Well, I think I started a great thread, with some mega input from everyone, Dan in particular, thank you all.
A friend and I only started riding Trials in November, both never ridden motorbikes before, ever!
Coming from a strong Mountain bike and BMX background, we have some idea of riding over stuff and off road.
I've done around 6 trials now and at the weekend 23/2 we rode our first clubman route ( I thought it would have a novice route, hence turning up!).
We both did ok, tackled everything and only had a few 'stunts'!
We enjoyed the challenge immensely and I began to think why people don't move up a class, hence post!
Thanks to your comments, I have opened my eyes to the 'not so novice novices'!
I must say, everyone at every trial have been really helpful, it's a great sport and at the age of 44 I wish I had started it a long time ago.
It's thanks to people who encourage beginners, set out 'dead easy' and 'fun' trials, set out novice routes that people like me would probably not 'take' to the sport, find it too difficult and give it a swerve.
For now, we are going to continue on the novice route, though will try the clubman routes when we feel like, keep going to trials every week where possible and move up to clubman after spring, hopefully !