Anyone know the order of the parts of the lever / clutch rod? These are the 3 pieces we took. Apparently missing one or two of "steel balls" of 5.5 mm:
The actuator (part # 1) has its own steel ball. The rod has to either side for a crevasse (depression) is supposed to fit (fit) a "ball of steel" in amabos sides, one side of the actuator (part # 1) and another by the side of the (part # 3) . In turn, the (item # 3) has a crevasse to fit another steel ball driving lengthening the wire pushing the adjusting screw.
I have no pictures of the balls, as they do not get them or we are lost.
The truth is that CANT PUSH THE ckutch rud, doesnt move anithing, does nothing. Its like inserting a rode in a death end.
Please help