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Everything posted by crazybond700
  1. But than again rules are there to set the guidlines. IF the organisers of the event dont want people to complete the coarse without riding every section the rules should be adjusted in that direction. Maybe people give the finishing the sddt too much a godlike status? I think that everyone experiences the event in a different way, and I must say that riding it, and finishing it with some asked fives is a experience and challange by itself. If we compare it to rally raids, especially years ago, e.g. the true dakar hero's are the guys finishing last if you ask me! Simmilar to the ssdt, legendary status, other sport discipline is for us Dutchies the eleven city tour ice skating. It works with a ballot system, but to be able to enter the ballot you need to be a member of an association, and there used to be too many members so only half could enter the real race. Because there needs to be natural ice for like 200km's, which almost never happens. There have been like 15 since the first in the beginning of 1900. So you need to be lucky that you are a member, allowed to start, and have good conditions of ice. But everyone may enter. old & young, Pro sporters and total amateurs, kings!! and hobos. And it needs that. The event itself should wipe out people not worthy, they should not want to start. (like me with ice skating ). The rest should get respect for trying on their own level.
  2. Yeah maybe its a gray area, i dont know the specific ssdt rules. But missing is probably meant ''no hole in the card'', or score on some list, etc. When you ask for a 5 (if thats allowed) than you did not miss any, but you did not ride them. But thats discussable probably. With the EC (and lower) it is allowed to skip rides
  3. Everything that can help to save some fingers should be fitted imo. The new sprocket rules etc, I know already 3 people with fingers suverly hurt or missing!
  4. Yeah, please do! Its always nice to learn something new. Good luck.
  5. If the rules alow to get a five, the should be able to take a five without any other consequenses... Rules are rules. Be really carefull not to make it a pro's only event, the event will lose its charm. Dont make rules, like the no stop rule, which are discussable. What would be a desent try? Entering through the start? How many % of the track should you reach in order to satisfy the observer? I dont think any of that will work. A extra score, or rules how many you are allowed to take a 5 or something are possible. They are clear from the beginning. If you are in a hurry take a 7 (or 10 or what else), if you have time enter the stage and get maximum of 5. That way you promote people to try, but also give the possibility to catch up time, or give people the change to save themselfs and material in no chance situations.
  6. Did you check the exhaust for how full of black sludge it is? A exhaust overhaul might solve your problem. Does it get worse when you get it really hot, and ride for some time? Old oil and black smudge will get loose in the exhaust and start to burn away. Riding it really hot will actually make it run cleaner afterwards. Airfilter is good and clean? Its difficult for us to check wether its normal 2t smoke (they are called smokers!) or something is wrong.
  7. I like ''whale monkey titanium'' or just the ''Pirate RRRRRR''
  8. I think, turning it in and out adjusts the forks, just like what the clickers normally do, only it does not solve your problem. You just change the setting. You could turn it out and look for damage. I think the part above the thread causes the clicking normally. What makes it stop normally, the end of the thread?
  9. Probably no market for it. Otherwise the FIM could earn a lot more money, and organisations could get more income to organise big WTC and indoor events.
  10. Combat are the ones with the tube style frames like KTM 690 enduro etc has. Those are available in Ice hell ,camo works and titanium R. Camo is the one which already is available for some time with the green frame, the standard bike. The titanium one is a special one with titanium frame (and probably expensive and limited) not allowed in competition under FIM. The ice hell is lighter version of the Camo, the white one,, has some magnesium stuff, other bars, that kind of stuff. You might see it as the ''middle'' version I think. Then there is the other model with a more ''standard'' frame, the ''vandal'' also expectedly with electric starter. But those are not for sale right now I think. See http://www.vertigomotors.co.uk/index.php/models For some of the models, however the information could be better imo. Or dont release the bikes or make sure you give information including when they are planned to be introduced.
  11. Too bad those are not online anymore because Jim swapped brands. Put bike on its side.!!! Remove the kickstarter (if this goes off difficult, you can undo the bold a few threads and use the kickstarter as a lever) Remove the bolds of the cover, leave the waterpump on the cover, and dont touch the waterpump or rotate the crank. (bolds go: longest 2 one underneath in the waterpump, the other one above the kickstarter. Second longest go in the waterpump on top. Thirds longest go in the middle on top and underneath. The shortest go left.) YOu can use the clutch to get the cover off. Mind the clutch bearing and cap, I always get a wire and wire the cover to a fork legg or so that its not in the way. Mind he washer on the kickstart gear. Remove the clutch with the alen bold. Remove the clip of the idler gear. Use the kickstart to turn the kickstarter axle abit and pull it out. Remove and reassamble the half gear. Make sure of the timing!!! I think the stop can only be inserted if the halfs are split. Reinsert the kickstart axle, end of the spring in the correct hole, turn the whole assembly one turn to set it under pressure, and put it in correctly. Assemble idle gear (should be with 2 washers (one on top one underneath) and a clip) Make sure the kickstarter ''hook'' is pointing towards the top (it must fall in the cover) Dont forget the washer on the kickstart axle. Mount the clutch and reassemble the cover, make sure the cap and bearring are correctly on the clutch slave ''hat. Bold everything down and put the kickstarter back on. While your busy check the clutch for correct fingerhight and stackhight. Also clean the spring of the clutch, as dirt will grow there.
  12. If it comes out really black or your mixture is too rich, too much oil, bad ignition (but you should notice this)
  13. After hours of high math calculation I found a correct match for all the clutch plates I had laying arround and got the specs right. New oil Lubed everything nice Cleaned the bike, because its nice weather here now and it has to shine!
  14. http://advrider.com/index.php?threads/marzocchi-fork-maintenance-de-mystefied.1018648/
  15. Make sure your boots shine!
  16. I would not see another reason why the headlamp wiring would not work. Or the grips are just crappy.
  17. I think the guy carrying the **** for you drank it, he thaught is was a tip!
  18. Read he had a training excident (to shoulder) and cannot ride (or skips) the X-trial des nations. But looks like he will be allright for the outdoor season. Interesting new rule ''interesting rule change this year in that one team member must be under twenty-five years of age.'' http://www.fim-live.com/en/article/new-format-could-bring-a-change-of-order/ So Adam will replace Bou (as they are both older riders) and will ride with busto.
  19. Good and interesting find andy! Couple of things I notice: Promotion almost 10.000 euro! If you relate that to their income from public its madness. (financially speaking. However the grands (17k in total) from the governments or regions are probably given to promote the area. Nowadays with facebook, websites etc this must be able to do with less money. FFM inscription is really expensive, they should be happy that people organise the rounds! What is regie esdeux organisation 20K? The rest of the costs are minimal so nothing to change there (medics etc and logistics) Budgetting a loss is quite strange, somebody should pay it... So add that ''payer'' to sponsors and reach a balance, like is normal in budgetting. One of the problems with outdoor trial is its ''open''. If you could ask 5 euro entry fee, and around 3000 people come and watch its easy 15K. I think people are willing to pay, but its not possible to prevent people from entering.
  20. I dont know about the UK, but there are plenty of parts out there, and there will be new parts again. The time inbitween we will surfive.
  21. Good points. However, In the Netherlands and Belgium there used to be a big field of Supermotard riders. Big competitions, lots of entries. However costs became higher and higher. Fees, licence etc and offcoarse your own costs tires petrol (race and to get there). Lower amount of participants, some clubs stoped organising, and now they have a combined cup. However this brings a lot of travel costs for riders, and the amount of riders is still declining. Lately they tried an ''open'' class. Just people with an enduro bike, put some road tyres on them, and a lot of people entried, because the costs were still fun! Some riders where actually old ''inters'' and rode faster on a 2stroke enduro bike with 21'' and 18'' wheels than people in the competition class. So we must be carefull that costs stay fun.
  22. I would love a 2t freeride (or montesa?) however there is no place to enjoy it in our country. Need to buy part of Spain to be able to use it haha. For even more enduro like motorcycle look at the Xtrainer from Beta.
  23. I have a pdf with the info. Dont know how to upload here but sent me a message with email and I can send you. ggman.pdf
  24. I think the power is the problem. I can imagine (all the people lalal ) they take like 50W or something, which is quite much for a small bike with little lights etc. There are also gloves, with a battery to put in a pocket or bag, however I dont think there are any mx/trial like gloves.
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