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  1. Many thanks to all of you, at least I know now that I've been trying to turn them the right way!
  2. Thanks very much Mark, that's very kind.
  3. Hi all. Apologies if this has cropped up on here before. I need to remove the flywheel on my 08 Rev 3 as I believe the woodruff key has broken, and although the flywheel nut has come undone easily the 2 countersunk crosshead screws holding the weight in place won't budge. This may seem like a daft question, but could they possibly have a reverse thread? Have tried several times to move them but to no avail and I am afraid that I'll end up mashing the heads if the screwdriver slips too many times. If the flywheel will come off with the weight attatched are they easily separated on the bench or would it be better to leave it on the bike to do? And am I right in assuming that if I don't remove the weight then I won't be able to hold the flywheel in place to re-tighten it? Many thanks in advance.
  4. I know what you mean about the 4rt not falling into your budget. If I'm honest the idea of spending a bit over 2k on an eleven year old bike when for the same money I could get a tidy machine from 2010 or thereabouts seems a bit daft.
  5. Sorry to hijack your post Dan but I have a similar dilema at the moment having been out of the sport for some time, I have been searching for a decent bike around the £2k mark and found a 2005 Montesa 4rt and was wondering if it is suitable for a returning novice. I would be interested to know what you decide on.
  6. Thought I better say hello as am new to this. I'm not new to trials but have been away from it for a long time, far too long as it goes. My last trial was in 1991, I don't know why I gave up really but have long been hankering to get back to it and when the chance to re-aquire my old Armstrong came up I couldn't resist so here I am. Anyway I hope to get back out there as soon as I can, hopefully without making too much of a fool of myself.
  7. Thanks to all of you for the numerous contact details, I reckon re-chroming is the way to go with the forks rather than trying to find a secondhand set. I also need to have the wheels rebuilt and so would be grateful for any good contacts regarding this. Seth29 - Yes from memory it always did seem to have more than enough power for me, but I was to young and inexperienced to appreciate what I had at the time. The exhaust is sound enough at the moment, as far as I can see there are no leaks but the whole thing is pretty rusty from one end to the other and I think that scrubbing it up for re-painting could cause a few problems so we will see. Do you know if the foam air filters are readily available? Thanks again.
  8. Hi all, I have recently aquired a 1984 Armstrong 250 with a Hiro engine, or should I say re-aquired as I used to own this bike some twenty years ago, Anyway she is in quite a state now and is going to take a fair bit of work to get her back to usable condition. My biggest concern is the state of the front forks, there is quite a lot of surface rust on the chrome sections and I don't know if this can be easily rectified or not and would appreciate any feedback from readers. Otherwise the wheels need rebuilding, frame needs repainting as does the crankcase, new brakes and chain & sprockets & cables etc and we should be about there. The engine still seems sound enough as the bike was chucked in a shed not long after I sold it and never turned a wheel since but there is a hell of a lot of corrosion on the exhaust system and I reckon the whole thing may need replacing. Does anybody know if parts are still available for these bikes? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
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