affect the steel just the rust ! Mind you I did use it externally and sealed the area with paint, but it has never rusted again after 15 years. Might be useful for future reference ?
  5. I used to ride back in the 70's both road trials and closed ground trials and I remember queuing on both as there will always be sections that involve a longer transition / distance / difficulty that hinders progression and therefore create queuing. Nowdays with the advent of punch card marking would it not be better to either leave a hand punch suitably highlighted at the ends card and allow either self-marking or previous rider to observe and mark or even supply each rider with their own punch to be returned at then end of the trial with the punch card. I know self-marking grates with some people but if the rider cheats the only person he is cheating on is him/herself. If it's a National or Championship event then it's more likely to attract a full complement of observers and eliminates cheats with standard observing , whereas club and centre events might run smoother if riders aren't picking up boards off the ground or passing them around between each other!
  6. Brilliant, thoroughly enjoyed all the footage but especially the SSDT, with the top riders showing their skills. These were the days when I started riding as a sixteen year old, looking up to my Montesa hero's of Farley, Telling, Edwards and soon to be ace Rathmell, but sad to see the demise of Don Smith struggling on the Stag! Great days.
  7. Hi Oldaz Been following with interest your refurbishment of your UKR. I have a mk4b the version before yours and have found similar problems to what you have come across. Your timing cover might have been damaged by the chain but pay particular attention to the inner case around the Kickstarter shaft, in a lot of cases the Kickstarter itself has been positioned to far forward on the splined shaft in the miss belief it would give a longer throw to the kick, unfortunately all it does is allow the stop on the shaft to punch a hole through the inner casing allowing water/moisture into ignition. The correct position of the kickstart should be the ' one o clock ' or 30 degrees, or looking side on parallel to the frame down tube. Hope this helps, here's mine.
  8. This photo shows a 21M17--- frame with swing arm , standard size. You could lengthen by manufacturing copies of the rear spindle location plates with longer length from where it looks like the flat plate is welded into the tubular arm. I would agree with other opinions though, that lengthening wheelbase would be detrimental to handling
  9. If the frame number starts with 51M then production of the 349 model started in 1979 so with a number like 00634 it's going to be a late 79 early 1980 production number. You can check it out on the Southwest Montesa site, or search a similar post on here regarding 348/349 production dates for road registering.
  10. Use a Dave Cooper normal rack that I transferred from a Focus to an FL2. Handle bar isn't near rear screen , the only thing that touches the bumper is the front mudguard which is a bit long. See picture.
  11. You can look at the Peak District National park site at www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/consultations And fill in an online reply Or write to Rights of Way, Aldern House, Beslow Road, Bakewell, Derbyshire. DE45 1AE
  12. Don't know if this has already been mentioned. There has been moves by the Peak District National Park to prohibit vehicular access and all traffic on the area known as Washgate nr Hollinsclough in the Peak District. This area is used by the following trials, Bemrose. Reliance Cup. Dave Rowland. Northern Experts trials. The National park will allow the use of the Washgate area to continue for only these four events on a year by year basis unless they feel that too much damage both physically and environmentally is being done to the area. If you feel that the sport as a whole is losing too much land to these environmentalists, you have until 25th November to Object in writing to there proposals. Constructive letters of support for the continued access to Washgate for these events would I am sure be appreciated by the event organisers and all future entrants to the above trials. I shall endeavour to find the address for your corespondance to be sent to and post Asap. Regards Prosport
  13. Why don't you try jimmyl, my guess would be 10 mins maximum for us mere mortals, And as for 'on a standard bike' unless you rigged up some sort of refuelling meathod to top up a tank that would only take you about a third of the a lap per fill, your not going the distance.Wish Doug the best of luck with it though.
  14. Sad news from Paul Bickers (son of Dave Bickers) that Daves good friend and m/c dealer Don Hitchcock has sadly passed away. Our thoughts are with Dons family.
  15. Updated photos of my Montesa Cota mk4b
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