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Everything posted by fugazi
  1. Thanks, yeah its a bike someone left in a shed in the rain for a couple of years, just trying to get it going again and yes I think they have dunked it a couple of times before putting it away, it is 12 years old..... So basically the crank should just be in the bearing and should come out , its proper wedged in Thanks for the replies
  2. Hi Does anyone know how to get the crank shaft out of the clutch side of the engine, is it pressed in or just a push fit like the other side ? Big end bearings have died... Beta rev 3 2001.... 200cc Thanks Phil.
  3. Sorted, was wound the wrong way, switched the wires over and its running. If anyone wants a go at winding there own stator, give it a go, takes about 90 mins to do ! better than the
  4. Well, I got some .14mm wire, rewound the stator by hand, took about 90 mins, soldered it all up, put it in the bike and the spark came back.... I was buzzing thats its actually worked, but the bike still wont run, I have fuel and a spark, bizarre. The only thing i can think of is timing, but the stator is back in exactly as it came out.... If the wiring is in reverse, ie the ignition stator is generating -ve instead of +ve ,would that affect the timing ? Managed to snap the woodruff key and waiting for a replacement to come before I can carry on looking whats happening. Any ideas anyone ? Thanks
  5. Hi. Does anyone know which way the winding goes around the ignition coil on the stator and what exact diameter of wire to use for the ignition stator.... Am having a go at doing it myself before having to pay the
  6. Thanks for all the replies... and so quick, superb I dont think its because the front forks bottomed out, more likely just the force of it hitting the tyre and rebounding.... not a great design. A sherco one sounds a better plan, do they do them in red ... ;o) Wheres the best place to get one from for
  7. Bought a rev3 250 2005 about 2 months ago, great bike, love it.... apart from I have snapped 2 front mudguards in 3 weeks, and they arent cheap ! Basically just dropping off a 5 foot rock, mudguard is snapping just past the metal frame is sits on.... Any ideas how to stop this happening, I dont want to get another one and do it again ! Thanks.
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