So I finally sold my 4rt abd bought a sherco!! So are there any hints and tips with regards to maintenance or quick mods that may not have been done??
Also what mixture do you run the fuel on?
Thanks in advance
Oh dear! Well we all have em (me more than others) haha!
As for spark plugs Im a sucker for when they go ill change them! However for the sake of just taking it out and giving it a good clean with a wire brush every now and then could save a lot of heart ache! Maybe every 8th trial/practice!
My 07 had a sharp clutch however this was due to having a smaller master cylinder. Soon as the large 1 went on there was no dramas! Also I think 07 onwards were smoothed out a lot by a different cam profile, mines sweet as a nut, very smooth and never misses a beat!
Happy hunting
Hi all
Im after blingin the 4rt up and have browsed the internet for a WHITE front mudguard?? It's for my 07 4rt so does anyone know where I can get one from or an alternative I could modify (315 etc)????