Hi Billy
Similar to that but imagine that the rocks were approximately a bike length apart. So you can role up to the first over it without pulling the clutch in, then stopping between them before lifting the front from standstill to clear the next?
Thanks for the advice, I will definitely take a look at some Ryan Young videos and I will try and get one of myself having a go! Cheers.
Hi rob,
Thanks for the reply. I am currently not using the back brake at all so I will give this a try! Thanks for the tip.
I will try and get a video together showing what I am doing, might help to analyse what it is that I need to work on.
Thanks for the reply, sounds like what I have been trying. Need to work on coordinating it together! Cheers.
Evening folks,
Looking for a bit of advice and I couldn't see this previously asked. I was out practicing tonight, previously I have been clearing single obstacles by ridding slowly up to them, putting my weight over the rear and applying throttle so as to raise the front. However, I would like to be able to bring the front up from stationary...in other words go from having the clutch pulled in to realising it with throttle on such that the bike immediately raises the front without moving much further forward.
Apologises if that doesn't make too much sense... Any advice would be much appreciated, I'm still new to this; about a month owning the bike!
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the reply, the carb sounds interesting, as I mentioned the idle changes based upon the lean angle of the bike sometimes. It also appears to be an intermittent problem, hence this bubble idea may be likely.
I have washed the bike a couple of times although not using a pressure washer and trying to avoid the carb. Does this sound feasible for water ingress?
Hi Liviob,
Thanks for the reply, some really good advice in there. Fairly new to this bike but I used to have gas has 125 when I was younger, doesn't mean to say I'm any use though!
Idling in neutral can be a bit hit and miss, idling in gear with the clutch in seems to be more common in terms of the revs dropping and stalling.
I have cleaned the air filter out and the problem is still there somewhat. I can fix it with the idle screw but it then seems to rev too high. Also an interesting point is that I noticed it revved too high when leant over to one side but settled upon being righted...not sure if this is a throttle cable issue or maybe the carb?
With regards to the air screw is full closed fully turned inwards into the bike?
Thanks again, Charlie.
Interesting, I didn't realise this! Is it then worth adjusting the carb to compensate?
Definitely not riding the rear brake, seem to spend my life on my toes!
Thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice. Hopefully the filter and plug will make a difference. Is it worth adjusting the idle on the carb?
The air filter is filthy! New one on order, would it make a considerable difference? I will get a new plug as well, can I ask why you suggest gear oil? I changed it last weekend?
Thanks for the help
Evening folks,
I bought myself an 08 rev 3 250 about 3 weeks ago. Thoroughly pleased with it and starting the basics of trials. However, when I was out practising this evening, it felt like the bike was very keen to stall?
As in at low speed in first or with the clutch pulled in, I had to continually pick the revs up in order to prevent a stall. What might this be the result of, my initial thoughts were spark plug (don't know when this was last changed) or a jetting issue (would seem strange that it was okay with the previous owner)?
Thanks in advance for the help guys.
Hi all,
I owned a Gas Gas 125 when I was younger but I am just starting to get back into it. Collecting a Beta 250 soon
Hoping to learn a few things and maybe take part in some trials.
Cheers folks.