Are they good? how does the bike look?
cheers mate
thanks monty19, have you tryed these?
I ment to say Fit! not if... lol
Hi Guys,
I am looking to get some graphics for my gas gas 280 2001 and I was wondering would anyone know if 2005-2010 graphics/sticker kit would if a 2001 gas gas? I have seen a set that I might be intrested in
I bought the bike from some lad who just painted it, but I would like to tidy it up! any ideas?
ok update on the brakes...........the leaver is still hard, but I now realise that its ment to be.......... I tryed the water trick like you all said and what ya know? it works and it works very well, all thats left to do now is try and practice stoppies .....
thanks everyone for the solutions
update on the fork seals, I took b40rt advice and got the seal mate, less the 5min job and both fork seals are cleaned and not leaking oil anymore.... job done so the lesson I have learned here is clean them frist before going replacing
so thanks for everyones input..... (specially b40rt)
Thanks for the replys, I have strengthened up the mudguard on one of my bikes (01 gas gas 280) and I will test it out this week end to see if fiberglassing is a good idea, I will post up pics and let you all know what happens
also great pic there steve_earle is that you doing stoppie?
Thanks guys, I will check what pads I have on, and then try the water trick as well to see if it orks as good as you say it does! is it the brake pad that I put the water on? or the disk as well?..........
Hi Andy,
Can one's profile name be changed at any stage or do I have to keep the frist name?
Hi Guys,
Does anybody else have problems with their back mudguard getting broken? I am new to trials (4 months) and while just driving around on the hills and off roading was fine, but now I have started practicing wheelies I have broken lots of rear mudguards, and not due to flipping the bike eather but by sitting on the bike while trying to wheelie, theres lots of youtube videos of guys wheeling while sitting down and when I tryed this I kept sliding off the back mudguard and then bending it! whats the best way in finding grip in this position?
anyway I think I am going to strengthen up a back mudguard by fiberglassing the inside of it! has anyone else ever done this?
update on progress,
I have taken the gas gas engine out and started to strip it down, I got held up due to waiting for a flywheel puller to come, my plan is to inspect the gears just incase theres any damage on that side.
Hi Guys,
Does anyone know how to tell what year a sherco bike is? and what cc as well, this came up in a conversation with a mate the last day and it got me thinking.....
Thanks guys for your help and input, its much appreciated, After reading your comments I would say your right about that hub bearing causing the damage, and the reason I didnt cop this was because I was looking at the manual that I had (same as Lineaway posted up page 60) This is a pitty as I have gone a little bit father with my inspection! wish I waited now! but maybe after something like that its better to inspect the lot and make sure the gear set is not damaged as well, I wonder why that bearning is not on the manual? does anyone know the part no.?
Lineaway, Does the kick start shaft look wrong? thats the way it always was..... it sways side to side..... is it ment to be straght?
Lee99780, I hope your wrong about the other 2 bearings! I am pritty sure theres only 1 and its called the clutch end plate bearing
Hi guys,
recently a buddy of mine took my gas gas 280 txt pro out for a warm up spin, when he came back the bike was stuck in second or frist gear ( i cant remember) and the gear peddle was at the 11 o clock position rather than the normal 9 o clock position, we couldnt change up nor down!, on inspection we removed the clutch cover and found a mangled up "shift shaft return spring" and a bit of metal filings as well, also the inside of the clutch cover was damaged where the clutch release arm was rubbing up against it, I think that bit was due to not having the clutch hub bolt in it! anyway I though this would be an eazy fix! but the other day I was practicing balance on an other bike in the shed when I knocked over the gas gas and it slid down on it side with no damage to it! but when I picked it up and put it back on its side I seen some bearing needles laying on the casing below where the clutch fits..... and not just that but to make things even worse theres two different sizes of needdles in it! I am thinking that when the bike was on its side these needles rollers fell out from the crank case? ....... I am wondering should I say "can anyone help" or is this just a aother gas gas horror story!.... anyway I am thinking it could be some bearing off the gear set? it might also be the crank shaft bearing or the kick shaft bearing as well? But it is not the clutch end plate bearing..... I think I need to strip the lot down to see! grrrrr I would say thats a pain in the rear!
Any opinions?
Any advice?
Any scrap dealers? lol
ps I have attached some pics of it
Ok thanks guys for your input, I will try and clean them frist before I dive right in and replace them, I have just ordered one of them seal mates on ebay, seems a hand thing to have in the tool box! I will let you all know how it goes
I have something like that made by UFO but its the same as what the other guys are saying, too big and bulky and uncomfortable to wear, but it does off great protection!!!
Hi guys,
Is replacing the seals on the forks an easy job? The other day I noticed on my 08' sherco that one of the forks was leaking oil, so I think I am going to have a go at doing it myself, has anyone else done this and if so have you any pointers for me? any info would be much appreciated.
From the album: my trials bikes
second last bike I bought, gas gas txt pro? 2003