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Everything posted by physco
  1. r2w trials , be a paitriotic dougie fan!!!!.if you live in the uk support your own,after all dougie has done for the sport in the uk!!,SHAME ON YOU.THE KING IS DEAD,LONG LIVE THE KING!!!!!!!
  2. is it a uk bike or an import?
  3. has any body any updates on what happend to dougie with regard to his crash?
  5. DOUGIE LAMPKIN TOPMAN , when the going gets tough the tough get going!,go on doug stuff it up em!!,roll on hawkstone when you will have your home crowd behind you,lets see how good the others are then!!!.
  6. DOUGIE LAMPKIN,TOPMAN,NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!!!.a britsh trials site and you are getting behind foreign riders!!!,shame on you!!!!.doug,s on top of his game riding with a wrist injury so get your act togehter and lets give it a big!!!!!!!!!!!,COME ON DOUG!!!!!.
  7. could any body tell me the cheapest way to insure trials machines on just a frame no and not the registation no.i have done this for years but now my insurance brocker says this is not possible.i have more than one machine and i do not want to insure them all on each registration no just on one insurance document.is this still possible.
  8. COLLEY,TOPMAN,!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. a sponsored rider recommending the products he uses at last,superb!.
  10. does any body have any results yet?
  11. harry is mart,s other son.
  12. does any body know if the scott trial will be run this year?
  13. forget the boring world championship i have just enjoyed riding in the best trial in the world bar none.every thing about this years ssdt was superb.do we realy need the top riders in the world attending this event,yes it would have been nice having dougie and co,when will they realise this is what trials is about.once again another superb week in the highlands.to the ssdt commitee and organisers thanks for a superb week of trials ,MEGA!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. GORDON BENNETT!!!!!!!!!!!!,waterproof white rock oil grease,plenty of it and you have a supple tyre seal,enough said!!!!!!.
  16. what about the junior cup,european cup , etc??
  17. any news from the spanish world round yet,saturday results,etc.
  18. COTA KID, your the boy!!!,dougie lampkin on top form takes some beating,i do not care about those spanish "wanna bee,s".if doug uses his strong mind he will win,trust me.imagine taking that battering he took at the indoors and then comming outdoors and winning,TOPMAN.just remember doug is not part of "fred carno,s" circus act just an out and out top rider.
  19. lets just hope dougie can stuff it up em again!!!!!,TOPMAN,
  20. silcone is s"it.take the rim tape off and clean every where with contact cleaner including the rim tape.apply grease to the "well" in the rim and put the rim tape back on.grease never goes hard like silicone.when you blow the tyre up the grease is forced into the the spoke nipples for a perfect seal.sorted!.
  22. does any body know how the first world round has gone,results,etc?
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