I'm sure this post has been done to death, but I'm getting more confused the more I read about things.
I'm wanting to start trial riding for a bit of fun,nothing too competitive as yet. The last time I rode a bike was about 25 years ago and it was Yamaha TY175, the bike it's self will have been at least 10 years old at the time and you needed a crane to lift the front end up (you get the picture).
I want something suitable and reliable but also something manageable, that won't fling me off at every opportunity. From what I've read the beta rev 3 seems to come recommended, but I don't really know.
My inital thoughts were to go for something older but in good condition, there is a gas gas contact 1997 not too far away that is excellent, but I'm now thinking that might be a bit too old and heavy compared to modern machines. I also almost bought a Sherco 290 but when I looked at some footage on youtube, 2 guys mucking about were thrown off 6 times in the 5 minute video.
Any help or thoughts are much appreciated and I'm sorry if I'm treading over old ground here.