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Everything posted by stokesley
  1. Hi just a quick update been to have engine fixed with "al the spanner" turned out to have caused a little more damage than i hoped the parts were not cheap but al's expertise and knowlage more than made up for the parts price also his labour rate is very reasonable and as a bonus i got to watch the job start to finish
  2. Hi i live in stokesley, was trying to get a few pointers but think the best advice is to go and ask questions at a trial will give me chance to see in person how they work thanks for the messages
  3. I have always seemed to have a trials bike to potter about on but would like to do a few trials but i am a bit lost of how a trials works does any one know of a idots guide on the net i have looked but maybe typing in the wrong words, mainly looking for advice of the type of course i should try, can find a little info on colours of flags but a little info can be dangerous!! thanks in advance
  4. hi thanks for the info how would i contact al the spanner
  5. Thanks for the info I'm in the north east near Middlesbrough as I thought not a easy fix just hope the rest of the gearbox is ok as they could be a bike for spares coming soon
  6. hi hope someone can give me some advice on my problem, I let my brother borrow my bike and he brought it back without a kickstart i bought one and fitted it to my suprise it just span round sometimes engaging gears but in all different positions, i was told by a friend that it could be at best case the spring behind the clutch that had broke ( the one near the gear adjuster bolt) But on draing the oil prior to taking of the clutch case i drianed the oil but there where two bits of metal on the magnet, i was hoping someone may be able to advise problem and cost to repair i know i need to split cases to get a proper idea of problem also if this helps to identify problem the kickstart shaft moved side to side when case was off PLEASE HELP!!!!!! thankyou in advance
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