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Everything posted by crazybond700
  1. First check fluid level Is there ''pressure''? And does it do something or nothing at all? Cold with engine off it always sticks a bit or quite much so that does not say a lot. With engine on it could stick for a bit, but with the brakes in it should go away. Could be just sticky plates from long stand still.
  2. In the netherlands helmets need to be on ''the'' list. Which actually only requiers the importer to send a letter I think. And for national events and higher you need a helmet check sticker from our motorsport federation. But I quess people want to wear safe helmets, for themselves...
  3. New tyre and wheel bearings and 2 weeks ago new s3 cover
  4. crazybond700


    Found an airfilter in my spare parts which is different from my others. Its twin air, like the rest. But a much more open structure. Anybody ever seen those? Al other ones i got are just like the normal ones http://www.splatshop.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/2/image/7f254dafd663d43ed1e42602385ef42d/z/a/zaftwingas158054.jpg The ''strange'' one is more like ( a bit exaggerated) http://www.pakuya.com/upload/20111219/air_filter_mesh_sponge_open_cell.jpg \Think i found it. Its a ''special'' made filter (158.047) in collaboration with a dutch rider, more open structure. I will keep it in the bag and will use a normal one
  5. Happend, but found back, lol. A hole and a rivet works
  6. I know displacing the clutch plates is a used trick to use the plates a bit longer when they slip... Also for those old engines 10w40 does seem to work right. also http://mypage.direct.ca/b/billyd/ggman.pdf
  7. They are obviously not the only one. Look e.g. the plugs are taken out of marchiossiooergewel;gkjwg (i cant type the suspension brand:P). Often there are chain reactions especially in cases with high cluster industries. (get yourself a map and history plot all trial brands and you will be amazed, (ok I will make a picture because I have a map like that)).
  8. A lot of information can be found on gas gas USA website http://www.gasgas.com/tech.htm
  9. Under the tank there is an inlet for the coolant. Open it with a big wrench. To let it off you could take a coolant hose of the waterpump (or the pump for inspection) and let it out. Although nothing really happens to the pre-pro engines concerning the coolant system. Only sometimes problems with the fan or thermostat.
  10. Make sure you drink more than your bike!
  11. There is no change in the clutch cover thichness and your bike is pretty bend if the gear lever touches your clutch cover As far as I know there are no different gear levers, although mine does stick out a bit more than usual because of some rock collision
  12. Trick with brakes which often helps ones you have got some pressure, tiewrap or glue clamp the brakelever/pedal. Next morning will be as hard as a ****
  13. Than there is only small amount of air in. But sometimes it can be a bit of a struggle. If you open the nipple and than press the lever, fluid comes out?
  14. Normally I will max use 1 tank. We are low on space, so no long paths. Also depends on wheater and riding style. You could check the jets, but if it runs great, you can also not care
  15. Yess offcoarse! And performance is for a bit contradictory to reliability. But well its like I said different for every viewer.
  16. Pro engine? Or older? There are 2 systems for the pro's (more actually), but basically mineral and dot. It does take a while somethimes to get the air out, but it does not work very different from air bleeding a brake system. I use a vacuum system, which will suck the fluid trough the system and take out the air. Does take a while to bleed when the system has been completely dry. I loosen the adjusting nuts on the lever to prevent problems with flow there. Make sure the basket is full with fluid and bleed. The old, open nipple, pump, close system will work fine aswell. Just use a piece of (transparant) tube. Somethimes in the beginning nothing happens, pull the lever a bit etc and it will start. Also make sure you mess a bitt with the lines and turn the bars. This will help airbubbles to go to the top. Pull the lever a bit, soft and some harder (mind the overflow/your eyes/the mess etc ), once you done it more often you will get the hang of it. What did you do? this can also help the story. (why is it in need of bleeding, etc)
  17. I like training in Bilstain, its nice ground and you can camp there for a long weekend (although our weekends are ussually during the week lol). Havent experienced riding a belgium trial competition yet. but the klei groeve seems to be nice! Would love to ride an event there.
  18. Stories are always nice to read! (it was me recently who emailed you because of student questions )
  19. Dont forget the long, long, long history of trials in the barcelona area. All brands can be back traced to that area. Montesa, scorpa, sherco etc etc. All the ''ascescoires'' companies are there for parts (because of the history). And if the trial industry would be a family we would probably call it isest, there are so many connections, and its a small world. The problem is that the trials market basically is a prestige project, build out of passion, with the heart, not the mind. I think great of KTM company, and I dont see them producing trials bikes because there is just not true money to be earned. Maybe they could take a project for research purposes, but I quess all the types of motorsports they are doing now will be enough.
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