Same accounts for the o ring inside the fuel screw. Somethimes people take it out, forget the o ring, and blow it with air. Bye bye o ring. Its there for a reason.
And that last parts happens, a lot.
1. For torque specs read http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/59522-anyone-save-jim-snell-repair-videos-no-longer-viewable/
2. Dont no, I always have like half a centimeter ish.
3. Not as simple as in older forks. Those have a closed cartridge system if i remember well. Which means its needs to be filled without air before inserting the parts.
Thats how it works in perfect market conditions. If you make it one euro cheaper you go banktrupt, if you make it one euro more expensive nobody buys. Howerever, like mentioned before, those markets dont exists, and the ''rules'' or conditions for this do not account for the trial market:
full information -- haha information and trial manufacturers
no market leaders to set prices
non intervention by governments -- Spain?
no entry or exit bariers -- will you start up a trial factory tomorow?
Equal acces to production factors
Profit maximalisation -- e.g. Honda has the ability to keep producing even if its not profitable.
no externalities
Most of all, a trials bike, is not a homogeneous product. Even though they are all trials bikes. Some people like a 4 stroke, others 2 stroke. People like brands, one favors this, another favors that.
Trials market is more something like a oligopoly, although it does not meet all criteria (again no market does, those are theoretical)
Until 2000 will fit, then the changed to the new airbox/seat setup.
I think they have been there with a couple of different decals. One with contact on the side, on with contact on the middle of the fender in greyish sticker, and one with a yellowish and grew triangle like thingie near the ''seat''.
The older ones (97ish) have the holes different or no holes. But I never use screws in fenders, tiewraps break earlier than rearfender plastics most often.
There was much more however. But might be comming
Could be if your story is right, but than it would run bad.
Could be also that the shock softens the movement and thats why you dont hear the link bearings.
But you could take the shock out and inspect the bushings.
If you place the bike on a stand/crate/rock/log/whatever and hold the ''seat'' of the bike with one hand, and pull the swingarm up and down you should be able to feel play in the system if there is any. (most often there is).
If you got time while not search on this forum, there is plenty
Good luck mate!
What collour you need?
I have those (and all manuals I ever found) only not all the video's.
No perfect market exists (and trial is not near it). Without perfect market the rules for perfect market do not count. Making a sherco (or whatever brand) 1 euro cheaper does not change the volume sold (to 100%). Only a derivative of this idea is happening in the real world, and factors differ and are not totally clear for the consumers. E.g. a honda and a (lets say) GG at the same price, some people would go for the 4 stroke Honda, others for the GG (me). It would be interesting to see this differences in e.g. sherco and sherpa, what happens if you make one 100 euro cheaper or more expansive.
But what is happening; a customer has more choice, and (most often) only buys one bike. Changes are every buyer of a TRS or vertigo is a ex GG, Honda etc rider. So keeping prices the same, volume gets eaten away with more competition.
Buying a bike is emotion, not rationality, so ... bladibla
I think this is correct if you want your bike to run without the magneto on, and kill it with it on.
Yeah but Jim is probably the owner of the video's and he is not involved in GG anymore (as it seems).
Not too thight, just until its sits good. Somethimes it can be a little bit pain in the ass to get it right in.
My all forseeeing eye made me save a lot of videos (for personal use). But I cannot upload them or something because we might get problems with rights and stuff.
However I did not save them all i think.
That probably is because to move to the right, you press right, makes the bike go right. When the bike goes right, you should push on your left bar and footrest in order to get it upright again (mainly legs!). Also stand wide, so you have more leverage and are less stuck to the bikes frame (makes you fall in the same direction).
Practise with a friend, engine shut off, wheel between his legs, him holding the handlebars. Try to move the bike with feet and hips. Mind two triangles, your outer leg, and your elbow. Also look towards where you want to go, and twist the torso with it. Do not steer with your arms, but with the body. Whenever the helper does not get tired anymore trying to hold you, start the engine and try yourself.
Cant find a decent picture, but this one shows it a small bit (it was not a very tight corner). Notice the angles in green (I should make a picture with it exaggerated.
Standard issues (not to make you scared, just to look) next to general state (how does it look, sprockets, tires, seals (frontfork e.g.) etc).
Noise from engine (a bit is standard, sound from the clutch. Should change when you pull clutch in neutral).
Look at frame welds near frontfork''head''. Also check bracket between two front tubes, where the radiator is mounted. THose somethimes break.
Check rear wheel for play on the suspension link. Fixable but costs money.
THe days decent topics were created...
There are plenty of MX specialized decal makers. THey can shape and make everything you want.
So you are a man without critisism...
I think its impossible to say, and not fair. I shall give my answer in five years. (please remind me if i forget).
To make the trial des nation more interesting (taking it away from WTC) would need prohibiting of world class riders. They could put in the rules (atleast the last couple of years, and probably years to come) that Spain in the winner, cause no questions about that.
Ok, thats how sport works (e.g. Dutchies with Iceskating). And with team sports a national team works because you normally play in your own team, which could be in a total different country. But with trial this is not really the case.