Hi Mooky
That's because it's made under licence by Mecatecno for Gas Gas.
I was having problems with Oset parts, first no springs/shocks, then no front mudguards so figured part availability couldn't be any worse. Gas Gas and Mecatecno UK have stock of mudguards etc, and that was my main requirement, as the electrics on these things are basically the same apart from the control unit. Incidentally you can get both 30 amp and 40amp controllers for the MecaGas. So I can get the motors from Oset, Gas, Mec or cheaper still by just Googling. And this was my major concern, as we run the Oset for 12 months and had 3 bearings and a motor failure. A few months in and the bearing is nosiy on this bike, but thankfully MecaGas come with 12 months warranty.
Having said that I have just found one really good difference between Oset and MecaGas, and that's the motor is dropped out by 3 bolts, no need to remove and split swingarm, which is great given how much these fail when they're used properly. Oset should take note of this.
So, so far, only a good experience, and his results have improved as well, which of course could just be coincidence.
Can't wait to move to a petrol bike though, find these electric bikes more like toys (nice toys!) with less reliability and more maintenance required. Once he's old/big enough enough I suspect the electric bike will be confined to practice only.