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Everything posted by uhoh7
  1. I've reworked mine just a bit. I was keeping the headlight since I like to have one, but of course it only works with the motor running, and I may be coasting to save fuel on a long downhill. Since I don't ride fast in the dark, I just put a good MB headlight on the bars, and then added a number plate gas tank--around 1 litre. With the large tank shown above I can doe most rides no problem, however major explorations require more. Then I resort to the MSR bottles. I feel a lighter pack is much nicer and safer also if I come off--for ligiments etc. Right now I'm back to the old light blue oil and trying to get away with just o-ring replacement. I had my cylinder recoated and matched to a new piston about 16 months ago--maybe two years. Took the head off yesterday it looked still very smooth and clean a few more pics:
  2. Thank so much Jon, Parts on their way, I'll report. Asked Adrian at lewisport if he had done many of these, "Oh, hundreds" he replied. hehe Best uhoh7
  3. TY Jon, I removed the circlip and washer, then the spring (which looks like it will be interesting to put back), however the top hat itself does not seem to want to budge. I can see the cross pin is sheared, so maybe I am lucky. I'm thinking about trying to get a good grip with plyers and a cloth and yank---but fear hurting something---tips? OK I got it had to yank a bit. TY sir. PS just to make things interesting I forgot to grab the thrust bearing as I pulled off the cover so those needle bearings went loose--counting them now and praying one did not drop through the small hole at the center of the clutch (bike was on it's side).
  4. TY for reply Jon, I should not say it rotates 360--- It comes to a hard stop about 180. It is still possible to shift the bike and the action actually feels normal, the clicks and the return spring presure. It was not a very hard hit. Once I remove the circlip, does the hat come out vertically in one piece? should I be looking for extra parts in there? Should I start with bike in neutral, or does this matter? How can I tell if the top hat is damaged--- seems like I ought to try replacing it first before pulling the motor. TY, sir
  5. Hi Guys, Tipped over yesterday and now shifter will rotate 360 degrees. Did my searching here, and it seems that this is not unheard of, and I may be able to fix it without splitting the cases. I've watched all the repair videos, which make reference to the issue, but do not actually show the procedure to repair/replace the "top hat" on the right side of the shift drum, under the clutch. I do know that there is a circlip which holds the piece in place. If anyone is familar with the part, could you walk me through inspection/ repair from the right side: let's say I have the clutch cover and clutch off. Looking at the parts list I see "SHIFT SHAFT CENTER LOCATOR AND SPRING" MT280238037CT. Is that all I would need if I don't have to split the cases? TY in advance
  6. That's the rumor from a spanish guy at the thumpertalk trials forum. Says he got that from the local newspaper. http://www.thumpertalk.com/forum/showpost....mp;postcount=53 Pretty big news if true.
  7. uhoh7

    New Ossa

    The rumor at Thumpertalk trials forum is that the first 1200 bikes are taken http://www.thumpertalk.com/forum/showpost....mp;postcount=53 the guy is spanish, and I think he got it from the newspaper there
  8. what he said main thing is to take up the slack and then push. the gear is weak, when broken pieces fall down and very bad things can happen.
  9. No person, let alone a business, is perfect. For example, in the past I've had a large parts importer in the USA a bit less than helpful. Yet the last time several times the same people have been great. I teach skiing, and I'm the same way--- not always perfect. I do try to catch myself when I drop below par. In a way the negative comment has come full circle. It's never worth getting too upset about comments on the internet, as any stroll around youtube will show. On that note I'm gona pop in a SSDT DVD and dream about the day I can make it.
  10. hehe, well don't be too jealous: you can go to a trial. I'd need to drive for days. So we watch SSDT videos and pretend.
  11. a Tesla weighs 2600 lbs (light for a modern roadster) and can go over 200 miles on a charge. far as the scott, I'd like to see somebody do it with a single tank of gas. if the bike was designed for a quick battery change, as some already are, it would be not much harder than refueling. Batteries are moving forward fast. If somebody put the thought that's gone into the new OSSA towards an electric bike we'd already have something. I ride my bikes in spite of the IC motor, not because of it. Lovely sound and smell???? They are loud, they stink, and the bloody pipe is ready to burn a hole in your leg if you fall wrong. I will never understand the widespread attachment to internal combustion. It's nasty carbon farting to my mind, and I'd kill to have something clean, cool and quiet. I would request an onboard recharging capabilty to get something back on the downhills...
  12. It's very good...you just don't wanna break down....
  13. God, I would kill to have a noiseless bike. I hate the sound, heat and filth of motorcycle engines. So does the general public. What's the point? Riding. Loud mechanical carbon farting has nothing to do with it. my filthy KTM.....I suppose you love the fumes too, hehe Any long downhill and my motor is OFF:
  14. Why, again, did Sandifords drop Montesa? Or was it the other way around? I read somewhere there are a bunch of new ones sitting around unsold in the UK, true?
  15. Some will say, hey Dougie don't use no risers. Well I ain't Dougie. 5.5 jitsie fatbars 20mm risers and the red i forget who makes em taller than normal with forward and back adjusment bar clamps. Way nicer for me. And I'm only 6'1" In action, hehe
  16. Way to hang in there and FIX the thing!!!! I've been there with my Gasser. Feels great to finally sort it out--eh? Congrats on your victory.
  17. I bet it will be a sweet ride. The Rad looks a tad exposed on the sides.....
  18. uhoh7

    2010 Xispa

    Looks like xispa forgot the UK trials mating rituals...or maybe there is a back story which explains the emotion. It's no Ossa, but the machine appears respectable---in my mind looks better than the new sherco anyway (talking looks here). The tubular frame fad--well the sherco looks like they built the frame, and then remembered it also had a radiator--no worries we'll just bolt it on. Hangs out a fair bit with no protection, but oh well, lets put the gas in the exhaust pipe and they will never notice the radiator.
  19. Great links, TY sir. It amazes me that with all the custom built motorcycles some plow unheardof sums into, that we haven't seen a great electric trials bike. From what I read, it seems the motors are not optimal as currently designed, and obviously the frames in many of these bikes are taken straight from a gas powered bike. I dream of the day we see a very light version with purpose built components, and regenerative braking to extend the range.
  20. Laser, get off your butt and upload a pic of your new setup!!!!!!!!!!! best, uhoh7
  21. obviously if the oil is white there is water in it. Most likely source is through water pump seal. Besides a worn shaft and seal, which is common, this can also be caused by toasted o-rings on the head, which often happens with a big overheat. I would watch the vid mentioned above, verify seal and shaft are on ther correctly, then replace o-rings. Put your fan on a switch, temporarily--as mentioned the thermostat may not be working right. The piston really rattles when hot---check sound when cool. You may have a stuck ring. If noise persists inspect piston and barrel. But be sure you are not hearing the famous GG rattle--if the noise changes when you let the clutch in and out--tha's likely what it is.
  22. I think those are all ragas? just noting the heads
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