really good photos Neil, l really Like the ones taken from behind the rider, you can see every drop of water, I'm a tattoo artist and I am looking for a good camera so I will be looking at the canon Eos60d, thanks for sharing the photos.
i have already got my list of bolts, when i say list, i mean the splat shop do a pack of bolts with pretty much everything i need for £27.37 but i need a torque wrench first but i totally agree with you how much an improvement just a few new bolts can make, also about taking my tank to a paint shop is something i will think about, it would be worth it and i wouldn't have to worry about the tank being damaged with fuel, their is one thing that as worried me a little bit and that is, i have read on here that people have had problems with getting there fuel tanks back in after leaving them off for a while, do you know if that is just certain makes or is it tanks in general?
i had to kind of guess the colour when i went to buy the paint, i took a photo with me but they aren't that accurate, the colour for a perfect mach is ford sunburst red, i will have to put a clear coat on top but i was really happy with the result, this was coused by simply putting a sticker over a mark that was done by fuel leeking on to the tank, i don't know how long it took to do the damage as the sticker was on when i bought it, it must have sum sort of reaction to the tank paint.
i'm sure they are all very similar, take the two bolts out and then where the front pipe fits to the middle box it is push fit, i had no problem taking mine out but they can be hard to get back in, you have to make sure you clean where the rubber o rings sit in really good, make sure there is nothing that can stop the o rings from sitting right and i put some washing up liquid around the rings after fitting them, it was still tight but it went in after a bit of grunt.
i had a struggle getting the spindle out, i don't think it as seen grease for a while so i'v greased it ready to go back in and now i know how to get the bush out i will clean and grease the bearings and grease the bush before it goes back in, thanks for the help.
i took my rear wheel off today to have a look at the bearings but to get at them there is a bush in front of them, how do i get the bush off, i haven't tried anything yet because i don't want to force anything.
no need to feel like an idiot, a lot of the early water cooled bike look quite similar to a beginner but the good thing about it is, a lot of people say that the rotax was a rely good motor.
this is a photo of my 1999 the silencer as been packed and covered over by the previous owner, perhaps you can see if your bike looks the same, if it doesn't then it's not a sherco, or send a photo in so we can have a look at it, try the splatshop for your parts or www.haventrialsport.co.uk, i have always found what i want from one or the other.
over the years, fuel as spilled over the tank, just by the cap and it as lifted the top coat and distorted the decal a little bit, the owner before me put a sticker over it to hide it but when i pealed the sticker back it had a real strange effect on the tank, it's like it as embossed the print of the sticker letters,it as raised the paint up by a few mill, i want to take it down so that it is level with the rest of the paint and then touch it up, i have looked all over the internet for a colour match but can't find anything at all, does any one know where i can get the paint from, 1999 sherco 250.
like i said earlier on, i am doing things as they come along, thats the reason i am asking questions, the first thing i did was to buy a socket set and a good set of allan keys but i didn't realise that the sockets didn't go as big as the nut on the back wheel, now i know that i will have to take the wheel off i will buy a socket or spanner to fit, i have been a carpenter for about 30 years and so i now the importance of good quality tools but at the moment things are really tight and i can't just go out and buy everything i will need so i have to buy tools as i need them.
i have tried to find someone who lives close but couldn't find anyone, also the dvla are really dragging their feet with giving me my driving licence back so i can't get to any trials meetings, i certainly don't mind paying my way if some one could get me to a meeting, as far as basic maintenance goes i have done ok with just asking questions on this forum and watching videos from trials uk or youtube, it does put me off from asking if people think that the questions are silly, i just want to make sure that what i'm doing is right and i'm not going to make a bigger job for myself.
yor spal cheker dunner work
thats the reason i ask questions, so i don't end up with a much bigger job on my hands but the reason i have asked the question is, yesterday i changed the o rings in my exhaust and when i was putting the silencer back on i noticed a small groove in the back disk, it's not deep but i thought may be the pads need changing or something could of got stuck in their, the problem was i couldn't take the back wheel off because i didn't have a big enough socket or spanner, i am buying tools as i need them, this is why i needed to know if i could have a look at the pads without removing the wheel.
so what are you saying, i shouldn't of asked this question on this help forum, it may be simple to some people but if you are new to this then things like taking a back wheel off can seem more difficult than it is, for one i don't have a talk wrench so i would have to ask a friend if i could use his and he lives over a mile away and that would take a lot longer to walk than it took to just simply ask if i need to take the wheel off, i have had some great help from the genuine members of this site, who understand new people like me but you are not one of them, so in future if you haven't anything constructive to say, don't anything at all.
do i have to take my back wheel off, to check my rear break pads or can it be done, leaving the wheel on, it as got two bolts at the front and two clips at the back, i watched a video on youtube but that was a gasgas and a much newer model than mine, i have a 1999 sherco 250.
thats what the splat shop have said as they have never done a plastic o ring, i have ordered the o rings from the splat shop and it looks like one set is red, they are the most expensive one and the other s are black, also i have got some high temperature silicone on it's way so it should be a proper job when i have finished, thanks for the help.
i used to get the same noise, it is probably technique like suggested because now i am used to kicking my bike up i very rarely get the noise.
1999 sherco 250
Hi, I need a bit more of help with my exhaust,I had a look at the o rings on the middle box and they where in little bits, so I cheeked the others and they where just as bad, the thing I don’t understand is, on my exhaust it has two o rings on each part but one looks like it is made of rubber,(red) and the other one that is further back looks like it is made of plastic, when I look at the sherco spares on the splat shop site,it gives me the part but says I need two of the same one, is this what I should use now, two of the same rubber o rings for the middle box and two of the other size rubber o rings for the silencer or do they do the plastic ones, I hope I’m making sense.
it is the middle box to the silencer and they are black, i have bought most of my stuff from the splat shop, they even forgot to put a air filter in with one order and just one email and it was with me the very next day, it's just a shame that we have to pay a standard price for the post, i will have a look around town tomorrow, thanks for the help.
my exhaust is blowing a little bit but only when it is cold so i decided to replace the rubber washers, i had a look at the splat shop and although they are only about £1.50 to buy and i need two, the post is £3.80 which is more than the two washers together, is their any where else i can get them from, other than that i will have to wait until i need something else from the splat shop and buy them then.
i thought putting a new fuel filter on would be a simple job but for some reason i have had nothing but problems, the first filter i replaced was my own fault, i took the tank off so i could connect the fuel pip to the carb easier and then left it hanging while i put the tank back on and squashed the filter between the tank and the frame so i had to put the old one back on then i bought one from the splat shop yesterday put it on and their was no way my bike would start so i took it off and it had petrol in it, i put the old one back on and my bike kicked in, i made sure the arrow was in the right direction but the only thing that was a little bit different was the length of the pip, i cut it a little bit longer than the original pipe, does it matter how long it is and as anyone got any idea why it doesn't work.
if you really want the bike and the seller is so confident that it is the rings and it will cost around £100 then have him fix it and then buy it of him, this deal will be sold as seen so as soon as you take it their is no going back and your son will be devastated if it all goes wrong.
just read an email, tickets for the fim world trials are on offer, around half price but only for a few weeks, here is the link if you are interested, it is at Nord Vue Penrith Cumbria, i would love to go but no chance this year, maybe next year.
i had trouble starting my 1999 sherco 250 at first and then someone on this forum suggested i put the choke on full and then put it in 5th gear with the clutch in and roll it forward until there is no resistance and then put it back in neutral and then give it a kick, it works every time, i never go past the second kick and because i am waiting for my driving licence to come through i can't take the bike out yet so i like to start it once a week, try it out, it seem like it's just technique and not a mechanical problem.
this could help
This shows the differences between the 2 different maps, as you can see all the trial maps available are very similar at idle speed and only really change at around 10,000rpm.
Attached Images