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Everything posted by boospeakman
  1. Northwest uk chaps. Im in work this weekend ill crack on with it through next week. Cheers all for your advice
  2. Cheers for that. Two people have told me about that epoxy. Ill give that ago first see how it goes. Will it just be one seal on the right casing or could it be both? And if possible does anybody know where I can get these seals from?
  3. Cheers fella's. Yes its smoking I presumed it was just too much 2 stroke oil in the mix. The hole is under the casing. I took the cover off to see if there was any damage and the seal around it looked stretched. Its a 99 and I only bought it to practise on pprobablybuy a newer model. Been looking at casings on ebay for
  4. boospeakman

    Air Leak?

    Slowly trying to sort out my montesa in tatty condition. The fool who had it before me looks to have been riding it with no bash plate and caught the bottom causing a small hole in the engine casing ( rear brake side ). I only noticed this when I put fresh oil in and when I cleaned it up the oil had petrol mixed with it. I can only assume this is the reason the bike bogs out really bad between half and 3/4 revs. Is this causing an air leak if so whats the best way to identify the leak and ways to fix it? Any help would be massively helpful as im itching to get out on it. Cheers folks!!
  5. Folks my 1999/2000 315 is bogging really bad. Ticks over fine sets off in 1st fine but half revs its starts to bog out to near stalling. One of the lads thinks its the reed valve in the carb... its a dellorto phbh26 cs. Help much appreciated cheers
  6. Hello folks been reading alot of posts today just wondering if somebody can help. My 315r says on the frame its a 2000 model but it has red plastics and a carbon tank and no showa forks. It was bought as a 2000 but missing evrything 2000 about it!!
  7. this a google picture of the same carb... is that missing a screw or is my carb just badly set up??
  8. Ill get one on tomorrow. I the meantime ill search google umages to see if I can find one. Cheers again
  9. Hello folks, im very new to these forums and even newer to trails. I currently own a 315 montesa 2000. Its my first trails an im struggling. Firstly I noticed my carb ( dellorto phbh26 cs ) is missing a screw and its terribly boggy. The thing is I dont have a clue which screw it is. As you look at the carb as its on the bike its the screw on the very left. Main jet? oil screw? I dont have a clue. Any help would be much appreciated im itching to get out on it. Thanks
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