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bully m92

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Posts posted by bully m92
  1. Woody is correct in what he says but them tanks are as rare as hens teeth. and would probbaly cost more. to be honest i only got the alloy tank for show alot off money if you fall off and dent it i just use plastic tanks on my bikes. Answer to the fuel tap is yes theres plenty off clearance between tap and cylinder head.

    Alright Chris, any idea when you would like us to pop over?

    Cheers Hywel.

  2. I don't know. Not sure if the crank is suitable for 2 bearings so I can't give you a definitive answer. However, I can't see any obvious reason why a later holder without the deeper insert couldn't be used. But I could be missing the obvious...

    By the way, you only use a gasket or an O ring, depending on which holder you have. Not both together.

    Cheers woody, i was wondering whether to use a different holder. I realised about just using the o ring, or the gasket.

    Thing is if i use another holder, will it affect using the wear sleeve, or do they all have the wear sleeve?

    Cheers Hywel.

  3. The rest of the bike is in good fettle to be fair, Like i say the only issue i have now, is a new crank and clutch side seal holder, oh and a new wear sleeve.

    Also forgot to mention mine is a 199 79/80. It also only has 2 main bearings.
  4. Hi Bondy,

    No mine are quite a bit different to those.

    I would put a picture up but there aint much left of it ha ha.Does anyone know whether the crank from a 250 will fit?

    The rest of the bike is in good fettle to be fair, Like i say the only issue i have now, is a new crank and clutch side seal holder, oh and a new wear sleeve.
  5. hi bully glad you got to the bottom of the problem. the sleave behind the wight can some times cease on i had the same happen to me.

    Hi Bondy,

    Well the motor's all stripped and in bits ha ha. Managed to get the sleeve off, once i had the crank out. BOY... did it take some budging lol.

    Just need to sorce a crank and seal holder now lol.

  6. Well it's just as i thought the crank seals are shot. Plus the bike has fallen foul to some complete moron!, the last time the seals were done.

    I eventually managed to get the crank weight off, and it looks as if the end of the crank, has snapped at some point, It looks as if someone has attempted to weld it!!! not a good job at al, as the crank is well out of true.

    Anyway on further inspection, i removed the crank seal holder........ and it came off in 2!! pieces. It has been broke in half, it took me an hour our so to remove the sleeve section which the seals sit into. As for the seal wear sleeve, it has welded itself to the crank.

    I read in another post about this, and the guy found out that he did not need the gasket's which sit between the holder and the crankcase. Seems this is the same issue as he had, where the gases have been leaking through and heating up the o ring and wear sleeve.

    When I pulled the head and barrel off, there was a fair bit of gearbox oil, in the crank case.

    One good thing is that it does have a brand new piston and rings.. ha ha ha. There is quite a bit of up and down movement on the big end though.

    And i wonder why it was running cack!!! lol.

    So to some things up, I need a new crank and seal holder

    Keep up the good work guys :D

  7. Hi Nigel,

    bowl seems to be filling fine, bango filter is clean and iv'e had an air line through the carb.

    Even with the tickover screw wound right in, she still wont idle.......

    If i hold the revs a bit it will idle fast but dies after a minute or so and i have to pick the rev's up again.

    Doing my crust in. I have got a mint MK1 amal off my m92 but i need the manifold adapter.

  8. Reply to carb topic.. IT starts up great from cold and even when it's warm, first or second kick all the time.

    So i presume the timing must be pretty spot on, also it doesn't misfire at all, just bogs or won't tickover.

    It seems fine once your riding it, but is a bit ropey low down.

  9. bully if you have the magneto puller it should come off easy. make sure you take the flat.and spring washer out first. i would not hit the magneto with a hammer if you have the correct tools will come off very easy. you will need the magneto holdin tool also you can buy both from inmotion for around £40 i have both femsa .and motoplat magneto pullers i had to have a socket skimed to go into 1 off my magnetos on 1 off my 199Bs

    Hi Bondy it's the primary weight thats stuck. When i spin the engine over it's running out of true, possibly installed roughly by the last person.Need to get a puller this week, shame as iv always just managed to give it a few light taps with a wooden mallet in the past, and its justv popped off.
  10. I'ts running a bing.The plastic thing is on top.

    I'm kind of thinking it may just be down to the carb being worn through age.

    The slide and bore are in good condition mind, with no ridges.I;m also wondering wether the crank seals are tired as she does tend to smoke a bit, I have new c3 bearings and seals.

    Ive just whipped the clutch cover off to make a start, and have noticed summat that doesn;t look quite right!!!!

    Either the crank is bent or the last person who did some work on it hasn't fitted the weight true... i.e woodruff key has slid up crank a bit.

    Which is why i can't get the bloody weight off!! bummer...
  11. I'ts running a bing.The plastic thing is on top.

    I'm kind of thinking it may just be down to the carb being worn through age.

    The slide and bore are in good condition mind, with no ridges.I;m also wondering wether the crank seals are tired as she does tend to smoke a bit, I have new c3 bearings and seals.

    Ive just whipped the clutch cover off to make a start, and have noticed summat that doesn;t look quite right!!!!

    Either the crank is bent or the last person who did some work on it hasn't fitted the weight true... i.e woodruff key has slid up crank a bit.

  12. Hi guys i'm having some issues getting this old girl too run sweet.

    Can't get it too tick over for love nor money!!. Iv'e tried adjusting the float level numerous times, it iether bogs and cuts out or just won't blooming start.

    Any ides would be much appreciated.

    Cheers Hywel.

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