yep, and it's funny how quickly it all disappears. i didn't ride for three weeks and could barely manage even the most basic log hop for the first few hours....
nothing overly new in this vid, it's just a revised version of the old intro to cross training vid from ages back but managed to work in my favorite bit from an interview we did with graham jarvis.
thanks dan, we have a good laugh putting them together!
i lost my details for logging into the forum so haven't posted for ages, been doing lots of vids but probably a key one is 10 different ways to get over a log, most of which use trials techniques.
here's the intro vid.
one of the guys in that clip is tim coleman, an australian junior trials rider. here is his latest clip with some very cool trials moves on a beta RR300. i'm hoping to fly down to melbourne this september and film him in action.
surprised it took so long before someone got around to giving this old classic the trials treatment!
well so far he shows no interest in dirt bikes at all... kind of a pity as he'd be a fast learner and good at something like wildwood. :-)
two of our juniors at a trials demonstration on the weekend. amazing riding by isaac in the red gear... hes only got two and a half years riding experience total on a motorbike and almost reached A grade already.
a few more training vids:
a short compilation of some incredible riding by enduro riders who are, or were, trials champions too.
awesome weekend, finally got to take the 250EXC out to our trials club for the first time ever and tried to freeride with a few club members on their trials bikes. bloody hard work but impressed with what the kato will handle until the full lock turns let it down.
sorry on the late reply, which i guess shows i've been focusing on the cross training more with the dirt bike!
i don't envisage any new trials vids for a while as I'm not learning new stuff at this stage but just applying it to the dirt bike. in fact i'm tempted to sell the trials bike and just put some trials tyres on the KTM and use that in clubman for something of a challenge. it'snot easy trying to hop the rear wheel on a dirt bike... lol!
finally! this should have been one fo the first vids....
hoping to get a test ride in the next week or so, will post my thoughts on it all.
damn, the intro music is so old now it is not copyrighted in most countries anymore... looks like canada and france are exceptions. thanks for the votes guys, the riders in our club put in a huge effort to do all those trials training vids we posted that apparently have been used around the world so will be a nice little thankyou present if the film wins. :-)
For those who didn't see it, our trials club posted this rather silly short film comp run by our state government.
If anyone has benefited from the free trials techniques vids our club has done over the past year please feel free to:
- watch the vid here
- and if it makes you laugh vote for it here.
you'll need to scroll down as they put us trials riders second last.
the battery life seems to be getting very good with these and i love the idea of practicing in the backyard without annoying anyone. the only issue i could see is if wanting to ride all day the battery would eventually go, and it would be expensive to buy a second one.
but seems you can recharge them to 80% capacity very quickly so would be an interesting idea to hook it up to a solar panel over the lunch break. :-)
interesting thread and topic! we have quite a few dirt riders coming into our trials club and of course at first it's all wheelspin, locking up the rear wheel, uncontrollable wheelies and generally too much throttle and hitting stuff hard instead of with finesse.
would it work the other way - dirt riding bringing needed aggression to trials? i think it could. as you probably know we've been doing all that cross training for the past year trying to do all the trials techniques on dirt bikes and having heaps of fun trying.
i think it has helped me with being aggressive on the trials bike at times e.g. big handfuls of throttle to big climbs or logs. whatever the case hmrad, i'd concur with others and say you are doing really well! i figure why not get a nice light weight dirt bike with easy power and have a try?
one of our guys is a hard core fast rider who's only recently got into trials-style riding so thought this video might be timely. :-)
not wrong mags! the only way to have more fun is riding without pants... maybe. :-)
been a bit busy lately with training to have a crack at some endurocross. the trials skills work incredibly well with all the obstacles but of course adding in the speed is the tricky bit. at my advanced age i'll probably just stick with nice and slow!
down under lads tim coleman and adrian guggemos are both former junior trials champs doing their thang on dirt bikes. this is exactly the sort of thing we are learning but we'll never get to this level...
one of the pre-events held the day before the wildwood rock extreme enduro for 2014 in australia.
the trials competition had two two bits... the same hill climb the dirt bikes had a go at, and then an obstacle course which was. half of the prolog track used by the dirt bikes too.
this vid is the first part - the hill climb. the expert class had two gates to go through which forced them back down the hill again and up through a tricky gully.
thanks mags, must admit i was very happy even though the good riders were flying past my snail pace.... but doubt i could have even got around that course six months ago, or at least not without a lot of drops.
well we are back from the wildwood rock extreme enduro in one piece, more or less.
below is my lap of the prolog which determined my starting position for the main event. I could kiss my trials bike... all the training over the past year was invaluable for this, plus adapting the skills to my dirt bike!
i actually went a bit slower than planned but that was fine as i didn't want to be starting with the very fast guys as i knew i'd need to pace myself very carefully being in my 50s while most of the riders were far younger and fitter.
wound up starting 40th out of 73 riders for the main event....