To be honest with, I don't think trials will help your riding, it will TRANSFORM it. You will get better in every facet of your riding in other disciplines. The proof is in the pudding with all the greats in extreme enduro being ex trials riders. Taddy, Graham, David etc etc. The list goes on. Surely soon the name Bou will be added too! I have returned to trials after 20 years riding road bikes and dirt bikes, and have already felt improvements from doing so. Get on one!!
I don't think I have watched a trials video of any of the top riders where the rear brake doesn't squeal or squeak. I think it seems to be a fairly normal condition on a trials bike and something you may just have to get used to.
Dan Williams, you need to be the Trials treasurer of the world. Some really great points and by far and away the best way to look at the future of this sport. Well done mate.
I think you touched on the point that the biggest failures are caused by someone who focuses on themselves when they are laying out a trial, or changing club rules. If everyone thought about how we can make this fun for everyone competing, then we would see more participation at the lower levels.
Great thread.
Yeah I have mate, was there two Thursdays ago. Had a blast and managed to do ok. I am back there this Thursday afternoon too. I have an RDO so will be there fairly early, maybe around 4:30ish, Hope to run into you. I am on the Scorpa and wearing overboot pants, looking very amateur!!
I did trials as a kid, 20 years ago. I was ok at it when I did it, but stopped at 14 or 15 years old. Now at 35, I am finding even in only a couple of times back on a trials bike I have really surprised myself with what I could still do. It is so much fun on a bike, every rider should have a crack I think. Good work and keep it going, it's even a little inspiring to read stuff like this. Just don't get eaten by a lion or hippo!
I would be worried as to what those missing teeth have done elsewhere in the gearbox. Not good at all. Sorry it happened. Make sure you use a heavy duty loctite too, not just a mid strength.
It's great to see a fellow Aussie putting together some serious video's to help those of us that are less talented. The video's look good and contain bundles of useful tips, well done.
Some great pics, and great areas to ride. Looks like you have progressed very well. Well done.
Even if they borrowed a Gasser powerplant for the trials bike, and then built the bike shown on the website, at least it looks different and is a different concept with the trellis style frame. I think it would be great to see Fantic come back to trials. Still keen to hear if the lewisports guys know something we don't.
Here is another page in Italian on the 'new' Fantic trials models.
That picture was originally posted in 2005, which is all I know about it. I found it about 3 weeks ago looking for Fantic C@sta pictures. There is a caption or date on the original pic iirc. I wish it did go into production though, because it is a fantastic looking bike.
Here is the original page from Motocicliste:
(edit to add link)
Great vid, thanks for posting.
Thanks all.
I have a Drift HD that I will try and remember to take with me next time and put together a little video. Hopefully the next visit will be on a Sunday when I can spend a few more hours there and get better footage. I have no friends who ride trials, but am sure I will meet a few people at the club who will be happy to work together. There was many people there but I didn't know any of them from a bar of soap, so wasn't really ready to ask favors yet!!
I look forward to the next outing.
Mods, wasn't sure if this belonged in here or in General trials talk so put it here anyway. If there is a better suited forum for it please move it.
Today, as our trials club is open during daylight savings, I went there for my first real attempt at any trials riding in close to 20 years. I had a ball, and really surprised myself at what I was able to do after such a hiatus. The photos are showing a couple of obstacle I rode up, every one was cleaned in at least one attempt, all three had only a handful of attempts on each one. As usual the photo's don't do the hills justice. All taken with an iPhone 4S, so not the best photo's.
This was the first thing I tried with any degree of difficulty. Took 2 goes to get it right, small but looked big for me when I first got there.
Tried this and again took a couple of goes to get it right, probably third or fourth go I made it up no dabs. This really isn't done justice by the pic, but probably easy for most one here.
This was the next obstacle which I managed to clean on the first go at it, I was really chuffed with myself at that, as this was quite a daunting thing to look at. I did dab on the next 2 attempts then cleaned again on the 4th, and repeated this sequence again, but overall very happy.
Thanks for reading and looking at my pics.
You should always use an air gap when setting up forks as this gives you the most accurate measurement. This is a link to the workshop manual for an SY250F, however I am pretty sure they ran the same forks, so using this as a guide should sort you out.
Edit to add the linky!
Looked at my 1987 243 and thought, I must restore you one day.......
Honda want the #1 plate on their name rather than sharing it with the Montesa name. They are very obsessed with having the #1 plate. Look how it ended with Rossi in MotoGP cause he wouldn't wear it!
For a laugh, Scorpa SY250R, full of everything, 72kg's. Not too shabby for a little old Scorpa!!!
Real shame that they aren't going to live stream as I was prepared to pay for the privilege. The sport needs to be promoted better, but the FIM are not doing themselves any favors at the moment. Oh well I guess I will wait for the video in a few days again.
I have watched with interest MotoGP for a long time and I truly think that Vale was the man behind the leg out. I think he did it originally to put off Gibernau in the height of their battles, it was merely a distractive technique that became a riding style as everyone figured if Rossi is doing it then it must be faster. Even he says there is no benefit it is just what has become comfortable.
It never ceases to amaze me on internet forums, how grown men, masked behind the veil of their little 15" screens, can be such c o c k s. I truly hope these displays of utter childishness and smart a r s e remarks when people ask simple questions are not how said people would behave in person, as this would leave them a lonely person, with very few true friends.