Thanks Guys, I know what to do now! "get re-packing"....... all I need to find now is a second hand middle box for a 03' txt pro? I dont fancy paying the new price!
its just the exhaust note thats loud! one to many flips I think! not sure about re-packing as the whole exhaust system has seen better days...........
Hi Guys, just a quick question...... how do you make a Txt pro engine quieter? as I have seen two bikes now (mine a 03 txt pro 280) and (mates a 06 txt pro 300) both these bikes are loud as hell !!! is it because the bikes are old and the exhaust packing has worn out? would newer exhaust system be better?
Ok i will check out the rad! see what else comes out....... good thinking
As for the squish hight! thats way too technical for me! ..... frist of all do you mean when bike is fully reassembled cylender head back on and tightened up, you put a solder wire down the spark plug hole? I take it that you put a hook or turn the end of the solder so that the pistion will catch it? himm wait a min, will the pistion reach the solder at all? i am confused! (which is eazey to do) I always thought that the pistion doesn't come in contact with the bottom of the spark plug.......? I had the head off before and I re-used the bottom head gasket again and it started the same as before (3 kicks s always) and i have the 1mm head spacer on the bike too! but this time I will be using new gaskets so there will be a difference in squish hight then
Thats_a_five, funny you should say that, when we had stripped the engine my mate spotted a (something) in the water pump kinda like a washer or some thing similar and its between the paddles..... only thing is I havent been able to take the water pump a part yet its proven to be a little bit tricky, but when I turn/spin it around its not as free as I would have thought it to have been? plus it makes a small scratching noise?
ps whats the the squish height?
Thanks lineaway,
he will let it go for 1200euro
My thoughts was have it as a second bike, because every time I plan a big trials outing with a few mates or what ever, the bike will break down even if its something simple it takes me two weeks for parts to come from UK to Ireland where I live! my txt 280 is i sick bay atm (on other thread)....but I am not quite convinced that the 04' or newer are better? heres why.... my mate bought 06' txt pro 300 and its full of problems as well....
Back again!, I decided on runing the bike tll winter and then worry about the gearbox oil problem..... but I didnt quite get that far..... frist of all the gear box oil is leaking out from the front sprocket shaft! and second the bike was very smokey! after every ride I had to put in gearbox oil (450ml) untill the last day when something eles happend which might be a new problem....... steem came from the cylinder head gasket!..... oops... so now its time to tear the bike apart!... on engine removal and strip down I think I found the main offender of disappearing gearbox oil, ....the crank case gasket was shot!..... and there was all gearbox oil in around the piston and con rod......
This still does'nt explain why the cylinder head gasket blow out! maybe the water pump packed in? I did notice that prior to this she was using alot of water??..... anyway she s all strpped down now on my work bench awaitng parts!
This was the norm! leaking gearbox oil into the head........environmentally friendly or what!
Hi Guys,
Just wondering is there much difference between the 2003 gas gas txt pro 280 and the 250? I have a 2003 txt pro 280 but thinking of buying a 2003 txt pro 250 as well! , only because its for sale handy and would do as a spare bike..... can anyone help!
Thanks for that, ............earlyer I had a look on youtube how to test the recitifer with a multimeter, and the test results I got when I tried this was that the readings were very unstable and were different all the time, its kinda leading me to believe thats it the recitifer now after reading your above comment setionone! Himmm the joys of owning a gas gas!
Cheers guys
could this be the problem? and is there an eazy way of testing this?
also whats the trigger coil, and source coils?
Cheers guys
Thanks guys,
Just before we take off the flywheel can I just ask something quick! When trying to test for spark by holding the plug off the side of the engine to see if it sparks,when we kick start the head light comes on for a split seconed, does this mean that theres power comming up from the flyweel??? and does that mean we do no need to test or take off the flywheel? or check the stator?
Hi all,
My mates txt pro 300 year 2006 wont start, we have checked it for spark and no spark, we suspected it to be the cdi unit,so off he went and bought one brand spanking new cdi unit !!!..........., we pluged it into the bike today but still no spark??? has anybody came accross this with there bikes before and if so could kindly shed some light on the subject!!!
Cheers Guys
Hi Guys,
Does anybody know where I can buy a new exhaust system for a 2003 gas gas txt pro 280? I am just looking for the end can and the middle section and also head bolts and does anybody know where I can get these manfold bolts with nut heads rather than hex heads?? the nut heads are eazer to work with rather than hex......
maybe my exhaust can be fixed but I am not sure if these metals can be welded?
my mates gas gas exhaust is welded, the end can is welded to the middle silencer which makes a good job I think.
Ok Thanks for all your detailed replies@ (thats_a_five)+(biffsgasgas) ok I will try the test, can you be more pacific as to what vac guage I need? cheers
Thanks Five!, I think its leaking a bit of gearbox oil from the front sprocket! must be a seal in behind there some where that might be worn but I would say its a engine overhaul needed to get at that...... but now that you said about the engine sucking up the gearbox oil and making the bike more smokey. that would account for my suspicions of something going on behind the scenes! as it is running smokey and black spooge comming from the mainfold pipe, which crank seal do you mean? is it the simple clutch casing side one (eazy to replace) or the middle of the engine one (where I have to take the head off and engine out from the bike frame)?
Cheers for that!.......Tis up and runnung again, but I suspect there something else going on behind the scenes because theres black oil/petrol dripping out from the exhaust manifold and the bike is running very smokey, now another thing is its using alot of gearbox oil but this could be draining from the front gear cog as maybe a seal has been worn out but I am not sure tho.......
Hi Guys, My 03 gas gas 280 txt is cutting out when the choke is pushed in.... it will only start again with full choke and some throttle! then it revs up a good bit, but when the choke is pushed back in again it starts spluttring and then wont idle and die! anyone have any ideas as to trying to fix? I messed about with the two screws on the side of the carb to see if it would make a difference but it didnt.....
Cheers all.
Hi Guys, thanks for all the help so far I am thinking of these type:
Hi Guys, Anyone got any good suggestions for protection gear? Looking to get some elbow pads and maybe a back protector, rather than the whole vest which is uncomfortable to wear while trialing, is hard shell elbow pads better protecton then soft shell, has anyone used these?
Ok guys update on progress with the gas gas,,,,, I just put new tran oil in the gearbox and started the bike up and the seals didnt leak so I think the bike should be ok? (i hope)
.... this is what we found when cleaning the carb, it was a bit sandy in some of the ports and the choke leaver was very stiff..... the most thing that stood out was the needle valve with the red rubber tip, this was very sticky and sometimes didnt move at all...... we cleand/free up that and have no problems since! but from now on I shut off the fuel tap after use....
Ok thanks again everybody for the info and help
much appreciated
Keep riding!
Thanks for the input Lineaway, do I need to split the crank case to do the seals?
Hi Guys, ok long story short my gas gas was leaking out petrol from the exhaust manafold when i tried to start it.... when i removed the carb petrol came flowing out from the reed block, I tilted up the bike vertical to let the petrol come out, quite a lot was in there! I then cleaned the carb and put it back on, the bike started up.... but then brown milky oil/pertol came leaking out of the plastic casing on the fly wheel side? so off with the fly wheel to see where it was comming out of, it was leaking out from the seal at the shaft where the flywheel bolts on to! so we then droped the gearbox oil and it was full of petrol/gearbox oil and was well over the 450ml mark when I took it out... does this mean that I have done in a seal? or because the gearbox/crank case was over full it leaked out of the seal at the flywheel shaft,
could it be that when petrol mixed with ATF oil it became more thinner and was able to get past the seal at the flywheel shaft........
ok guys thanks for all your great info, today we took off the carb again as we thought or rather came up with the conclusion that the problem is in the carb.... once we took it out... in side the reed block was full of petrol ! I turned the bike vertical so the petrol could drain out and quite alot came out, then we striped down the carb and cleanned it... put everything back in place.... and hay guess what? bike fired up whoooo.... wana know what happened next? (you dont ) ... brown milky oil/pertol came leaking out of the plastic casing on the fly wheel side? so off with the fly wheel to see where it was comming out of, it was leaking out from the seal at the shaft where the flywheel bolts on to! so we then droped the gearbox oil and it was full of petrol/gearbox oil and was well over the 450ml mark when I took it out... does this mean that I have done in a seal? or because the gearbox/crank case was over full it leaked out of the seal at the flywheel shaft?
any ideas?
Hi Guys, I am having problems starting my gas gas, it wont fire up and petrol is comming out the exhaust at the head?
any Ideas?
There is spark and I cleaned the air filter and dryied it too
This bike is a 2003 txt pro I think, seems they were the frist year that the pro line started and gave a lot of trouble? not sure if that fact is right tho but this bike has given me its fair share of problems
Yeah its good fun, as long as your not on public roads you ant breaking the law! and over here in the west of Ireland is trials heaven because its all wilderness and mountains and no one to bother you, the only down fall is the bloody weather! great in summer time tho!