I wonder how often it will be in summer.
It seems OK. May be one of those special fluid, Engine Ice could help. Lean mixture can be the reason but I have no experience with EFI.
My new bought used Montesa starts fan after few minutes of use even in cold weather, and fun works almost all the time. Could it be wrong thermo switch or something more serious? Previous owner has been riding her for two years but did not think of it as a problem.
Thank you man, I'm sure this will be appreciated by many of us unfortunate souls
I'm sorry, haven't seen your post till today. Hope you are still interested.
I made it myself with a piece of aluminum and couple of pipe clips. Ready to post the pics if you are interested.
You can try www.trialstribulations.net.
Should be DOT4 for both clutch and brake. Mineral oil is mostly Magura and it is red so you can recognize it.
Bogme Dino, nema nam druge nego da osnujemo klub. Mislim da osim nas dvojice ima jos 2 trajala u Srbiji.
I would appreciate any info regarding fork oil change (at least grade and quantity of oil), my beloved one does deserve it. Tks
Mine is 06 and grab uphill well, could be carb issue. I am just careful not to touch the headpipe, but I have installed some kind of aluminum screen over the silencer, to protect my left leg. I made a screen on my KTM headpipe, it could be idea for you (fixed with two hose clamps, easy to move or remove). Hope the pictures shows what say.
Mine are Paioli, do you have any info or links to valid info? I'd like to change the oil and seals and to find stiffer springs if possible. Scorpa is '06 SY250. Any other advice would be appreciated of course.
According to the paper, 10/38 should be the final drive.
It seems I had the same problem: it started at second kick, but as soon as I open the throttle, it used to die. I tried almost everything (thought it was the problem with the carb or intake reeds) and in the end mechanic said that it was partly broken crankshaft seal: it holds but not good enough, and as I open the throttle it start sucking extra air and kill the machine. He replaced the seal and it fires on the first kick again.
What can I say than THANK YOU GUYS!
I had tried earlier this morning with no success than I came up to mu desk and prepared almost a novel with plenty of my observation and new question for you...Now I can recognize myself at least as and apprentice mechanics: everything is dismounted. In the meantime I have noticed that the rear brake cylinder leaks, knowing myself it'll open whole new field..
Tks again for your fast response, enjoy your riding!
Hi Adamspad5,I'm just about to change my swing arm bearings, I pulled the axle out but still I can't disassemble the swing arm. I have checked the exploded view in Spare parts Manual but it does not help. Am I supposed to press the sleeves out (if they are longer than housing) and in what way?
What I can say about trials movement in my country is: I'm afraid there are only two of us! Beside, I'm 60 and I don't live in the same town with another guy. Trials pioneers, that's what we are.
I've been riding enduros for last two years, and I like it a lot. Very soon i have realized that my ride tech progress is to slow and that I'm actually short of time..
Now I'm the proud owner of Scorpa SY250 (2t) and I'm spending my time in ride and maintenance, whenever I'm free of searching trough all those instructional videos on You Tube.
First I'll go and read all those posts, and later I'll try not to be heavy with FAQ.
I wish a good ride to us all