they are taking their time with shipping parts, i bent the end piece of my exhaust 2013 a few weeks ago, i had one on order and phoned to make sure it was in and they said it would be another two weeks at least because gas gas didn't ship their order, i rang four other places and they all said the same, i managed to get one from trials and tribulations, original parts are getting harder to find.
Most of us don't have a local club to speak of, we have to do some traveling, it takes me just an hour from burton on trent, to get to my clubs practice ground at Earl Shilton, Leicestershire and my friend who i ride with comes from Coventry, about 45 minuets drive, i'v just had a look at the distance from rugby and it's about 35 minuets which is not bad considering the value for money, just £50 a year and you can practice 7 days a week, they also have a training day once a month which in my opinion is excellent value, £20 for the day and a trial once a month, if you go on a saturday or sunday their is normally a very good turn out so plenty of people to help you with your riding, all very friendly and approachable.
first of all, well done steve, coming first on your first trial is a great start, like has been said before, i would do a few different trial meetings before you move up, last weekend i came last doing the white route with 36 points but if i could get 36 points at my own clubs trial i would be a very happy man, it is a competitive sport but the last thing you want to do is take the fun out of it, good luck for the future m8.
i had a tumble on sunday on my gas gas 2013 and my bike ended up upside down and resting on the end piece of the exhaust, it wrenched all of the screws out except the bottom one so i took it out today to have a look and found that the pipe with holes in it that runs through the exhaust was bent and as i pulled it out to bend it back some of the tape that is wrapped around the packing came off, i'm ordering a new part and thought while i'm at it i would renew the packing, can someone tell me what kind of tape is used, it looks like masking tape to me, from the look of it it's only job is to hold the packing together to make it easier to put together but i could be wrong.
it truly was an mazing day and i think you have covered everything, it's always nice to have a friend with you when you go riding but if you are thinking of doing a day with stu and your going on your own, you wont be on your own for long, it took us all about five minuets and we where all chatting to each other like we were old friends, we all had our fair share of falls but i think you took the gold medal home for best fall, i was the next rider to follow you so i had the best view, iv been out today but it was hard going, i was hurting all over there is a little route iv been trying to do for a few weeks now, it's only small, it's all balance and tight turns and just as it was time to go home i cleaned it, very happy chappy.
i'v just googled some of the postcodes and it's certainly doable, i'm looking for different places to ride this year and the camping weekend looks like good fun but it's a three and a half hour trip, not so bad with staying over night though, thanks for the link.
if your on about the falling off bit then iv already had a go at that
i sked my friend who told me about stu's, what kind of a day to expect and he told me that stu has 200 acres of land and there is basically everything there that you would come across in a trial, he does a warm up session at first to get some idea where everyone is at and then you can tell him what you are struggling with or what you want to improve on so mayhem springs to mind but it sounds like a good day out and if we get to have a laugh at each other and have some fun then even better, i'm Tony by the way.
i go to earl shilton most weekends unless we go to to a trial, it's £50 a year membership but with that you can practice on there ground every day of the week if you want to, i have also started to go there training days and they are £20 for a full day and they are excellent value for money, the last one i went they had three guys there to train us and the advice was top notch, i would say it would about an hour from you, thats how long it takes me to get there from burton, the good thing about a club is there is always someone there willing to help you out and your riding on legal ground.
Hi Phil, welcome m8, I am also booked with stu on the 7th so ill see you there.
i sat and watched you while i had a drink, you where both having a good laugh and the conditions at earl stilton where far from good, the rig looked the part, good luck, it's always good to see people passionate enough to get out and do it.
i went from a irc to a Michelin comp rear tyre and it took some getting used to, the walls of the tyre are much stronger than the irc so now i run it with just 2 psi in it and it's perfect, i would go for 5 to start with and just play around with it, most of the people who i asked about the michelin don't bother to use a pressure gauge, if it feels good and grips well then thats it, your done.
that sounds like just the thing i was looking for, nothing serious and something i can take my friends to, i must admit, the visit to Ireland didn't involve me taking my bike but any excuse to ride some where different, meet new people and have some fun,i'm there.
i would be looking for white route/novice, i'v only just managed to finish a trial and that was at earl stilton, besides the people who retired i came last with 151 points but i was so happy that i actually finished a trial and really enjoyed the day, the points didn't matter so thats what i would be hoping for, something on the same lines, i plan on going around march/april time so the weather would be better and i can take the misses and my friends with me for the day, i sent an email to mototrialin.com and a guy named Robert Crawford replied back with some very useful information, it sounds like their events are aimed more at having fun, more than serious competition and that would cost me £25 for the day, £5 membership and £20 to enter, thanks again for the information.
Thanks Eddie, iv had a reply from a club and they are a AMCA club so if I take part in one of their events I will just have to pay £5 membership and £20 to enter, no license required but if I went somewhere else it would be MCUI and that would mean paying £10 for a day license or £30 for a year, the club I’m interested in mentioned ACU but they would have to pay extra for insurance so they’re not to keen on that, thanks for the website link, very helpful.
I could be going to visit two friends of mine in northern Ireland, i was thinking of taking my bike to ride in a local event, close to where they live, do i need to make my self a member of the MCI or can i sign on as a visitor for the day, from what i can see my ACU is not valid there.
Hi M8, i just missed you when you left, nice to meet you and share a few laughs, you did amazing for your first time and in those conditions, well done, ill pm you my number.
i'v put this in general because i'm not the only one who had problems with my front break today and we where riding different makes of bikes, it was really strange, all of a sudden my front break lever went soft and i could pull it back to the handle grip so i cleaned the mud of the calliper and started to unscrew the reservoir cover when another rider came up to me and asked if i was having problems with my front break, i told him what had happened and he said his front break was doing the same and another few riders where having the same problem, if i pumped the lever a few times the break would start to work and when i got home it was working the same as normal, can the cold weather be the cause of the problem?
i'm very much the same, i'm coming up to 1 year now but i remind myself that this weather for me is much harder to ride in, i renewed my membership today at earl shilton and when you make your self a member, part of it, you have to observe at one of the trial meeting held through the year so i thought il observe today and i was amazed at what tips i picked up, just by watching, my section was quite easy for me to observe but as the day went on, the last part got harder, for the riders as the mud got softer, the good thing for me was i was standing on a bank above the riders so i could see everything that they did, i came home just as happy as i do when i go riding, give it a go, it's better than watching videos of world class riders making it look easy.
you could of just trapped your throttle cable, iv seen that happen twice now.
try this guy, ebay item number 301444547591 he had a sherco he was breaking, i wanted a water hose, he wasn't advertising it but i emailed him and he had got the exact part with the sensor, it went strait on, if he has got what you want he will probably ask you to say a price so start off low.
i had the same problem so now i used contact lenses and they really changed things for me, i pay £21 for 3 months worth but thats just for riding so it works out at about 3 pair of lenses a week, im considering wearing them all the time, the other advantage is driving, i love the freedom.
i paid the same as last year
i think going along to have a look at a trial is very good advice, my first trial was at earl shilton where im a member but with only having a few months experience i didn't realise how physically demanding a trial can be, it was their normal 10 sections 4 laps so i only managed to get around about twice if that but i decided to stick around and i stood with a few different observers, the information on technique and bike setup that they all give me was really quite a shock, i'm used to people keeping all of their knowledge a tight secret, i even got an invitation to meet up with one of them and his friends he rides with, the folioing week for a practice, i would join a local club so you can get your number to apply for your licence but you can join macclesfield trial club for free and they will send you your number normally within a few hours. You are in a good spot their in cheshire, have a look at the Manchester 17 trial club site, they do a great dead easy trial it's perfect for beginners also Macclesfield club do a dead easy trial which in my experience is quite a bit harder then the Manchester 17 ones but still very good for the complete novice, it really helped me with confidence and seeing how it all works without the pressure, a great day out for very little money, have fun m8.
thanks everyone, i actually got the old tyre off quite easy and the first side of the new tyre wasn't to hard to put on but after that, no chance so i took it to a small garage that fitted tyres and he did it in a few minuets and that pop that was mentioned was more of a bang followed by another bang, total cost £5, so i asked for a card, anything tyre related iil just go to him, it took longer getting the orange lube off the tyres than it did fit it, sometimes the answer can be staring me in the face it just takes someone to point it out, once again thank you for the advice.