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Everything posted by crazybond700
  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=14&v=Yty0l8zgrmQ I must say they are quick with photos and video's etc!
  2. Well, I think the top earns a ''nice'' salary, but no big bucks. The avarage salary in Spain is around 20.000 (euros). I would think the top riders earn between 3 to 5 times that with their salary? And then they probably have some cherries on the pie here and there. Maybe MX is easier to find info about, and they probably or most definatly earn a lot more because of the bigger importance (so no real comparison possible): http://www.simplyhired.com/salaries-k-motorcross-jobs.html http://motocrossactionmag.com/home-page/you-asked-for-it-how-much-does-supercross-really-pay http://www.ehow.com/info_12087448_average-salary-professional-motocross-riders.html http://www.redbull.com/us/en/motorsports/offroad/stories/1331646699975/top-10-earners-sx-2014
  3. If I calculate it i think I am out better this way, offcoarse situations might differ. Lets say second hand bike lets say 2000 euro, new front and rear tyre 150 euro, put on a new chainset, and most of the big items are done. Things like brakepads, clutch, seals, wheelbearings etc will wear on a new bike aswell, so thats just calculated into the buying price. Offcoarse engine work you never know on a used bike, but the experience is that mostly things like the waterpump need work (which also happens on a new bike), and a lot of time can go in a bike (which is ''free'' for me). Things like repairing an exhaust etc are all done at home so no real costs involved there. But I will probably not buy a new bike anytime soon. And I am lucky that I can get parts cheap probably. The bike keeps about the same value, so I dont loose depreciation.
  4. Well, im not sure, but it could be that S3 makes/did make the cylinders for both bikes. They are, next to most products we know, a big cylinder rehaul and fabricator company. You need the right size, whats on the box is not really important. Read the bottom section of the link you send.
  5. We have almost two FTE working in a sort of ''school'', not focussed on trialriders, but on people who never experienced anything like it. Real training I dont believe to be profitable as full time job. Also there are some riders who can earn a buck with shows. but thats also a ''now'' job and no future. Maybe open a ranch and rent bikes with combination of aboves, like pasquet has. Also the Spaniards are well known riders in there country, in other countries this is much less. Look at e.g. Dakar rider Coma who can start as manager/cordinatior in the race. A lot of racers in cars or motorbikes start on TV later, like commenting on sports events etc. There are a lot of possibilities, and like mentioned above, with the right motivation and effort they are capable of a lot with their fighting mentality. Move towards enduro or extreme events, where probably more money is too be earned. Maybe Raga will be flying air races? We must also not forget how much time they spend with bikes (which they dont need to pay for) at training locations etc. For us our hobby costs money, for them everything is paid, and they dont do alot of other things for a decade than trial.
  6. It depends on what you want to repair/replace. But most of the parts that wear also wear on a new bike... so better put some parts in to keep the older bike running imo! The last ten years the rides didnt become so much better, alteast for the most of the riders.
  7. Once in a while a new rider comes, most of the time on an older bike, and one off the first tips you hear are ''move those bars more to the front''. If your not common with trials you put them wrong, and you dont know better. But it really goes better with them on the front. How far is different per rider and ride style I quess.
  8. and the question you should ask if you even want originals since they probably dont stick very good again.
  9. And a blackbusa is made for roads right? The thing vans also drive on
  10. and make sure the other side is clean (like you can eat from it lol) The enduro bikes are/were know for the decal falling off when looking at them.
  11. I think there is also a destincion between income as salary, and things like your brand/merchandise/sponsorstuff etc. But I dont know.
  12. Yeah atleast it gives some info
  13. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.trial-club.com%2Fwebzine-trial%2Factualites%2F2015%2Ftrial-club-a-essaye-la-vertigo%2F Nice report with pictures on the new bike make
  14. Yes, I would do that. The hole goes towards the breather near the front sprocket and is there for a reason.
  15. Anyone has experience with these parts or whole clutch. Looks fancy and usefull, bit (too) expensive though http://www.arrow-moto.com/ (down the page) I saw them before some times, they are from the designer of the pro engine.
  16. Wonder what bike adam will start with. Nice possibility to test the TRS, but dont know if its already ready for battle. (even if he loses points due to new bike they will probably win easily).
  17. How high tech can a led front light be? If its just the leds than replace those and there will be something like a converser from 12V to 5v or something.
  18. Would love to go, but already have other plans. But thanks for posting, this kind of trips are better with ''friends''! maybe next time
  19. Most of the time the seals are not broken or fully worn, but sand and dirt has come between the dustseal and the seal and makes it leak. A good cleanup helps most of the time, in case you have no spares available. But the work needed to give a good clean is almost the same as to replace and they are not that expensive.
  20. I think that last bit is the problem. A nice project like valter ponzo has cost more than a brand new gasgas/sherco/beta etc does. and offcoarse you need to find the right parts. But they are nice projects. But like the honda of Valter I wouldnt want to ride it anymore, so I better just buy a (secondhand) bike!
  21. Well the relationship ended quite, well lets say with pasion involved. So the chances of coming back were quite low. The factory and workers were not very pleased with the way things ended, and well adam certainly didnt aswel. So an other brand was almost inevitable
  22. The first movies are already on facebook. And maybe GG is not the owner of the bikes anymore? I dont know how the contract with the factory was, but if its ''given'' to a team that has its own entity than it should not be a problem. Or they might just have ''dissapeard?'' (does spain have hugh channels to shoot bikes in? ;P)
  23. I saw some video of him riding, looks quite adapted already. Offcoarse thats just freestyle riding, but looks good. And I think the bike is quite like the gas gas (compared to other possibilities). (video is on facebook https://www.facebook.com/jordi.tarres.9085and https://m.facebook.com/adamraga67 )
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