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Everything posted by andrewmorpeth
  1. The only way to get more oxygen into an engine is with forced induction i.e. Turbo or supercharging you can also add nitrous oxide which releases more oxygen on burning.If you do any of these without adding more fuel you will get detonation and destroy your engine.Now putting a magnet in your airbox will do nothing to oxygen molecules which have zero charge so if you aren't putting anymore oxygen in you can't get any more power.Bet Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes haven't got magnets in his air filter!Car manufacturers don't use them as they do nothing!At least all the crap on eBay are cheap this is €350!Someone is going to lose/make a lot of money!
  2. Yes i bought one!Of course 2015 was a great year for GASGAS wasn't it?
  3. Hmm doesnt look too rosey?If you stop to think for a second if you haven't got Toni Bou riding for you nothing will be looking too rosey?A certain vertigo rider just won the ssdt and the scott trial!Cant be all that bad?
  4. You wouldn't know what noises it makes!It always finishes above you!
  5. They are nowhere near as aggressive as a 300cc gas gas!Power is there, but not ridiculous.Ive even removed my flywheel weight that mine came with(2nd Hand).Have a go on one and make your own mind up.Positive points,airbox stays clean and dry so runs spot on all the time.Lots of power if needed.Well made.Ive had a few problems but mine was a previous loved/unloved bike.Fuel filter split and gearbox problem but all replaced under warranty upto a year old!Id have another!
  6. Tut Tut!Ive had problems with mine!But its the best bike ive ever had to ride!
  7. Well done a bit of straight talking/sense!You don't get to be as big as Honda without having some know how, despite what the "experts" might say!
  8. If its as good as the F1 engine god help Toni Bou!
  9. What has everyone got against cycling ffs?I do both!Horses were on the roads first as well, if you have a little look back in your history book!A little bit of tolerance?
  10. Tell him not to bother! He needs a drayton bantam or cub any year model from 2013-2018!!
  11. I thought i could talk!I think he was wanting to know the 2018 spec?
  12. That bp5es has no resistor and might give interference to the ecu.
  13. Agree DID gold/gold chain.Better than renthal.I get a year out of mine with v little maintenance!
  14. Yes looks like mine is leaking around there going to investigate this week!
  15. Gas gas Uk I'm afraid I had to buy a new one.
  16. Gas gas Uk I'm afraid I had to buy a new one.
  17. I take it you mean the SSDT?
  18. Mine would just stop now and again,had stator rewound still no better,it was definitely the cdi.Mine was a 2014 with hidria ignition.Borrow a cdi plug it in and see if its that.
  19. A good job we voted to leave then!I get this everyday in my line of work,more and more bureaucracy due to the threat of litigation.We will leave the eu but wether or not it will stop this kind of thing is anyone's guess?
  20. Mine were standard and I've only had trouble when colliding with rocks.If you mean that aftermarket ones ,badly fitted with no common sense used,will bend the mountings yes.But any flex in the footrest would be so small as to be insignificant!But hey I bow to your superior knowledge in all things as usual you know better than anyone else with a degree!
  21. Dad of 2 you don't half talk some poo!The colour of the break is fine light grey,yes as its steel!The size of the mounting on non std footrests can cause stress?Yes if the bolts dont fit and are loose?Aftermarket footrests are less flexible?WTF they are about ten cms long i doubt if they flex at all!The only thing stressing the frame on my bike is my 15 stone carcass and bouncing it off some large rocks!
  22. Broke both sides on my replica 2014 in one trial!On std footrests so i cant see how aftermarket footrests have anything to do with it?Its only steel will weld with mig as well.
  23. Have a go on one!Then lift one into the back of a van or onto the back of a car and you will see the difference!
  24. Colinf, remind me, how many world titles you have one?I rest my case your honour.
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