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  1. ah martel welcome to the trials world ! I have an 2004 rear mudguard which should fit your rev 3 if you're interested, its a bit tatty but it would be perfect for like spraying etc... got to bring your bike to raydon soon mate ! Ping
  2. Looking at the renthal fat bars , the width would be near enough the same as my standard renthal bars. Will have to check the rise of the bars due to cable lengths etc... What does the high rise mean in terms of riding position ? I will purchase some adapters from trial uk P
  3. Try trials and tribulations, they have in stock all mudguards for all beta's i believe, http://trialstribulations.net/ they have in stock an 06 mudguard for a fairly reasonable £78 or so, but with the Rev-3 all mudguards from 02-06 will fit as they change the design of the frame in 07-08
  4. Cheers for all your quick replies, i am thinking of purchasing a universal fat bar conversion clamps for around £30, and a set of Renthal fat bars is this all i would need to convert it? It seems worth it for the conversion with lots more room and less flex, Cheers, P
  5. Hi there , At one of my local event I recently had a go on another bike with a fat bar conversion and it felt a lot roomier and better than my usual standard cross bar on my beta rev 3. Just wondering what is needed to covert to fat bar ? If so is it any worth it ? I'm looking at either a renthal fat bar or a jitsie fat bar Cheers P
  6. Thanks for all your opinions i dont tend to usually ride in deep mud so perhaps will stick with michelins, but go for the X11s instead seems like everyone uses them without complaints !
  7. Hi there, just wondering if anyone has any opinions on certain brands of trial tyres? i currently run Michelin X-light which are getting on a bit and would like a fresh set for the winter ahead the Pirellis seem very cheap compared to the Michelins, does that mean a drop in quality / grip? let me know on your opinions, Cheers
  8. Jet wash and some nikwax seem to do the trick after a practice session, makes it shine like new ! Cheers guys
  9. Definitely will drive out to Cambs trials centre soon, cheers for the info on their shop. It will be weather depending but it is highly likely i shall turn up and ride, give it a go even if i dont do very well ha !
  10. Hi there folks, just wondering of any hints or tips in cleaning / protecting my forma boulder boots? I'm new to the sport so the boots have only been entered in 1 trial and a few practice sessions so its fairly new, just wondering what sort of techniques or products can be used to prolong the life of them cheers for all your help
  11. Hi Paul, thank you for your reply. I have always ordered bits and bobs off Trials UK and they have always given me a good service, but sometimes when buying a new pair of boots or a helmet it would be better to try it on to get the fit right rather than giving it a hit and miss shot with mail order. My bike was bought from a bloke who rode in TP in Corton, i shall perhaps make an appearance on the 29th to watch as it is not far from Ipswich
  12. Hi there, i'm a new rider from Ipswich, Suffolk about a month ago i decided to purchase a 2004 Beta Rev 3 250cc (without no regrets so far !) my local spot is Raydon Pits near Hadleigh just wondering of any decent trial specific shops/shops that stock trials gear in the Suffolk Area? love the sport so far, and entering my first trial next month
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