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Everything posted by crazybond700
  1. Or try to make a newer filter and cover fit, than newer plastics will fitt.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/108014475895926/photos/a.693836957313672.1073741844.108014475895926/1029988867031811/?type=1&theater
  3. LType piston ring has to do with the shape of the ring, if you look from it from the side (crosssection). An L shape is well, L shaped Actually an L on its side.
  4. For the radiatorbracket, If I look at part fiche it looks like it should be on the outside. Can check tomorow.
  5. I dont know. I think R37 is the type or something, have seen it before. Will look if its on others aswell for you tomorow. /lineaway make sense, although I though those has also 370 on the bottom of the cilinder edge.
  6. Made a picture before serviceing
  7. Dirt on/in the rear brake caliper pistons?
  8. Some might consider left is the right side
  9. For that models the motor is availavble loose, for the newer its a total new fan with plastic etc. Because the fan isnt detachable (officially) http://www.ebay.com/itm/GAS-GAS-TXT-JTR-270-96-TRIALS-BIKE-COOLING-FAN-MOTOR-L300001-/191630963606 http://www.ebay.ie/itm/191630963606 https://www.teile-katalog.com/?ALIAS=25400&CLIENT=neubert2&PARTNUMBER=L300001 And there might be others that could fit. Or you could find a broken newer fan, with the non threated blade.
  10. Check valves and maybe try new sparkplug? Sparkplugs can be nasty things (offcoarse especially with 2strokes but also 4t)
  11. Trials has a really low bar to start with imo. (well you need to buy a bike). But especcially at the ''low'' level the people are very nice. I must say on higher level this isnt always the case, but thats with a lot of (top)sports. Oy yeah, and get us a picture with a helmet on as avatar!
  12. I dont think parts will be a issue the coming years. (Im sure actually) I have a spare engine myself, In case of big last minute emergency (remember now still got to prepare it, lol)
  13. And the part which is exposed is exactly the part of skin where the exhaust hits your leg, I got prove of that. Thought a bike was cool, but it was already started for some minutes before, and I pushed it with my leg. Ouch.
  14. I know the hub is different on newer bikes (sprocket has 6 bolds, newer 4) for the rest I dont know if they would fit or not.
  15. Had on shifter shaft broken from a chain brake, but that was obviously seeable damage from the outside. Let us know what you find
  16. That happens, and the solution is given above
  17. Hint: Watch videos, all problems are sorted out for you https://www.youtube.com/user/GASGASinfo/videos
  18. You could go lower on the main jet, and if that doesn't work (enough) change the needle. ''Normal'' procedure is for motorcycles: 1) idle, 2) pilot screw 3) slow or pilot jet 4) main jet 5) the needle 6) accelerator pump (if equipped). 7) read the plug. http://www.jetsrus.com/FAQs/FAQ_rejetting_101_how_to_rejet.htm Temprature and humidity also have effect.
  19. Remove the bracket, you dont need that. The rest should just fit as it is. (for me it did). You need to take the old one appart by using a hammer and a small pointer. Because the scews are underneath the fan. Hit it in the middle of the old motor shaft and the total motor will drop out, and that leaves you the parts you need for the new one. Put the motor inside the fanhousing with 2 scews and put the blade back on (just slide and push). Solder the wiring and job done.
  20. Paintstripper or let it blast.
  21. I dont have a picture (right now) but this might help you (last bit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhoF-tJVolU Idea is the same on all years. That are the parts, The single part or hole of the ''triangle'' goes on the shock. Than the upper part of the triangle goes to the swingarm, the lower goes (with the golden '''tube'' on the lower part of the triangle. THe lower parts attaches to the two arms. Also there are some washers, two go on the outside of the two arms, two inside, two inside the parts where the swingarm is attached to (so between trianle and swingarm).
  22. Maybe the previous owner was a or made a mistake. Blowing past the seal does not seam likely, there is more pressure in the cool system than in the crankcase. Also than the cool system would be full to the top (and trowing out past the overflow).
  23. Make sure to let the waterpump sit and aligned, so you dont kill it with mounting back. Just take a piece of wire or something and use it too mount the kickstartercover to frontfork leg or something, all hoses can stay seated. Make sure the ring around the kickstarter is probably sticking to the cover, put it back on the kickstart shaft, and mind the bearing and plate on the clutch piston.
  24. So its the piston that is fried somehow, or the kickstarter mechanism is stuck. I would start by laying bike on its side, and take the clutch cover off. (basically my usual starting point with those pro bikes)
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