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Everything posted by uhoh7
  1. Ever since I got my 06 300 txt (new) I have been trying to get it to do a sustained climb without overheating. Results: it always overheats. I have done the head orings, waterpump etc. still overheats. After the last incident I have had the cylinder replated. I will say one thing. It has never left me in the backcountry. I let it cool, add water, and it starts. What drives me crazy is that I do hear of 300s that don't overheat.
  2. I just replated my 300 pro at langcourt USA, sent them an oversise wossner piston and they matched it . about 180.00 US + piston 175.00 US. You will need o-rings and base gasket. Your previous starting issues may have been jetting. I would be sure to get a selection of mains and pilots for the delorto. This fixed my bike--it always starts. GG usa has video on kickstarting properly--to aviod damage. I guess alot of people don't do it right.
  3. Nobody in the states has a clue what trials is. I was part of the first "boom" and bought a brand new RL250 in 1975 or 6. I watched a young Bernie Schrieber in a local trial near Auburn, Ca. That interest was because of one thing, as youall prolly know: On any sunday. Back before the rednecks hyjacked off-road riding, and turned it into a political mindset. I thought I saw some daylight when the trials bikes did so well in endurocross--but the open competition was shutdown, and trials tires banned in the "prestigous classes". I'll say this: they'll put anything on those hi-def cable channels. Chopper building, crab fishing, truck driving. Those shows are so silly it leaves you in awe. Except: the isle of man TT, which now suddenly has incredible coverage on one of those terribly boring channels. You film the SSDT in high def, and sell it to a hi-def channel, trials sales would triple. The only other hope is more long riding. MX bikes are terrible on single track. I have 10 grand in my 07 KTM 250SX. At 205 lbs--40 lbs under any of my buddies bikes, it's still a complete pig. My 300 pro on the other is quite sweet on the trail, EXCEPT I had to send to france and pay 500.00 for a tank, overheating in the mountains is a real issue, and the gearbox is a nightmare-- 4th to 5th is so huge, 1-4 are too close. The fact there is no real viable long ride setup for the GG 300 pro (except for a custom setup out of montana) is sad. The new GG 4s could really be a super trail machine, with minor factory mods (close those gear gaps, bit bigger rad, 2 gal tank/seat) and it has so much less impact on trails-- you might even get the USFS to recommend them. I know the T-ride is supposed to be that bike, but look at the weight of the thing, not to mention the price. In the usa, trials is more alive in the mountain biking scene than the motorbiking scene. Oh well, I got my bike and my buddy just found a bike too. I catch people gawking at my bike when it's on the truck all the time-- so the potential is there.
  4. uhoh7

    Noisy Fan

    when it starts to squeal stop it with your finger (don't forget to wear a glove). this is reputed to often "fix" the squeal. i ended up getting a new fan. BTW sure you know but keep that washer away from the fan.
  5. note in the pic that the cap says 1.00 BAR. This is fine for sea level, but too low for high altitude, where water boils at a much lower temp. You would think that ordering a higher BAR would be easy---like it is for any enduro or MX bike. Not so. GG in spain does not have any. I now have found the manufacturer of the caps http://www.biffiepremoli.it/uk/catalogue/p...5&id_cat1=3 I have to figure out which "code" or part number the stock cap is so I can be sure to order the right one. Then I have to figure out how to get it from italy to the USA.
  6. You mean like this? My "trail" bike. The purpose built trail bikes like the CRX, WR, etc are all fat, underpowered and heavy. This KTM is 207 ready for fuel, about 5 lbs lighter than the lightest MX 250F. I added 9oz to the flywheel and had the suspension worked over. It's still too big and heavy. On technical trails there is no comparison. Another issue is dealing with spring trails with logs down or snow patches. The trials bike can get around with little or no damage. Even turning around can be a major deal here: small trail on a steep side-hill. And of course whatever you get for a "trail bike" you still have fuel issues. Anything over 65 miles and you will need a tank for it too. I am waiting now on a 3 gal for the KTM.
  7. contact mrsalvagemc@earthlink.net my setup below carries 4.5 litres, the one I show above which has just become available holds 8 litres. My seat is not too usefull but the one above looks like you could use it. to get this setup contact: Herv
  8. Anyone have the specs handy for how much fluid the rad, hoses and water pump hold? I'm experimenting with water wetter: trying to figure how much to add.... ty sirs last week........it's getting good now
  9. and as an extra special bonus you get a nice clunk and all sorts of interesting noises whenever you shift from 4th to 5th or back....hehe
  10. That sounds like it's worth a try thank you sirs I'll report.
  11. Got my 300 pro out since the snow is fast melting and had a great ride in the mountains, except: I had to fill my radiator 3 times. this is an 06 and has done this since new. On a long pull it will get hot and start p******, untill it has p****d ALOT. putting around it's no problem. water pump and fan are fine. thoughts? BTW here's where i was...
  12. best deal i could find was 116.00 for both front and rear including shipping at rockymtnatv TY sirs
  13. The michlin x-11 comes in a tube type and a tubeless type. As I look at various sites to order a d803 i can see no such distintion. does the d803 come in both a "tubless" and a "tube type"? this is for my 06 300 pro so I just need to be sure I get a tubless. Prices here in the states are all over the place--as low as 57.00 US TY sirs
  14. uhoh7

    Fan Squeals

    TY Kevin, I searched and searched but could not find that one. My inside source says squeals are common, what he does is stop the fan blade and hold it for 10 seconds, then let go again. Thanks to global warming we have alot less snow this year ( I do coast down the big hills to cut emissions, believe it or not), still no riding at my house of course, but sunday i made the 2:20 trek to THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE (and I am not kidding), where the riding is already great. my OTHER bike
  15. uhoh7

    Fan Squeals

    Thanks Spinner, I guess the fan design has changed: here is what mine looks like: you think I should squirt at the little drive shaft?
  16. uhoh7

    Fan Squeals

    06 300 pro. The fans comes on and off normally. There is nothing around the blades or restricting it. But it will go into squealing mode---there are two different squeals-- a shreiking high pitched squeal which stats and stop suddenlly and a lower pitched one which also starts and stops while the fan is running. Do I just need a new fan?
  17. "GG 4-Stroke: the news is certain, the GG 4s is ready and it's already out......Giorna has completed the process and now it's a matter of testing and refinement......over 300cc, very light, lateral valves...will be fitted in the pro frame. Goal is to have the lightest 4s available...." http://www.motocrossdigital.eu/ free download of march issue to see article.
  18. I agree totally. Since a dealer is also confirming the aug 07 est, I don't feel completly out there---my info came from a factory visit late in the fall, and the person who made the visit did not swear me to secrecy or anything- or indicate that he was not supposed to tell anyone, but it does seem to be a de-facto secret.
  19. Well all I can say is it's a well kept secret. I was sure by now somebody would chime in. Why they are waiting to get the buzz going I can't say. But the word I happened to hear was pretty direct-- I certainly believe we will see a 2008 gg 4S trails on sale in 07, or at least there is an intention to do so. There has been alot of work on the prototypes--they really exist--though I've never seen a picture published. We all know the gulf which can seperate plans and execution. But I would bet on it---not the farm, hehe but 20 bucks anyway. I wonder, and the old hands could say, what was the lead time on the Pro? How long from when the news came out till the bike could be purchased?
  20. Good youtubes on the beta..what is the displacement on that machine?
  21. I prolly should keep my mouth shut, but I think the word will soon be out. 22 hp with a very low cylinder profile. Did not hear about colors or chrome.
  22. A riddle: what has 350cc, EFI, push rods, revs to 10 grand and will be available within a year?
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