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Everything posted by crazybond700
  1. This is what we call ''opinions'' not objective and not really relevant, however as much as we can get... Respect them and take with a pinch of salt..
  2. YOu guys got Bilstain and probably other nice grounds. (we go there couple of times a year but takes like 4 hours of driving!)
  3. No, think well about where it normally should be! Putting it back in the frame or shock makes you need to take it back out again etc with putting it back together. So you put it in some other part...
  4. Nooo (ok it took me more than half an hour too find too)
  5. I always use cable ties, brake more easy than mudguards...
  6. Bassically got this in my backyard (ok its a couple 100m) https://www.google.nl/maps/@52.2415632,6.8640101,3a,75y,268.36h,71.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCUBtNtjbgWM4ufAdBTvrnw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  7. crazybond700

    Wow Beta

  8. Been searching the upper shock bolt. Quess whats the third best location for it, next to in the frame, and in a parts tray?
  9. The underplate needs to be strong enough, not only for hitting purposes, but its also a part of the frame preventing the frame bends (too much).
  10. I just take the engine out, so much easier!
  11. Do you have good clutch and brake control?
  12. ^^ And there are multiple methods to get on top of an obstacle. But for some you want to place the wheel between 50% and 66% of the obstacle. E.g. There youcan see techniques where they skip the front wheel. Here you can see some different examples some that go better than others, what can we learn? Here he makes the obstacles because they are not tooo high, Here are some examples of the front wheel hitting Im searching yet for a realy good example
  13. Yeah, I partly agree, but on the other hand thats what many people said about KTM etc back in the days, and look now... It aint over till its over, and even then still..... (give it some 10 years and somebody will come, again!)
  14. Sparkplug broken? How did the piston look, appart from obvious damage caused by the particle collition with the head, lol.
  15. A buy like this doesnt have to be profitable on the sort run, as long as it gets profitable on the long run. And probably there is (additional) value for the tarrot brand.
  16. One of the most negative results can be that they prepare some new stock, and stop producing, but then we have more parts than we do have now (even though there is still enough for some time now)...
  17. I think its dead. Did one of the circlips got out?
  18. There is more than enough demand for those bikes, also enduro bikes. THey are going to produce around 3000 bikes next year and than see what happens I quess. When financially managed good it should be able to be profitable quite easily. Dont put money and effort in prestige projects, just make good bikes and keep customers happy. The quicker parts are made again etc the lower the damage to the brand will become. People will get over it once they can buy stuff again, the bad period has not been too long (now).
  19. mmm I will buy new washers and clip to try tomorow
  20. crazybond700

    Idle Gear

    During assembly I noticed the idle gear going around a bit on the heavy side. Normally it spins around quit easily right? It does get better after I did some more lubrication on it and spin it a view times. Is something wrong or does it need to wear in a bit?
  21. Almost finished my engine work some teasers The gearbox bearing was stuck, so took some effort to get out! Hopefully it will be going for some years more now!
  22. We cant tell without looking at it offcoarse. New piston is available (if you cant find it pm me) around 135 euros depending on size.
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