Hi, I've finally managed to find one now I've started this topic, thanks
Hi shercosi,
There is another ajp calliper that is similar but doesn't quite fit as I've already tried. Thanks
Hi, does anyone know where I can get a rear brake calliper for a Montesa 314r or one that will fit fairly cheap? The calliper is also on some 315's aswell. Thanks
I cut the pipe and started it up, when it was cold it didn't seem much different but when it's warm it has much better throttle response, so I tucked them away where water can't get in, thanks.
Ok thanks, should I just cut the hose and point both down.
The carburettor is off my Montesa 314 and it is a Dellorto PHBH is the pipe supposed to be how it is or it is meant to be separate? The bike is running a bit rich but the jets are all standard, could this be why?
I finally managed to test the clutch after putting some play in the cable and its fine no slip at all which was an easy fix and i don't know what oil it has because I haven't done a change yet what would you recommend?
its adjustable at both ends so ill give it ago thanks for the advice.
So it needs to be slacker because there isnt any play in at the moment?
ok thanks ill try adjustment first, would the cable need to be slacker or tighter? and if that doesn't work ill look at plates and springs thanks
When i'm in 4th, 5th or 6th and have full throttle on the bike revs right up but it doesn't speed up, at first i thought it was wheel spin but its not. it has a cable clutch and is adjustable. should i adjust it? or put new oil in? and what oil would be best? it has a Honda HRC 250cc two stroke engine thanks
Sorry about the pictures the second one was meat to be a different picture.
The white plug is connected to a black with blue stripe wire and a green wire, and the red plug is connected to a black wire and a green wire.
When i put water back in and connected the thermostat wires to the white plug and let the engine warm up nothing happened and same with the red plug.
Then i looked on youtube for ways to test if your thermostat works and a guy said use a paper clip and make a connection between the two prongs inside the plug that your thermostat would connect to and see if your fan comes on, so i tried it with the white plug and nothing happened so i flicked the fan and it spun.
So does this mean the thermostat in faulty and maybe the fan because i had to flick it?
I'm pretty sure it doesn't have an inline switch, would it be in one of the radiator hoses? ive found a 315 wiring diagram, which helps but ill look for a 314 diagram
My 314r's fan never came on by itself but when i flicked it, it would spin but it still over heated, so i thought the fan wasn't spinning fast enough because i couldn't hear it when it was on. so i looked for the thermostat and the wires had been cut.
I noticed one wire was green and one was black with a blue stripe, but i also found two other wires, one was green and and one was black with a blue stripe.
So i connected the two black ones and two green ones and put water back in it, then started it up and waited for it to get warm but the fan never came on so i tried disconnecting the wires again and flicking it but it wouldn't work that way either.
I don't know alot about electrics.
So does anyone know what i've done wrong or suggest anything?
i put my carb back together with the jet needle on the leanest setting but it didnt run well at all so i changed it back to the second groove down and put the air screw to 3 turns out and it seems good but i havent properly rode it yet hopefully it will be good.
i have the same bike and the same carburetor and the same jets, my bike starts and runs well but when i check the colour of the spark plug its always wet no matter what setting i have the air screw so i thought it might be the jet needle setting which is wrong it was at the second grove down from the top so i have changed it to the highest setting to make the mixture leaner but i haven't tested it, would you recommend this and what is the best setting for the air screw? thanks
Sorry for the slow reply, i took the carb apart and it was clean and the floats and needle worked well, i tried adjusting the air screw but i cant find a setting that creates a good mixture as the spark plug is always slightly wet with fuel, i cleaned the air filter when i took off the carb im guessing the further out the air screw the leaner the mix? thanks
thanks for the link, i looked at the wiring diagram and there are two wires coming off the ignition control module that are green and black/white like the two in the first picture then they lead to a kill switch so i think thats the right one? thanks
Sorry i don't know why i called it a kill start i meant kill switch, sometimes the fan comes on but sometimes it doesn't and i have to flick it to get it running, so could one be for a thermostat? thanks
My Montesa 314r doesnt have a kill switch, so i have to stall it or block the exhaust to kill the engine. I was checking the water level and noticed two wires taped up, so i took the tape off and one wire was green and one black with plugs on the end then i noticed another wire taped up which had a black wire and a green wire with a t connector thing on the end so i presume one is for the kill switch, but which one? I've attached some pictures of the wires. thanks
Thanks for the advice I will tell him and he'll replace the oil. Thanks
My mate has a 2001 TXT280 and the suspension is very soft and it bottoms out quite often but we don't know how to adjust them and make the suspension stiffer. There is a red cap on the right fork and a black one on the left, do you just turn them or is it harder? Thanks
I've just bought a new Montesa 314r and it runs well but the throttle response isn't great from tick over and fuel drips from the carburetor overflow pipe which is emptying the fuel tank quickly so I'm guessing I need to adjust the mixture screw and check the floats but I don't know where the mixture screw is and what the standard settings are? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks